To Letsargue claim about Christmas


New member
People will say that long before anyone thought to celebrate the birth of Jesus of Nazareth the Christ in December there were already holidays
during that time.. Because in the ancient world seasons in North America were a big deal. Dark and Light and the amounts of each determined things like cold to death or warm and alive or starving or fed and stuff like that.
But Who made the seasons? Who wanted us to see the difference?

And then the The Lord was born. The Light of the World.

The Nations of North America said, "Light vs darkness, life vs death?"
"We know the REAL answer to that!!"

So around about the time of the year when everyone could be so glad the shortest day was over and from then onward the sun's light would increase and increase till glorious life burst out everywhere - that is when believing Gentiles celebrated the advent of the Lord, The Light of the World that shines on people living in darkness.

So who says they were wrong to connect a spiritual truth to a physical one??


So your religion is not the same as Paul's.

What makes you think you are right and he is wrong, rainee?


New member
People will say that long before anyone thought to celebrate the birth of Jesus of Nazareth the Christ in December there were already holidays
during that time.. Because in the ancient world seasons in North America were a big deal. Dark and Light and the amounts of each determined things like cold to death or warm and alive or starving or fed and stuff like that.
But Who made the seasons? Who wanted us to see the difference?

And then the The Lord was born. The Light of the World.

The Nations of North America said, "Light vs darkness, life vs death?"
"We know the REAL answer to that!!"

So around about the time of the year when everyone could be so glad the shortest day was over and from then onward the sun's light would increase and increase till glorious life burst out everywhere - that is when believing Gentiles celebrated the advent of the Lord, The Light of the World that shines on people living in darkness.

So who says they were wrong to connect a spiritual truth to a physical one??

Beautiful post!


New member
I am very sorry I wrote "North America" rather than Northern Hemisphere.
If you were wonder what in the hay I was talking about I don't blame you!


Anyway, although the Southern Hemisphere will get weather similar to the Northern - and although it often depends on how far a place is from the equator - the tilt works for as well for much of the seasons and what they will bring, yes? Some of you know better than I do no doubt.

But I tie the seasons the the ancient people acknowledged and built holidays around to the holy days God and God's people also held.

It seems to me God packed meaning into seasons and this may be one way He taught something to people. That was all I was saying.

Were you wondering what North America had to do with the birth of The Lord?? :dizzy:


New member
So your religion is not the same as Paul's.

What makes you think you are right and he is wrong, rainee?

Hello dear Meshak,

As I was trying to say - seeing something reminiscent of a spiritual truth in some physical reality is not a religion so much as simply noting a type of parable so to speak.

Now October 23, who uses a date as his nick for some reason (which numbers are symbols of something physical you know) may be right...
Christmas may be taken over totally by evil people who use it for evil.

But that can happen to anything - anything physical.

However, I will not let go of any recognized holiday, and I will tie them to the Lord or some other good thing often related to Him. Because they can be. Yes?


Hall of Fame
So your religion is not the same as Paul's.

What makes you think you are right and he is wrong, rainee?

I know you didn't ask me, Meshak, however, I will answer you anyways.

I think that anyone who is constantly angry in such a way that they need to yell, call names or degrade others is always wrong. It doesn't necessarily mean that what is at the core of their beliefs is wrong, but rather THEIR understanding of it.

I don't really know Lesargue ... nor do I hold any contempt towards him. The only impression I have been left with is that he is an extremely angry man who doesn't express his reasoning well.

FTR, I don't expect him to be peachy keen with everyone ... just capable of interacting with some. Haven't seen it.


New member
Hello Rusha!

Good to see you :)

However, if I could say this one thing about Letsargue, I want some things I say or do or have done to be taken with a grain of salt. I don't want them to overshadow any or all the good that might be found because of some other thing I may say or do or may have done or said. So what I want for me I have to be able to give... You know what I mean. So I try.

But btw when I was first typing this note I accidentally typed a "grin of salt". Maybe we could want that for all of us, for a Merry Christmas spirit in us here? (hug!)


Hall of Fame
Hello Rusha!

Good to see you :)

However, if I could say this one thing about Letsargue, I want some things I say or do or have done to be taken with a grain of salt. I don't want them to overshadow any or all the good that might be found because of some other thing I may say or do or may have done or said. So what I want for me I have to be able to give... You know what I mean. So I try.

But btw when I was first typing this note I accidentally typed a "grin of salt". Maybe we could want that for all of us, for a Merry Christmas spirit in us here? (hug!)

Indeed ... I agree. Tis the season after all. That includes Paul. :)


New member
Fröhliche Weihnachten!

Nothing about Mary in that. Nothing that sounds like "Mary" either. And certainly not anything about Mass (die heilige Messe). Shall we analyze "joyeux noël" and "feliz navidad" as well?

So, I guess Paul's objections only apply to people who speak English? I'm noticing a pattern with this.

Quit with all the English, people! It's a pagan language! Your problems with Christmas, Easter, the word "church" and so much else would be instantly solved.


I think that anyone who is constantly angry in such a way that they need to yell, call names or degrade others is always wrong. It doesn't necessarily mean that what is at the core of their beliefs is wrong, but rather THEIR understanding of it.

I understand what you are saying but I have read some of the things how he lives. I think he lives like an Amish.

He is super serious about his faith. I can understand his anger too.

