Things said by the candidates at Republican debate


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Things said by the candidates at Republican debate​

  • Bush falsely claimed that he was the "most pro-life governor" there. True, he did a lot in Florida to stop abortion, and I give him a lot of credit for that. But he holds the position that some babies are more worthy of life than others. Those conceived by a rapist "parent" are to be killed. We have to rid ourselves of this notion that some humans are more important than others. It is NOT true...

  • Kasich doesn't believe in a gov shut-down if that's what it takes to defund Planned Barrenhead

  • Cruz is not political and believes in letting his core beliefs take him where they will, political fallout be... and so he probably would go with a shut-down evn though (wahh!) the Rs will be blamed... So what?? They are ALWAYS blamed regardless, you rino WIMPS!

  • Christie defunded PP 6 yrs ago in New Jersey. He says Hillary "believes in systematic murder" of the unborn. Chjristie says MAKE the president veto the defund PP bill (which veto would show the whole nation what many of us know already, that he promotes murder of children)

  • Trump, when faced with the issue of Planned B.. changed the subject. We are so surprised

  • Walker said Forget about the 60 vote thing, do a 51 majority vote (which helps to lift my confusion about... how nothing is getting done in Congress despite a R majority... CRUZ also has been VERY helpful explaining why this always happens... refers to the "Washington cartel"... aka WA crooks)

  • I am thankful to Bush for having school VOUCHER program in Florida

  • I totally agree with Trump about birthright citizens, how this should be ENDED... says 9 mo pregnant woman crosses border, has baby, and USA has to take care of baby for 80 yrs.. "I don't think so" (100% behind T on this one)

  • T says Fiorina ran HP into the ground.. still don't know whether this is true or not... but T has been caught in lies, so...

  • LOVE what Huckabee said about getting rid of a tax on those who produce... too bad we didn't get to hear mor about his tax on CONSUMPTION, not income... That sounds like a GREAT idea...




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  • [Assuming I understood the closed captions perfectly, and I believe I did] Walker says that raising minimum wage is not necessary [As many of us realize: Some businesses can't afford to do that and might go bankrupt if forced to] if we did what he has done in Wisconsin: cut property taxes, cut income taxes and put in place a good educational system and if we would repeal Ocare

  • Kasich declined to criticize Hellary

  • Rubio called out Trump on not knowing certain world figures (terrorists in particular)

  • Rubio was EXCELLENT in his knowledge foreign affairs and also in how to deal with problems... stating what should be (but often isn't) obvious: that the Fed gov is involved in many things, but should be primarily involved with keeping hte nation SAFE

  • Walker jumped in to make the great point that it was not Bush, but Pres O who has made us less safe