Three reasons the next President—and his/her advisors (and you)—should carefully...

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[Three reasons the next President — and his/her advisors (and you) — should carefully study the latest issue of the ISIS magazine, Dabiq. By Joel Rosenberg] "The next President of the United States — and his or her advisors — need to carefully study and analyze the latest issue of Dabiq, the full-color propaganda magazine of the Islamic State. So do other world leaders, Members of Congress and Middle East policy-makers. So do you.

Three reasons — in this edition of Dabiq:

1.ISIS leaders make clear they want to bring about the End of Days.
2.ISIS leaders vow to “break the cross” — that is, to slaughter Christians in the Middle East, in the West, and around the world, and to annihilate Christianity from the Earth.
3.ISIS leaders lay out the six reasons they hate us, they state their ultimate objective, and they explain why they will never stop killing until they achieve total victory..." Full text: Three reasons the next President — and his/her advisors (and you) — should carefully study the latest issue of the ISIS magazine, Dabiq. Mt 24:6


Military coup underway in Turkey. Apparently seeking to bring down Islamist government led by Erdogan.
Now, why is it a Presidential candidate, et al, should need to read that? It seems everybody and their brother, who has seen a little TV news, has seen what ISIS is up to, a clear picture that takes no imagination to get. It also seems that, if somebody is aspiring for government service, who should be on the pulse of world events, yet they need to learn what ISIS is from their magazine, they're painfully out of touch with reality, in a coma at the wheel, and, if anything, need to be rushed off for a mental evaluation, not elected to even dog catcher. If they don't get ISIS already, it's too little, far too late, and they were never a good bet for your vote.

patrick jane

I'm pretty sure if Rosenberg knows about it then US Intelligence and all the World leaders know the ISIS intent, but thanks for playing


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Mt 24:6
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