"Trump Jr. should be very concerned"

The Barbarian

The FBI has obtained wiretapped conversations of a Kremlin-linked banker who later met with Donald Trump Jr. during the 2016 presidential election.

Spanish national police provided the FBI with tapes of Russian oligarch Alexander Torshin's phone calls with a convicted Russian money launderer, according to a special prosecutor from Spain's attorney general's office, Yahoo News reported.

“Just a few months ago, the wiretaps of these telephone conversations were given to the FBI,” according to the special prosecutor, José Grinda Gonzalez, speaking at the Hudson Institute on Friday.

Torshin, a close supporter of Russian President Vladimir Putin, briefly met with Trump Jr. at the National Rifle Association's (NRA) annual convention in Louisville, Ky., in May of 2016. Torshin was known to leverage his membership in the NRA for meetings with high-profile officials.

"Mr. Trump's son should be concerned," Grinda said of Torshin's meetings, according to the report.

The FBI did not say why it sought to obtain the recordings, according to Grinda. Spanish police have investigated Torshin for involvement in a money laundering scheme.



New member
I have a feeling Mueller is waiting to breach Trump's family until the very last moment. That's going to be a huge standoff.



"Trump Jr. should be very concerned"

My advice to Mueller is to make this evidence available to jurisdictions like California, New York and Virginia as a safeguard - if Don Jr. and the rest of Trump's "motley crew" are convicted under state law, presidential pardons won't apply!

The Barbarian


"Trump Jr. should be very concerned"

My advice to Mueller is to make this evidence available to jurisdictions like California, New York and Virginia as a safeguard - if Don Jr. and the rest of Trump's "motley crew" are convicted under state law, presidential pardons won't apply!

There's that, and his practice of farming out pieces of the scandal to other FBI offices after he gets enough evidence to make it work.

Trump can still pardon people in that case, but I think that's a type of trap in itself.

The Barbarian

Nearly seven in ten Americans support Robert Mueller's special counsel probe into possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia, according to an ABC News poll released Friday.

The ABC News/Washington Post poll, which was taken this week amid news that the FBI conducted a raid on Trump's longtime personal attorney and fixer, finds that 69 percent of Americans support the broad mandate of Mueller's overall investigation.

And 58 percent say they support Mueller looking into the most recent allegations that Trump's lawyer paid $130,000 in hush money to Stormy Daniels, an adult-film star who alleges a 2006 affair with the president.

Michael Cohen, the president's lawyer who made the payment, has argued it did not constitute an unreported (and therefore illegal) campaign donation.

According to the poll, just 33 percent of Americans now say Trump made the right decision last year when he fired former FBI Director James Comey, who has rocked the administration this week with claims in his soon-to-be-published book, "A Higher Loyalty: Truth, Lies, and Leadership."

Forty-eight percent of Americans said they were more likely to trust the former FBI director over the president, while 32 percent said the opposite.

Forty-three percent of Republicans say they still support the special counsel investigation.


That last is what should be worrying republicans generally and Trump particularly. A growing number of republicans are concerned that Trump was/is collaborating with our enemies.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
by tweeting that it was "totally legal"?? :freak:

remember what i told you about twitter anna?


New member
Didn't say he was - i was responding to anna's bizarre "under the bus " comment

His Tweet could be used as evidence against him and his son. That he thinks (or wants us all to think he thinks) that it wasn't a crime doesn't really matter, and you have to ask why, if it was all above-board in his mind, he spent so much time saying "no collusion".

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
His Tweet could be used as evidence against him and his son.

seems comic, but i spose it's the wave of the future

can you imagine a judge trying to make sense of trump's tweets? :chuckle:

can you imagine trump's defense?

"i didn't say that, autocorrect did! Covfefe!"


New member
seems comic, but i spose it's the wave of the future

can you imagine a judge trying to make sense of trump's tweets? :chuckle:

can you imagine trump's defense?

I'm more imagining a jury deliberating over it, personally. But, good prosecutors are adept at telling the story the evidence reveals.

"i didn't say that, autocorrect did! Covfefe!"

It's going to be ridiculous.


like marbles on glass
His Tweet could be used as evidence against him and his son. That he thinks (or wants us all to think he thinks) that it wasn't a crime doesn't really matter, and you have to ask why, if it was all above-board in his mind, he spent so much time saying "no collusion".

How much time did he (and his administration) deny there was ever such a meeting? Then the meeting was about "adoption," not the campaign. Then it was about the campaign, but not collusion. Then it was about collusion, but it wasn't a crime.

Now in this tweet, Trump admits what they denied all along, that the meeting was to get dirt on Hillary - illicitly - but Trump "didn't know about it"? The hell he didn't - whose blocked number did Junior call before and after the meeting?


like marbles on glass
I think that once the family is in play, Trump will turn the obstruction up to maximum. Which means Mueller has to be done with his work when that happens.

He has Malania undercutting him wrt Lebron James, and Invanka wrt immigration and family separation, and then he leaves Junior dangling in the wind today. We'll see how strong those family ties really are.


New member
He has Malania undercutting him wrt Lebron James, and Invanka wrt immigration and family separation, and then he leaves Junior dangling in the wind today. We'll see how strong those family ties really are.

I think before the end, he'll throw his whole family under the bus, to save his own skin. I don't take what Melanoma says very seriously, but what he said about Don Jr. was very interesting, because while it looks like he's defending both himself and his son, he's actually maintaining his deniability while also conceding his son's actions if not his guilt. But his hands are dirty too.