Tisha'B'Av (The 9th of Av) Why? How? What is this all about?


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This is the day when so many tragedies struck the People of Israel. From the time of the destruction of the First Temple until modern times, many tragedies, and hostile attacks, were directed against the People of Israel, Jewish people all over the world remember this date as a time of mourning.

…Tisha ’B’Av, or the “9th of Av” this year, starts on Monday evening (the 12th of August). When it falls on a Sabbath, it is called “Shabbat Chazon” or a “Sabbath of vision and revelation”. It is a time of sadness, sorrow, and remembrance. The question begins with “Eiha? (how) and “Lamah” (why?). The book of Lamentations begins with “Eiha” (how) “How alone she sits, the city (Jerusalem) once great with people….”

…..The voice of Yirimyahu (Jeremiah) after the destruction of the 1st Beit HaMikdash (Temple) and the city of Jerusalem by the Babylonians in 586 B.C.E the destruction culminated on the 9th of Av, (Tish’B” Av) This date marks the tragedies of many destructions in the history of Am Israel. Here’s a list, the destruction of the 1st temple is the first.

…..70 A.D. the Roman emperor Titus, destroyed the second temple and murdered millions of Israel’s inhabitants and 100,000 were taken captive to Rome, those taken captive to Rome were used as a sport in the arena, and others served as slaves. Many others from Jerusalem fled the country, going to Europe, Africa, and other parts of the world.

…..132 A.D. Bar Kochba revolt against Rome. The Jews lost and many Jewish lives were lost to the Eagle of Rome.

…..1095 A.D. Crusades, started by the church in Europe, the main goal to kick the moors out of Jerusalem, many crusaders were anti-Semitic, and during this time, 40% of Europe’s Jews were destroyed, one important event happened in Mainz, Germany. 700 Jews were living in that city at that time. They sought refuge in a large church to be protected from the crusading murderers. The Bishop at that time was kind and accepted to hide the Jews in the church. The Jews had given the Bishop all their valuables in exchange, to no avail. The crusaders entered Mainz, discovered their hiding place, and murdered all of them including the Bishop. Some say that the Jews there committed suicide rather than falling into the hands of the Crusaders.

…..1290 A.D. Expulsion of the Jews from England. Confiscation of property.

…..1478 The start of the Spanish Inquisition by Pope Nicolas, many Jews had to renounce their faith and accept Christianity, if not, they would be tortured and killed. This of course is not “real Christianity” but rather “Pseudo or false Christianity. Those who were genuine/real believers and followers of Jesus would never do such atrocities against God’s anointed people.

…..1492 The expulsion of the Jews from Spain on the 9th of Av. Many went to England and other countries in Europe, later on, many came to the Americas and settled in Mexico, Central and South America. By that time, many families had lost their Jewish identity, but now, many are finding it again.

…..1635 “Pogroms” or persecutions against the Jewish people starts in Poland.

…..1914. WW1 began and some 120,000 Jews lost their lives in the armed forces.

…..1939 The “holocaust” or “Shoah” begins in Nazi Germany. Result? We all know, that 6,000,000 Jewish people were killed by forced labor, starvation, and just “shot or gassed” in the concentration camps, just for being Jews.

…..1942. Deportation from Warsaw Ghetto to Treblinka Concentration/death camp.

…..1978 11 Palestinians landed in a small Kibbutz in Israel by sea. They hijacked a bus, killed the driver, and drove towards Tel Aviv. On the way to Tel Aviv, they used weapons fire and threw hand grenades out the windows at people on the street, and the result was 38 Israelis killed.

…..1994. The bombing of the Jewish Community Center in Buenos Aires, Argentina resulted in 86 persons killed and 300 wounded.

…..2012 A rabbi in Rutherford, N.J. was at home at night with his wife and 5 children. An Arab boy outside threw a Molotov bomb through the living room window to kill the family and burn down the synagogue that was part of the house. (Molotov bomb: a glass bottle filled with gasoline and a rag, the rag is lit and the bottle is thrown). There are probably many more events that occurred during the time of Tisha”b” Av, these are just some of them. During the time of Tisha B’Av, many will sing this sad song;

“Look from the heavens and see, we have become an object of scorn and contempt among the nations. We are regarded as sheep to the slaughter, to be killed, beaten, and destroyed. But despite this, we have not forgotten your name, we beg you not to forget us!”

