Would it help if the families of proven terrorists were deported?
Would it help if the assets of proven terrorists and their families were seized?
An interesting fact is that the IRS can and does seize the assets of taxpaying citizens on almost any pretext. Many citizens and businesses have been financial ruined by the predatory behavior of the IRS.
Why not seize the assets of terrorists?
Would it help if the families of proven rioters lost their welfare benefits? Would the mammas of these destroyers of property and brutal assaults on defenseless people take a firmer grip on the behavior of their children if the largesse of the community were to be withdrawn?
Would it help if the assets of proven terrorists and their families were seized?
An interesting fact is that the IRS can and does seize the assets of taxpaying citizens on almost any pretext. Many citizens and businesses have been financial ruined by the predatory behavior of the IRS.
Why not seize the assets of terrorists?
Would it help if the families of proven rioters lost their welfare benefits? Would the mammas of these destroyers of property and brutal assaults on defenseless people take a firmer grip on the behavior of their children if the largesse of the community were to be withdrawn?