I believe Jesus forgives his frustration.

He is not an ordinary Christian for sure.


New member
Fröhliche Weihnachten!

Nothing about Mary in that. Nothing that sounds like "Mary" either. And certainly not anything about Mass (die heilige Messe). Shall we analyze "joyeux noël" and "feliz navidad" as well?

So, I guess Paul's objections only apply to people who speak English? I'm noticing a pattern with this.

Quit with all the English, people! It's a pagan language! Your problems with Christmas, Easter, the word "church" and so much else would be instantly solved.

Oh I so meant to get back to this earlier! I love it! Thought Provoking
and a cause of curiosity!

Look, Ladies and Gentlemen, look. "Fröhliche Weihnachten!"

This is just an example of how rich we can make each other here with our own unique posts!

But as pagan as Spitfire may have been teasingly saying the English language is -- want to see what English can show you about This Lovely Phrase?

"Fröhliche" - Do you see what English word that is similar to? We have a word and its origin is related to this, it's "frolic". And I think seeing that does make the idea of "Merry," "Joyous," "Happy" and "Glad" seriously more clear!

"Weihnachten" - Two words combined. Everybody says "Fröhliche Weihnachten!" is the equivalent to "Merry Christmas" in German. But Spitfire points out it's much better! Watch and let's see:

"Nachten" Do you see a relationship to "noct" (Latin) like "nocturnal"? "Night" is related to the Old High German "naht" which came after the Latin, yes? Yes!

And get ready folksies because I am not sure even Spitfire knows what is coming next...

So what about "weih"? They will say "Weihnachten" means "Hallowed Nights"
Yes that is what it really translates to mean, though you may have to pull teeth to get someone to say that!

But are you thinking English didn't steal anything from teh beginning of this word ?
So how could you know "weihnachten" was really supposed to mean "hallowed nights" somehow, when the first of the word obviously doesn't look anything like a word that should somehow appear to us as related to "hallowed" or "holy"?

Well take a look at names, one in particular:
It is a German surname, traditionally carried by Jews, from the Middle German wein, meaning wine, and stein, meaning stone.

Our word "wine" actually is said to have come from the German word "wein"

One etymologist on his online dictionary says the word is essentially the same as "vine". And also posts this "The European grape vine was imported to California via Mexico by priests in 1564."

Yes, by priests.

Is the holiness or hallowed-ness of "Weihnachten" drawn from and based on the Sacrament? I think so. But I also think wine was used
to during Hebrew Ceremonies. So the connection of wine to sacred sacrifice could be very very old indeed.

Now Wiktionary will say "weihen" comes from Old High German "wīhen"
and means "consecrate" but you can spend a lot of time trying to find out why a word for consecrate in German is "weihen" when the word for wine in Middle German is "wein". And I gave up that part.

So anybody want to say anything about this?


New member
I had no idea that you were so scholarly. :)

No ma'am, not scholarly :chuckle:

But before the internet sometimes when others were out jogging or working out, I'd be looking something up in dictionaries or thinking about words while working at the sink or piddling in the kitchen :dizzy:

The study of word origins is fascinating and has been a long time hobby, but beware of it - it can have conflicting claims by differing experts.


New member
So your religion is not the same as Paul's.

What makes you think you are right and he is wrong, rainee?

(((( HELLO meshak!! ))))!!!

You May not be able to go this far; -- but I Know these Guys CAN'T; - it's For THEM!!!!!


(( "70" ))!!! A-N-D (( The "FIRST DAY" of the Jewish Calendar ))!!!!!!!!!

"In the Beginning" - God Created the Heaven and the Earth". ----- That is the SAME AS The First Day of the Jewish Calendar, AND That whole Span of 7 Days of """Darkness""", is the Same as 70 Years.

Noah Opened the ARK on the Mountain on His Birth Day; the First Day of the Jewish Calendar.

Moses was BORN - A-N-D Died AND His Brother took the Jews into Cannon, O-N The First Day of the Jewish Calendar, The Same as Jesus' Birth and Death DAY.

((( Jesus Was Born, A-N-D Died ))) O-N the FIRST DAY of the Jewish Calendar )))!! A-N-D, Jesus would Have Lived Exactly To the Day, 70 Years, Had He Not Been KILLED. 70 Years of Life was AT That Time, the Perfect Life Span, BY G-O-D!!!
There WERE "Many, Many" Other Things that were done ON The First Day of the Jewish Calendar Day.

M-A-N-S' Carnal Minded Creation was Formed from Nothing but the Word of God // Christ //, A-N-D Lasted Only ( 7 ) Thousand of Your Years - ( "T-O -- T-H-E -- D-A-Y" ), Of the "FIRST" AND "LAST" D-A-Y Of the Jewish Calendar; which is the Same Jewish Calendar Day!!!

The First Day of the ""Jewish Calendar""; IS ABOUT the Same AS - "About" - April 10th on the World Calendar.

"""Old Things are Past Away, Behold -- (( All Things are made NEW ))"""; -- O-N The First AND Last Day Of the Jewish Calendar; // About April 10th of your World Calendar!!!!

Now Geniuses; -- Prove ME WRONG, using YOUR False Christ, / but the Word of GOD!!!!!

((( Watch Your N-E-W-SSSSS!!! )))!!!!!!!!!

PAUL, DAVID -- 020816!!