...to hear me.


New member
I’ve been where you are
and felt what you feel
you might think
you’re an island
but you are part of a land mass
that is called humanity.

I remember the tribulation
I recall the anguish
the feeling of being trapped
the desire to escape
the weight pressing down
seemingly to crush me.

If I ever get out of here
let me out of here
invisible chains
invisible and yet tangible
bars and a locked door
is there anybody there to hear me?

Thankfully these are just memories of what was and how it was.
I was broken off that mass of humanity,but the memories remain.
The transformation I experienced was alien to my understanding until it occurred.
I have been where you are. You can’t possibly imagine what it’s like where I am now.
I know for a fact that even if you read these words you will despise them and call me a liar.
I don’t blame you, because that is what I would have done.


New member
I wrote this earlier in reply to some comments I received on a suicide website.The site is inhabited by people who pretend to have all the answers and yet exist in a state of abject misery.I've been doing a study on depression as the world calls it and on suicide as the world calls it.Reading what these people post and applying a Biblical understanding has reminded me of what it was like to live under condemnation.


New member
I have extended the original and changed the title:

THE REALITY OF CONDEMNATION.(Suffering under wrath until the day of salvation)

I’ve been where you are my friend
and felt what you feel
you might think
you’re an island
but you are part of a land mass
that is called humanity.

I remember the tribulation
I recall the anguish
the feeling of being trapped
the desire to escape
the weight pressing down
seemingly to crush me.

If I ever get out of here
let me out of here please
invisible chains
invisible and yet tangible
bars and a locked door
is there anybody there to hear me?

I give up
I really do
so what?
these are just words
and empty words at that
I’m nearly at the end of my tether
but I never seem to get there.

Trapped, alone, afraid
not able to admit even to myself
who it is that torments me
cursing, violent, soul destroying agonies
restless mind that longs for just one night
of undisturbed sleep…peace, sweet peace
that’s what I need.


Well-known member
What you have written brings this to mind:

Hebrews 4:14 Therefore, since we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession. 15 For we do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but One who has been tempted in all things as we are, yet without sin. 16 Therefore let us draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.


New member
The verse you quote is relevant to the converted soul. My poem is a description of an unconverted soul.

Not differentiating between the lost and the found is dangerous. The precious promises in the revealed will are for the heirs of salvation and them alone.

patrick jane

I have extended the original and changed the title:

THE REALITY OF CONDEMNATION.(Suffering under wrath until the day of salvation)

I’ve been where you are my friend
and felt what you feel
you might think
you’re an island
but you are part of a land mass
that is called humanity.

I remember the tribulation
I recall the anguish
the feeling of being trapped
the desire to escape
the weight pressing down
seemingly to crush me.

If I ever get out of here
let me out of here please
invisible chains
invisible and yet tangible
bars and a locked door
is there anybody there to hear me?

I give up
I really do
so what?
these are just words
and empty words at that
I’m nearly at the end of my tether
but I never seem to get there.

Trapped, alone, afraid
not able to admit even to myself
who it is that torments me
cursing, violent, soul destroying agonies
restless mind that longs for just one night
of undisturbed sleep…peace, sweet peace
that’s what I need.
I'll pray for you Truster


Well-known member
The verse you quote is relevant to the converted soul. My poem is a description of an unconverted soul.

Not differentiating between the lost and the found is dangerous. The precious promises in the revealed will are for the heirs of salvation and them alone.

Some of the lost do not know they will be saved.

Not all of the saved know they are saved.

Hope is for everyone; that's why we evangelize.


From Spurgeon (Sermon #1419, pg. 7):

"If this is done and you flee away from other trusts, then let me commend you at the same time to refuse despair. When a man sees that his confidences are broken up like a potter’s vessel till, to use the expressive figure of the prophet, there is not a piece left large enough to take fire from the hearth, or to take water out of the pit, then he is apt to exclaim, “Now it is all over with me, and I must perish.”

You loved your wife. She was the entire world to you. But alas, she is dead and you cry, “Let me die also.” You hugged your wealth. It has melted, that speculation has dissolved it and left you a beggar, and now you cry, “What is there worth living for?”

"Beware of dark thoughts which may beset you just now. In your worst moment, should Satan whisper in your ear a suggestion concerning rope, or knife, or poison bowl, or sullen stream, flee from it with all your soul. Obey the apostolic word, “Do yourself no harm.”

"Nothing could be worse for you than to break the law which says expressly, “You shall do no murder.” Self-destruction, if done by a man in his senses, is a daring defiance of God and the sealing of damnation. This is to leap from measured trouble into infinite woe, the depth of which none can guess. Why should you do this? Turn to your God. That is a wiser thing for a man to do than to destroy his own life.