…..We regard this time as a time of sadness and grief, but we must also remember this time as a time of survival, and a time to get out of “spiritual exile” It is a time to “return home to Abba” a time of “Teshuvah”. Our ancestors in ancient Israel committed spiritual adultery, going after pagan gods, went away from the ways of the Torah, despite the warnings of God, God looked down and warned our people, finally, the punishment ensued yet Elohim has not, and will NEVER reject his people, the remnant that survived is now in the millions, in every nation of the world. It is time to return, return to G-d, return to the ways of his Torah, return to the “Living Torah”

Many Jewish people celebrate Tisha B’Av during the evening, sitting on the floor of their homes and under candlelight, reading the book of Lamentations, many also fast although the only Biblically mandated fast day is during Yom Kippur. A fast during Tisha B’Av is more traditional than a commandment.

Another question is how is the book of Deuteronomy and Tish’B’Av related. Is there a relationship between the two? Well, we can look at it this way. Before giving up the ghost, Moshe announces from Mt. Ebal and Mt. Gerizim both blessings and curses to Israel. In a few words, blessings if they obey G-d and follow his Torah, and curses if they disobey G-d and disregard His Torah.

Of course, all of Israel say “Amen” and wish to receive blessings, yet once dead, a few generations afterward, they departed from the ways of Adonai and the Torah. They went after false gods and corrupted themselves, bringing upon Israel the curse. The tragedies of Tisha’B’Av were part of the curse. Some say that because the “Jews nailed the Messiah to the cross” these tragedies came forth, but this is far from the truth. Adonai had Calvary planned since the beginning of time. It would be the payment for sin for ALL of us.

But for departing from the Truth, from the way of the Torah, for rejecting Messiah (not for crucifying Him) came all these events ( and probably more events not listed). Our Heavenly Father loves Israel, always has, and always will. Yet there are blessings and curses for all decisions made, and Israel is not exempt from them. Pray that more of “Am Israel” will come to Messiah Yeshua and will follow the Way the Truth and the Life, receiving “Yeshuah” by faith.

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This is the day when so many tragedies struck the People of Israel. From the time of the destruction of the First Temple until modern times, many tragedies, and hostile attacks, were directed against the People of Israel, Jewish people all over the world remember this date as a time of mourning.

…Tisha ’B’Av, or the “9th of Av” this year, starts on Monday evening (the 12th of August). When it falls on a Sabbath, it is called “Shabbat Chazon” or a “Sabbath of vision and revelation”. It is a time of sadness, sorrow, and remembrance. The question begins with “Eiha? (how) and “Lamah” (why?). The book of Lamentations begins with “Eiha” (how) “How alone she sits, the city (Jerusalem) once great with people….”

…..The voice of Yirimyahu (Jeremiah) after the destruction of the 1st Beit HaMikdash (Temple) and the city of Jerusalem by the Babylonians in 586 B.C.E the destruction culminated on the 9th of Av, (Tish’B” Av) This date marks the tragedies of many destructions in the history of Am Israel. Here’s a list, the destruction of the 1st temple is the first.

…..70 A.D. the Roman emperor Titus, destroyed the second temple and murdered millions of Israel’s inhabitants and 100,000 were taken captive to Rome, those taken captive to Rome were used as a sport in the arena, and others served as slaves. Many others from Jerusalem fled the country, going to Europe, Africa, and other parts of the world.

…..132 A.D. Bar Kochba revolt against Rome. The Jews lost and many Jewish lives were lost to the Eagle of Rome.

…..1095 A.D. Crusades, started by the church in Europe, the main goal to kick the moors out of Jerusalem, many crusaders were anti-Semitic, and during this time, 40% of Europe’s Jews were destroyed, one important event happened in Mainz, Germany. 700 Jews were living in that city at that time. They sought refuge in a large church to be protected from the crusading murderers. The Bishop at that time was kind and accepted to hide the Jews in the church. The Jews had given the Bishop all their valuables in exchange, to no avail. The crusaders entered Mainz, discovered their hiding place, and murdered all of them including the Bishop. Some say that the Jews there committed suicide rather than falling into the hands of the Crusaders.

