Trump-Pence: Keep America Great


like marbles on glass
George Will on Pence:

"The oleaginous Mike Pence, with his talent for toadyism and appetite for obsequiousness, could, Trump knew, become America’s most repulsive public figure."

Merriam-Webster on "oleaginous:"

"Oleaginous greased its way to the top of our lookups on May 10th, 2018, after the word was wielded by Washington Post columnist George Will in a stinging attack on the Vice President."


patrick jane

George Will on Pence:

"The oleaginous Mike Pence, with his talent for toadyism and appetite for obsequiousness, could, Trump knew, become America’s most repulsive public figure."

Merriam-Webster on "oleaginous:"

"Oleaginous greased its way to the top of our lookups on May 10th, 2018, after the word was wielded by Washington Post columnist George Will in a stinging attack on the Vice President."

Oh, wait just a minute. I totally don't disagree with that !!! Trump's doing great though isn't he?

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison



Well-known member
Bibi and the Neocons
Are they running the Trump regime? Article by Patrick J. Buchanan.

Brushing aside the anguished pleas of our NATO allies, President Trump Tuesday contemptuously trashed the Iranian nuclear deal and reimposed sanctions.

Prime Minister Theresa May of Great Britain, President Emmanuel Macron of France and German Chancellor Angela Merkel were put on notice that their ties to Iran are to be severed, or secondary sanctions will be imposed on them.

Driving the point home, Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin ordered Airbus to cancel its $19 billion contract to sell 100 commercial planes to Iran.

Who is cheering Trump’s trashing of the treaty?

The neocons who sought his political extinction in 2016, the royals of the Gulf, Bibi Netanyahu, and the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps. The IRGC had warned Iranians that the Americans were duplicitous.

When Trump finished speaking, Bibi launched strikes on Iranian bases in Syria, and flew to Moscow to persuade Vladimir Putin not to give the Iranians any air defense against Israeli attacks.

Iranian forces responded with 20 missiles fired at the Golan, which ignited a massive Israeli counterstrike Thursday night, a 70-missile attack on Iranian bases in Syria.

We appear to be at the beginning of a new war, and how it ends we know not. But for Bibi and National Security Adviser John Bolton, the end has always been clear — the smashing of Iran and regime change.

Tuesday, Trump warned that Iran is on “a quest for nuclear weapons,” and “if we do nothing … in just a short period of time, the world’s worst sponsor of state terror will be on the cusp of acquiring the world’s most dangerous weapon.”

And where is the evidence for this Bush-like assertion?

If Iran is on a “quest” for nukes, why did 17 U.S. intel agencies, “with high confidence,” in 2007 and 2011, say Iran did not even have a nuclear weapons program?

Saddam Hussein could not convince us he had no WMD, because the nonexistent WMD were the pretext, the casus belli, for doing what the War Party had already decided to do: invade Iraq

Why has the Foreign Relations committee not called in the heads of the U.S. intelligence agencies and asked them flat out: Does Iran have an active nuclear bomb program, or is this a pack of lies to stampede us into another war?

If Iran is on a quest for nukes, let the intel agencies tell us where the work is being done, so we can send inspectors and show the world.

Efforts to pull us back from being dragged into a new war have begun.

The Europeans are begging Iran to abide by the terms of the nuclear deal, even if the Americans do not. But the regime of Hassan Rouhani, who twice defeated Ayatollah-backed candidates, is in trouble.

The nuclear deal and opening to the West were the reasons the children of the Green Movement of 2009 voted for Rouhani. If his difficulties deepen because of reimposed U.S. and Western sanctions, his great achievement, the nuclear deal, will be seen by his people as the failed gamble of a fool who trusted the Americans.

Should Rouhani’s regime fall, we may get a Revolutionary Guard regime rather less to the liking of everyone, except for the War Party, which could seize upon that as a pretext for war.
What happens next is difficult to see.

Iran does not want a war with Israel in Syria that it cannot win.

Iran’s ally, Hezbollah, which just swept democratic elections in Lebanon, does not want a war with Israel that would bring devastation upon the nation it now leads.

The Russians don’t want a war with Israel or the Americans.

But as Putin came to the rescue of a Syria imperiled by ISIS and al-Qaida, to save his ally from a broad insurgency, he is not likely to sit impotently and watch endless air and missile strikes on Syria.

Trump has said U.S. troops will be getting out of Syria. But Bolton and the generals appear to have walked him back.

There are reports we are reinforcing the Kurds in Manbij on the west bank of the Euphrates, though President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has demanded that the Kurds vacate all Syrian border towns with Turkey.

Americans are also reportedly on the border of Yemen, assisting Saudi Arabia in locating the launch sites of the rockets being fired at Riyadh by Houthi rebels in retaliation for the three years of savage Saudi assault on their country.

Meanwhile, the news out of Afghanistan, our point of entry into the Near East wars almost a generation ago, is almost all bad — most of it about terrorist bombings of Afghan troops and civilians.

Is the foreign policy that America Firsters voted for being replaced by the Middle East agenda of Bibi and the neoconservatives? So it would appear.


New member
Bibi and the Neocons running the Trump regime?

Yup. Good read. I hope some Trump supporters will attempt a rebuttal.

Once John Bolton came in as national security adviser it became obvious that the same neocon chickenhawks would start again where they previously left off.


Well-known member
Ron Paul on Trump Killing the Iran Deal – Who Wins? Who Loses?

Ron Paul and Daniel McAdams
Posted on
May 9, 2018
President Trump’s statement upon ending US participation in the Iran nuclear agreement was filled with so many objectively false statements that it almost seems the neocons who crafted it were trying to make a fool out of him. The assertion that Iran is allied with al-Qaeda is so brazenly false that it rivals the tallest of the tall tales served up to lie Americans into supporting the disastrous Iraq war. So now with the US out of the deal…what comes next? What will the Europeans do? How will Americans react to the loss of 100,000 Boeing jobs due to cancellation of a passenger airline contract with Iran?


