Trump chumps Planned Parenthood, makes them show they're all about child murder


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For years, Planned Parenthood has claimed that abortions only account for 3 percent of their services. That means 97 percent of their services would continue to receive federal funding.

And yet...



What a dirty and deceptive study.

Abortion accounts for 3% of what they do- if you include all the trivial things that they do, which largely are to prepare for an abortion :plain:
For example, you don't go to PP for an ultrasound unless it is in the process of aborting the child!

They are abortionists with no concern for the child- their prime directive is to the pregnant woman and what they want regardless of if it is moral or not. And if you're a man you can feel the prejudice permeate from those buildings a block away- don't ever walk into one :rolleyes: