TRUMP BUMP: The President’s Approval POPS TO 50% as Economy Soars

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison

ust imagine what his numbers would be if the lowlife scum in the media did not lie about him on a daily basis!!

TRUMP BUMP: The President’s Approval POPS TO 50% as Economy Soars

President Trump’s approval rating continues to rise following his well-received State of the Union address and the wildly popular GOP tax cuts; with new polls showing the Commander-in-Chief’s job performance rating rising to 50%.

The new data from Rasmussen Reports shows that 50% of likely American voters approve of the President’s performance; the highest levels seen since June of last year.

In contrast, former President Barack Obama enjoyed a 45% approval rating at the same time in his presidency.

The poll also shows 34% of Americans “strongly approve” of the President’s performance with 49% disapproving.

The strong results come after months of GOP successes and Democratic failures; with the Republican party passing significant tax cuts and liberal legislators taking the heat for a disastrous government shutdown over DACA.

The data also shows the President’s approval is largely tied to the US economic recovery; with Americans feeling the benefits of higher wages and yearly bonuses after Trump signed the sweeping tax overhaul into law.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison

The Barbarian

There were actually four known cases of voter fraud last election (if you count the illegal vote of one of Trump's "voter fraud" commissioners, there were five).

They are:

A woman in Iowa who voted twice. Terri Lynn Rote had the enormous misfortune of bad timing. Right as the candidate she supported, Trump, was drawing attention to fraud cases, Rote decided to try to vote twice in Des Moines, and got caught. The case made national headlines simply by virtue of the fact that it happened when it did, and that she voted for Trump.

For what it's worth, she suggested that the fault lay with Trump. “The polls are rigged,” she said to a local radio station by way of explaining her multiple votes, echoing another of Trump's complaints.

A man in Texas who voted twice. Phillip Cook was arrested on Election Day after voting twice. He claimed to be an employee of Trump's campaign who was testing the security of the electoral system. He wasn't an employee of the campaign — and the polling location's security worked perfectly well, it seems.

A woman who cast a ballot on behalf of her dead husband. Audrey Cook is a Republican election judge in Illinois. She and her husband applied for absentee ballots because he was ill. He died before completing his, so she filled it out for him and sent it in. The ballot will not be counted.

A woman in Florida who marked absentee ballots. Gladys Coego was hired to open absentee ballots in Miami-Dade County. One of her co-workers noticed that she was going a step further, filling in the bubble for a mayoral candidate with a pen she had in her purse. She was caught in the act and arrested. There's no evidence that she changed any presidential votes.

Trump Voting Commissioner Voted Illegally
Actually, Gerrish broke two laws. Although Virginia allows people to vote there 30 days after moving—after all, they probably know the candidates and issues in their old home best—he was outside that grace period. The Times adds: “A Trump administration official, who asked for anonymity to discuss the case in detail, said that Mr. Gerrish had a Virginia driver’s license at the time of the election and was under the impression that the state granted a longer grace period for former residents.” But Maryland also requires that new residents get a Maryland license within 60 days of moving, which he had not done.

Imagine that.


President Trump’s approval rating continues to rise following his well-received State of the Union address and the wildly popular GOP tax cuts; with new polls showing the Commander-in-Chief’s job performance rating rising to 50%.

The new data from Rasmussen Reports shows that 50% of likely American voters approve of the President’s performance; the highest levels seen since June of last year.....

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison

s stated elsewhere:

f you had one word to say what would it be?I say, "Winning"!

What They Told Us: Reviewing Last Week’s Key Polls

"President Trump closed the week with his highest favorability rating since mid-June of last year while the finger-pointing continues over the latest school massacre.

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows that 50% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of Trump’s job performance. President Obama earned 45% approval on this date in the second year of his presidency.

Now that Gallup has quit the field, Rasmussen Reports is the only nationally recognized public opinion firm that still tracks President Trump's job approval ratings on a daily basis. If your organization is interested in a weekly or longer sponsorship of Rasmussen Reports' Daily Presidential Tracking Poll, please send e-mail to

The president’s plan to fix the nation’s ailing infrastructure calls for generating $1.5 trillion in upgrades through ventures involving the federal government, state government and private industry. Most voters like the idea of finding outside sources to help fund the infrastructure plan.

Just 33% of Americans rate the safety of roads, bridges, dams, tunnels and the like in the area where they live as good or excellent. But only slightly more (35%) are willing to pay anything extra in taxes each year to upgrade and improve America’s infrastructure

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame

ust imagine what his numbers would be if the lowlife scum in the media did not lie about him on a daily basis!!

TRUMP BUMP: The President’s Approval POPS TO 50% as Economy Soars

President Trump’s approval rating continues to rise following his well-received State of the Union address and the wildly popular GOP tax cuts; with new polls showing the Commander-in-Chief’s job performance rating rising to 50%.

The new data from Rasmussen Reports shows that 50% of likely American voters approve of the President’s performance; the highest levels seen since June of last year.

In contrast, former President Barack Obama enjoyed a 45% approval rating at the same time in his presidency.

The poll also shows 34% of Americans “strongly approve” of the President’s performance with 49% disapproving.

The strong results come after months of GOP successes and Democratic failures; with the Republican party passing significant tax cuts and liberal legislators taking the heat for a disastrous government shutdown over DACA.

The data also shows the President’s approval is largely tied to the US economic recovery; with Americans feeling the benefits of higher wages and yearly bonuses after Trump signed the sweeping tax overhaul into law.

Yep, Trump has been rising in popularity, much to the chagrin of the "Far-left."

The Barbarian



Lets see what happens when prices for everything made of steel and aluminum increase because of Donny John's protectionist tariffs. Goodness, the price of beer in Al cans will go up.