Trump really showed the NFL a thing or two. Respect our Flag or pay the price.
Can you hum that one.
By the way, what price ?
JP, you put a smile on my face, which is why I have been hijacking your thread.
On a serious note, I do not hate Trump and I am 100% sure that you are wrong in accuseing the so called leftists of hatred.
Trump is a plonker. He makes the most gigantic diplomatic gaffs that leave those he interacts with... astonished,does not do it justice. That is not hatred, nothing to do with hatred.
Trumps policies might well cause hatred but I bet you that most people in the whole world think he is a bit of a nut job. That is not hatred, be clear on that.
Does this mean I am a Liberal Democrat ? NO, NOT at all. It means that I, along with the majority on this planet, think that Trump is a bad advert for the party he represents. And for the country he represents.
You might have detected by now that I am not an American. I am one of those rotten Jonny foreigners. If I can, I want to get the message to you that your accusations of hatred are wrong, wrong and WRONG. Not just being a bad a*s foreigner, I am old enuf to know that politics is a song and dance.
Several nations in the world are running without a hot shot leader; Northern Ireland (who ?) Ok, how about Germany - the might of Europe. Does everything go to rat shite? Nope.
President Bush was right. When America voted a Black man for President, it showed the world how great America was. It showed the world up for its inherent inhuman racism. Did the blackman make mistakes? sure he did, he is human after all.
Stuff politics. There will always be different opinions on what is the best way to do things (policies). May I suggest that what is most important is that the man, or woman, at the top has the right motive; that is to do the best to serve the unwashed joe public.
On a non-serious note, keep posting and I will keep taking the pi**.
Cheers mate.