…..1290 A.D. Expulsion of the Jews from England. Confiscation of property.

…..1478 The start of the Spanish Inquisition by Pope Nicolas, many Jews had to renounce their faith and accept Christianity, if not, they would be tortured and killed. This of course is not “real Christianity” but rather “Pseudo or false Christianity. Those who were genuine/real believers and followers of Jesus would never do such atrocities against God’s anointed people.

…..1492 The expulsion of the Jews from Spain on the 9th of Av. Many went to England and other countries in Europe, later on, many came to the Americas and settled in Mexico, Central and South America. By that time, many families had lost their Jewish identity, but now, many are finding it again.

…..1635 “Pogroms” or persecutions against the Jewish people starts in Poland.

…..1914. WW1 began and some 120,000 Jews lost their lives in the armed forces.

…..1939 The “holocaust” or “Shoah” begins in Nazi Germany. Result? We all know, that 6,000,000 Jewish people were killed by forced labor, starvation, and just “shot or gassed” in the concentration camps, just for being Jews.

…..1942. Deportation from Warsaw Ghetto to Treblinka Concentration/death camp.

…..1978 11 Palestinians landed in a small Kibbutz in Israel by sea. They hijacked a bus, killed the driver, and drove towards Tel Aviv. On the way to Tel Aviv, they used weapons fire and threw hand grenades out the windows at people on the street, and the result was 38 Israelis killed.

…..1994. The bombing of the Jewish Community Center in Buenos Aires, Argentina resulted in 86 persons killed and 300 wounded.

…..2012 A rabbi in Rutherford, N.J. was at home at night with his wife and 5 children. An Arab boy outside threw a Molotov bomb through the living room window to kill the family and burn down the synagogue that was part of the house. (Molotov bomb: a glass bottle filled with gasoline and a rag, the rag is lit and the bottle is thrown). There are probably many more events that occurred during the time of Tisha”b” Av, these are just some of them. During the time of Tisha B’Av, many will sing this sad song;

“Look from the heavens and see, we have become an object of scorn and contempt among the nations. We are regarded as sheep to the slaughter, to be killed, beaten, and destroyed. But despite this, we have not forgotten your name, we beg you not to forget us!”

…..We regard this time as a time of sadness and grief, but we must also remember this time as a time of survival, and a time to get out of “spiritual exile” It is a time to “return home to Abba” a time of “Teshuvah”. Our ancestors in ancient Israel committed spiritual adultery, going after pagan gods, went away from the ways of the Torah, despite the warnings of God, God looked down and warned our people, finally, the punishment ensued yet Elohim has not, and will NEVER reject his people, the remnant that survived is now in the millions, in every nation of the world. It is time to return, return to G-d, return to the ways of his Torah, return to the “Living Torah”

Many Jewish people celebrate Tisha B’Av during the evening, sitting on the floor of their homes and under candlelight, reading the book of Lamentations, many also fast although the only Biblically mandated fast day is during Yom Kippur. A fast during Tisha B’Av is more traditional than a commandment.

Another question is how is the book of Deuteronomy and Tish’B’Av related. Is there a relationship between the two? Well, we can look at it this way. Before giving up the ghost, Moshe announces from Mt. Ebal and Mt. Gerizim both blessings and curses to Israel. In a few words, blessings if they obey G-d and follow his Torah, and curses if they disobey G-d and disregard His Torah.

Of course, all of Israel say “Amen” and wish to receive blessings, yet once dead, a few generations afterward, they departed from the ways of Adonai and the Torah. They went after false gods and corrupted themselves, bringing upon Israel the curse. The tragedies of Tisha’B’Av were part of the curse. Some say that because the “Jews nailed the Messiah to the cross” these tragedies came forth, but this is far from the truth. Adonai had Calvary planned since the beginning of time. It would be the payment for sin for ALL of us.

But for departing from the Truth, from the way of the Torah, for rejecting Messiah (not for crucifying Him) came all these events ( and probably more events not listed). Our Heavenly Father loves Israel, always has, and always will. Yet there are blessings and curses for all decisions made, and Israel is not exempt from them. Pray that more of “Am Israel” will come to Messiah Yeshua and will follow the Way the Truth and the Life, receiving “Yeshuah” by faith.
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