The White House's Problem Is Dishonesty, Not Chaos

The Barbarian

The fumbling of domestic-violence accusations against Rob Porter is a story about the administration’s inability to tell the truth, not its disorganization.

The White House’s response to allegations of domestic violence against former Staff Secretary Rob Porter has so stunned reporters that the whole episode has become an exemplar of the total disorganization of the Trump administration...It’s strange because the focus on disorder has overshadowed the more salient feature of the moment: Insofar as the administration is engulfed in chaos, it is a result of its inability to tell the truth. The Trump team doesn’t have a chaos problem so much as it has a dishonesty problem...The president, with his prodigious capacity for pumping out nonsense, may be the wellspring of the White House’s honesty problem, but he is not alone.


New member
The problem is really a combination of a few things, all from Trump's personal flaws:

1. Lack of character. All of the people he associates with a scum. The dishonestly starts there.
2. Lack of competence. Even if they wanted to do the right thing, they would usually fail.
3. Lack of interest in public service. Most of the people Trump hired are more interested in flying around in government planes or on government-paid travel while padding their own pockets.
4. Lack of empathy. They consider themselves to be the big men, the alpha males, and everyone else is expendable. That includes all of the women.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
The fumbling of domestic-violence accusations against Rob Porter is a story about the administration’s inability to tell the truth, not its disorganization.

The White House’s response to allegations of domestic violence against former Staff Secretary Rob Porter has so stunned reporters that the whole episode has become an exemplar of the total disorganization of the Trump administration...It’s strange because the focus on disorder has overshadowed the more salient feature of the moment: Insofar as the administration is engulfed in chaos, it is a result of its inability to tell the truth. The Trump team doesn’t have a chaos problem so much as it has a dishonesty problem...The president, with his prodigious capacity for pumping out nonsense, may be the wellspring of the White House’s honesty problem, but he is not alone.

It's a pity and a shame you're not as smart as you 'imagine' yourself to be. Know what I mean? Probably not.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
The problem is really a combination of a few things, all from Trump's personal flaws:

1. Lack of character. All of the people he associates with a scum. The dishonesty starts there.
2. Lack of competence. Even if they wanted to do the right thing, they would usually fail.
3. Lack of interest in public service. Most of the people Trump hired are more interested in flying around in government planes or on government-paid travel while padding their own pockets.
4. Lack of empathy. They consider themselves to be the big men, the alpha males, and everyone else is expendable. That includes all of the women.

Hey Rex, your total 'lack of discernment' has to be appealing to your fellow "Leftists." Would you happen to agree with that?

The Barbarian

Grosnik imagines more ideas for The Barbarian:
It's a pity and a shame you're not as smart as you 'imagine' yourself to be.

How smart do you imagine I imagine I am?

Know what I mean?

Very likely, I do; "I'm embarrassed and angered that the Evil Barbarian has criticized my hero again, so I'm going make a personal attack on him."

Although it likely soothes the anger and embarrassment, do you suppose it really matters to anyone else?

Probably not.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Grosnik imagines more ideas for The Barbarian:

How smart do you imagine I imagine I am?

Very likely, I do; "I'm embarrassed and angered that the Evil Barbarian has criticized my hero again, so I'm going make a personal attack on him."

Although it likely soothes the anger and embarrassment, do you suppose it really matters to anyone else?

Probably not.

If I were to give a "semi-professional diagnoses" regarding your boldened comment above, I'd have to ascertain that you suffer from a 'Multiple personality Disorder.' How do you like those Apples?

The Barbarian

If I were to give a "semi-professional diagnoses" regarding your boldened comment above,
I'm not sure that a lead custodian can make even a "semi-professional diagnosis." I'm just pointing out that when you get angry, you abandon any attempt at making a cogent argument,and just go person. You've again demonstrated my point, to wit:

I'd have to ascertain that you suffer from a 'Multiple personality Disorder.' How do you like those Apples?

My prediction is confirmed.



The White House is in a downward spiral and that has never been more evident than during the Rob Porter fiasco!

If the White House can't even manage its own staff, why should the American public have any confidence that it can deal with larger, more complex issues?

The reality is that "the smartest and the best people" simply won't support and/or serve in the Trump Administration and the lack of amy moral compass starts with President.

patrick jane

Grosnik imagines more ideas for The Barbarian:

How smart do you imagine I imagine I am?

Very likely, I do; "I'm embarrassed and angered that the Evil Barbarian has criticized my hero again, so I'm going make a personal attack on him."