Well-known member
Which Israel? The pro abortion, pro homosexual, liberal and secular state which is there now. or the promised state in prophecy?

They're all mixed together just like we are here in the US. There is a nation, and there are individuals in those nations.

I found it interesting the other day when I saw some pictures of 1979 Iran....before these horrible Mullah's took over. Women were smiling at the beach with two piece suits on, and young men were jaunty and dressed in very American like clothing. In 2009 the people of Iran tried to stand up, but Obama ignored them. Instead, he gave their evil leaders billions of dollars to fund their hatred for Israel and the United States. That's no better than selling guns to the Indians was back in the day. :nono:

Trump ran on getting rid of the Iranian deal, and he's doing it. Just in the nick of time, I would say. Israel is our ally and they are very small. If we can't remove the money train, what kind of an ally are we?

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
America First, or Israel First?

Israel is our best closest ally in the nation. Putting Israel first IS putting America first. That's the exact opposite of that sick ignorant socialist pig Obama giving cash and support to the number one terrorist nation in the world, Iran.

Trump defends America. Obama was out to destroy America.

Thank God for Trump.

Those who bless Israel will be first.


They're all mixed together just like we are here in the US. There is a nation, and there are individuals in those nations.

I found it interesting the other day when I saw some pictures of 1979 Iran....before these horrible Mullah's took over. Women were smiling at the beach with two piece suits on, and young men were jaunty and dressed in very American like clothing. In 2009 the people of Iran tried to stand up, but Obama ignored them. Instead, he gave their evil leaders billions of dollars to fund their hatred for Israel and the United States. That's no better than selling guns to the Indians was back in the day. :nono:

Trump ran on getting rid of the Iranian deal, and he's doing it. Just in the nick of time, I would say. Israel is our ally and they are very small. If we can't remove the money train, what kind of an ally are we?

Great post.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison

President Trump Says the Iran Deal is Defective at Its Core. A New One Will Require Real Commitments.

The Iranian regime cannot be allowed to obtain a nuclear weapon. The 2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), more commonly known as the Iran nuclear deal, was a flawed agreement that proclaimed this goal but ultimately did not address the threats posed by the regime.

“If we do nothing, we know exactly what will happen. In just a short period of time, the world’s leading state sponsor of terror will be on the cusp of acquiring the world’s most dangerous weapons,” President Donald J. Trump said on Tuesday. “Therefore, I am announcing today that the United States will withdraw from the Iran nuclear deal.”

The premise of the JCPOA was clear from the start: to lift crippling economic sanctions on Iran in exchange for improved behavior from Tehran. The structure of the deal, which gave far too many benefits upfront in exchange for too few concessions, crippled its chances for success.

As a result, Iran continues to keep an archive of its past nuclear weapons work, enrich uranium, and develop ballistic missiles. Instead of using its newly acquired cash to help the people of Iran, the regime spends countless amounts destabilizing the Middle East and sponsoring terrorism.

“A constructive deal could easily have been struck at the time,” President Trump said. “But it wasn’t.”

The President’s decision directs America to reimpose nuclear-related sanctions on the Iranian regime to counter this destructive behavior. Since signing the JCPOA, Iran has continued to support Bashar al-Assad in Syria and has been complicit in his atrocities against the Syrian people. In Yemen, Iran has escalated a civil war and used the Houthis as a proxy to attack other nations. And in Lebanon, Iran enables Hezbollah to build an arsenal of weapons that threaten Israel—and the Middle East’s prospects for peace along with it.

All the while, Iran continues to use surreptitious means to exploit the international financial system to fund their malign activities and terrorist proxies.

The way forward, President Trump said, is for the United States to work with its allies to find a lasting solution to the threat posed by Iran. If Iran wants to be part of such a solution, the regime must engage in good faith, completely abandon any intent to develop nuclear weapons, and allow for the full verification of any denuclearization commitments. It must also cease its support for terrorism, its destabilizing regional activities, and its appalling human rights abuses.
The JCPOA has failed on all of these counts.

“Iran’s leaders will naturally say that they refuse to negotiate a new deal; they refuse. And that’s fine,” the President said. “I’d probably say the same thing if I was in their position. But, the fact is they are going to want to make a new and lasting deal, one that benefits all of Iran and the Iranian people. When they do, I am ready, willing, and able.”

Ending U.S. participation in the JCPOA continues the strategy toward Iran that President Trump outlined last October. That strategy aims to revitalize America’s traditional alliances in the region, restore a more stable balance of power, and check Iran’s ambition to dominate the Middle East by penalizing Tehran’s support for terrorism and proxy warfare.

The JCPOA decision also reflects the Trump Administration’s support for the Iranian people rather than a regime that treats them as expendable. In the final days of 2017, popular protests erupted across Iran as its citizens demanded freedom and opportunity from the dictatorship. “Under President Trump, the United States is standing with them,” Vice President Mike Pence wrote.

The editors of The Wall Street Journal agreed. “Mr. Obama sought to win over the Tehran regime by avoiding confrontation,” they explained. “Mr. Trump, by contrast, has distinguished between the regime and the Iranian people, much as Ronald Reagan did with the Soviet Union.”

And like President Reagan, President Trump believes in peace through strength and understands the dangers of appeasement. The decision to withdraw from the Iran nuclear deal also sets the stage for negotiations with North Korea by demonstrating that under President Trump, America rewards actions—not hollow words.

“There has been enough suffering, death, and destruction,” the President says. “Let it end now.”