This is what emboldened black supremacists look like

Nick M

Born that men no longer die
Hall of Fame


Well-known member
Lisa Burden is symptomatic of the black lives matter crowd. Although she is not an official member, she agrees with it wholeheartedly.

:think: From your link in the comments:
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HeWhoThinks said:
Unfortunately the vast majority of blacks think like this woman. There was a time in my life where I thought like this. When I stopped seeing myself as a victim that's when I woke up. 95% of blacks think like this woman and they are HOSTILE toward all people but especially white people. In their eyes whites have committed a crime. The crime of not seeing them as VICTIMS!! That's right when you don't see blacks as victims you have committed a CRIME! When you see black people like you see yourself you have committed a grave offense in the eyes of 95% of black folks. I know for those reading this it sounds insane. Im thinking about writing a book about this to explain it in more detail. White progressives know how to play the game and they look at blacks as victims. This is not new, Carter G Woodson wrote in 1933 that when you determine what a person thinks you don't have to concern yourself about what they will do. When you teach a person that they are a outcast(victim) they will automatically go to the back door without being told. If there is no back door their very nature will demand a back door be put up for them to go through. This is the sad state of Black America in 2017