Although it likely soothes the anger and embarrassment, do you suppose it really matters to anyone else?

Probably not.
You degrade and demean all day long, practically 24/7 365, 366 in leap year and I heard you're on several forums. You have been posting with reckless abandon and starting new threads every time a funny phrase pops in your liberal head. You have a syndrome. It's a mental disorder but they make good medicine for people like that. I heard psychologists and psychiatrists can't keep up with all the Trump Derangement Syndrome Victims. Don't spend the next 7 years in mental anguish, it's not fair to the people in your life. 7 years is a long time, almost 15% of your life. :e4e:

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
If I were to give a "semi-professional diagnoses" regarding your boldened comment above,
I'm not sure that a lead custodian can make even a "semi-professional diagnosis." I'm just pointing out that when you get angry, you abandon any attempt at making a cogent argument,and just go person. You've again demonstrated my point, to wit:

My prediction is confirmed.
Lead Custodian? Well, I really HATE to burst your over-active imaginary bubble, but, I've been retired from my, shall we say, "Area of Expertise" since 2008. My last position of somewhat lucrative endeavor lasted nearly two decades. To be honest, I didn't make a fortune, however, sometimes the benefits outweigh the monetary value one is able to incur. You've forced me to admit, I've never held a lead-Custodial position. However, I understand why you might be inclined to make such an accusation. I truly admire your earnest desire to minimize my accomplishments. I'm touched by your bewildering inability to separate YOUR reality from YOUR enthusiastic rancor. In the end analysis, you have garnered my respect and I still hold you in high regard, Sir.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Whenever you see the maroon colored tint from barbie's text it's a news article or someone else's words. When I realized that about a year ago, I stopped reading it.

Oh my, you mean, all of this time he's been 'living a semi-lie?' That is profoundly disconcerting and somewhat unpardonable. I feel so betrayed at this point. Words cannot describe how disillusioned I am by this rather sad development.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
You degrade and demean all day long, practically 24/7 365, 366 in a leap year and I heard you're on several forums. You have been posting with reckless abandon and starting new threads every time a funny phrase pops in your liberal head. You have a syndrome. It's a mental disorder but they make good medicine for people like that. I heard psychologists and psychiatrists can't keep up with all the Trump Derangement Syndrome Victims. Don't spend the next 7 years in mental anguish, it's not fair to the people in your life. 7 years is a long time, almost 15% of your life. :e4e:

It makes one wonder what his Parish Priest must be thinking of him? Perhaps someone in his Parish ought to report him to "The Archdiocese of Rome, itself?"

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Do explain. How have Barbarian's posts indicated Multiple Personality Disorder, Dr. Marowbe?

I'm sorry, however, I'm unable to discuss Barbs case in accordance with stringent "HIPAA regulations." I'm a stickler when it comes to the Law. I'm barred from sharing any ongoing investigational information involving any person or persons who may or may not be eligible for any unnecessary psychotherapeutic intervention.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame

The White House is in a downward spiral and that has never been more evident than during the Rob Porter fiasco!

If the White House can't even manage its own staff, why should the American public have any confidence that it can deal with larger, more complex issues?

The reality is that "the smartest and the best people" simply won't support and/or serve in the Trump Administration and the lack of amy moral compass starts with President.

How is this a 'fiasco' if no one in the Trump administration knew about this guys crimes, until recently? Remember, "Hindsight is 20/20."

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Far-left zealots cannot/will not accept ANYTHING our President says, does or thinks. As I've said before, these "people" suffer from "SORELOSERITIS", and cannot accept that their "Queen Hillary" didn't win the election by a landslide. I think it's called "Sour Grapes."


Trump's own FBI and Justice Department urged the President not to release the Nunes memo.

Trump released the memo anyway.

But after promising Friday morning that the Democratic memo would be released "soon," Trump hung his decision not to release it on concerns voiced by -- wait for it -- the FBI and Justice Department!!!

May the farce continue.


Trump was overheard telling Rep. Jeff Duncan, R-South Carolina, at the State of the Union that the Nunes memo would be released -- even as the White House counsel and the national security team were still reviewing it.

His mind was made up to release the Nunes memo no matter what the FBI and Justice Department -- or anyone else -- said. Because he believed it. Because it was good for him politically.

To then hide behind the same FBI and Justice Department you ignored a week ago in order to slow -- or stop -- the release of a memo that tells a story Trump doesn't believe or like is the height of hypocrisy.