Trump and the call of duty.

The Barbarian

Donald Trump today boasted of the United States' sale of 'F52' aircraft to Norway. They don't exist, other than elements in the popular video game 'Call of Duty.'

In a joint press conference Wednesday with Erna Solberg, Prime Minister of Norway, Trump said the US was selling Norway a fighter aircraft that is literally a thing of fiction.

The President of the United States said Norway had already begin receiving deliveries of the first American-made “F-52s.”

​“In November, we started delivering the first F-52s and F-35 fighter jets,”

Reality and fiction blend together for him. This is past being funny; who knows who's actually running things in the WH now?


New member
I've played "call of duty" once. Not my sort of thing, but Trump seems to like it.

You describing the game or his entire "presidency" thus far?

As you know...

"Fool me once, shame on yew...fool me twice...



...ya can't get fooled agin..."
