I just heard an announcement that Gary Johnson secured a third party selection. Thoughts, ? Concerns ?
I just heard an announcement that Gary Johnson secured a third party selection. Thoughts, ? Concerns ?
I'm not a full libertarian but I like some of their stances and partially I just would like to see someone else in there to try to shake things up.
I just heard an announcement that Gary Johnson secured a third party selection. Thoughts, ? Concerns ?
I like some of what he says on criminal justice reform, immigration, focusing on less intervention in foreign policy, no gov't spying. Maybe taxes.What stances?
No, I don't buy into that conspiracy.You think Trump is a plant by Mrs Clinton?
Great news. Also great news is that RINOs Bush and brothers, Keating 5 liberal John McCain, and socialist liberal Mitt Romney will not got to the convention. Put those nails in your coffin :loser:s. Let little Marco, Cruz, Walker, and some good fighting wing right surprises take the stage. You can't get a wake up call like Zel Miller every year. Maybe somebody will come forward with repentance.
The more Mitt Romney runs his mouth, the more people flock to Trump.