Yes, there is something braver for a man to do than to rush upon the pikes of the foe because the battle is too hot for him. Go to your great Captain, even to Him whom God has given to be a witness to the people, a leader and commander to the people, and He will make you more than a conqueror. There are brighter days in store for you yet. Yes, there are days to come which shall never end, of everlasting life and blessedness if you will but now in your distress, cast yourself upon the covenanted mercies of God in Christ Jesus His Son.

It is grand to spring up from despair into the fullness of delight and many a man
has done this in an instant. This earth moves by slow degrees from the frosts of winter into the bright days of June, but God can make our souls to pass out of the deepest despair into the brightest hope in a single moment, and if we do but trust and rest in Him it shall be done."


New member
Some of the lost do not know they will be saved.

Not all of the saved know they are saved.

Hope is for everyone; that's why we evangelize.


From Spurgeon (Sermon #1419, pg. 7):

"If this is done and you flee away from other trusts, then let me commend you at the same time to refuse despair. When a man sees that his confidences are broken up like a potter’s vessel till, to use the expressive figure of the prophet, there is not a piece left large enough to take fire from the hearth, or to take water out of the pit, then he is apt to exclaim, “Now it is all over with me, and I must perish.”

You loved your wife. She was the entire world to you. But alas, she is dead and you cry, “Let me die also.” You hugged your wealth. It has melted, that speculation has dissolved it and left you a beggar, and now you cry, “What is there worth living for?”

"Beware of dark thoughts which may beset you just now. In your worst moment, should Satan whisper in your ear a suggestion concerning rope, or knife, or poison bowl, or sullen stream, flee from it with all your soul. Obey the apostolic word, “Do yourself no harm.”

"Nothing could be worse for you than to break the law which says expressly, “You shall do no murder.” Self-destruction, if done by a man in his senses, is a daring defiance of God and the sealing of damnation. This is to leap from measured trouble into infinite woe, the depth of which none can guess. Why should you do this? Turn to your God. That is a wiser thing for a man to do than to destroy his own life.

Yes, there is something braver for a man to do than to rush upon the pikes of the foe because the battle is too hot for him. Go to your great Captain, even to Him whom God has given to be a witness to the people, a leader and commander to the people, and He will make you more than a conqueror. There are brighter days in store for you yet. Yes, there are days to come which shall never end, of everlasting life and blessedness if you will but now in your distress, cast yourself upon the covenanted mercies of God in Christ Jesus His Son.

It is grand to spring up from despair into the fullness of delight and many a man
has done this in an instant. This earth moves by slow degrees from the frosts of winter into the bright days of June, but God can make our souls to pass out of the deepest despair into the brightest hope in a single moment, and if we do but trust and rest in Him it shall be done."

Spurgeon was a blind guide. His and your arguments do not right the wrong of not differenciating between the just and the unjust, the sheep and the goats, the clean and the unclean.
If you had experienced what I have described in the poem it would mean you have been converted, but it is a mystery to you. All your religion and self justifying will result in one thing, "depart from Me, I never knew you".


Well-known member
Spurgeon was a blind guide. His and your arguments do not right the wrong of not differenciating between the just and the unjust, the sheep and the goats, the clean and the unclean.
If you had experienced what I have described in the poem it would mean you have been converted, but it is a mystery to you. All your religion and self justifying will result in one thing, "depart from Me, I never knew you".

Happy you have the spiritual and intellectual ability to judge the hearts of men, lord.



New member
Happy you have the spiritual and intellectual ability to judge the hearts of men, lord.


It's not a natural gift, but is given to the converted to judge between truth and falsehood. Goats will eat any old rubbish, but the lambs are led by still waters and into green pastures.


New member
This message is hidden because theophilus is on your ignore list.

This message is hidden because Totton Linnet is on your ignore list.

The reason for this is simple. I don't want to read your heresies and you have proven to be incapable of receiving the truth.Go follow your blind guides and wallow in the filth that they teach and you prefer.


New member
This message is hidden because theophilus is on your ignore list.

You can't resist the temptation can you. You need to get yourself a millstone. I didn't click on View Post by the way and I wasn't tempted to do so. The words and ways of the wicked are not for me.


Well-known member
This message is hidden because theophilus is on your ignore list.

You can't resist the temptation can you. You need to get yourself a millstone. I didn't click on View Post by the way and I wasn't tempted to do so. The words and ways of the wicked are not for me.

Pot, kettle, black.


I was talking to [MENTION=10603]Totton Linnet[/MENTION].


Please leave me on ignore and may God richly bless you for it.



Spurgeon was a blind guide. His and your arguments do not right the wrong of not differenciating between the just and the unjust, the sheep and the goats, the clean and the unclean.
If you had experienced what I have described in the poem it would mean you have been converted, but it is a mystery to you. All your religion and self justifying will result in one thing, "depart from Me, I never knew you".
I know you blocked me. But I,couldn't resist. If you hate Spurgeon, I'm certain you hate Max Lucado too. Shame too. They might help turn that perpetual frown of yours upside down.

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