This is the caliber of people who are anti-life, Folks... (!!) RE: Rubio


New member

Read the comments below this article...


This is the kind of people in the D Party, Folks...

(not to say all Ds are THIS bad, but... you would never hear a devout R say something this disgusting and inexcusable)



New member
I am wondering though... did Rubio RECENTLY believe there should b an exception RE abortion for rape/incest?

I mean, how long should we recognize as a long enough time... between the acceptance of one belief to the acceptance of another, opposite one..

in other words... Yeh... if you thought abortion was OK 20 yrs ago but now, for say 10 yrs you have been pro life and actively so... we can accept u r pro life

if you were pro abortion 2 months ago but now feel you may be losing the conservative vote...



New member
I have to apologize to Rubio... I have no substantial PROOF that he used to believe abortion was OK for certain "kinds of babies" those conceived in rape/incest..

i had no evidence other than Megyn Kelly insinuating that is/was the case.

I'm sure she wouldn't have insinuated it if it weren't true and that is why I thought that

But still, I don't know for absolute sure

time to got net searching again..
