The Tzniut, Wives and Head Coverings


Since the Law has not been abolished, neither has head covering, aka the tzniut that wives must wear, which is a symbol she is married, hence why Paul says, "it is a symbol of authority over her head". For when a woman becomes married, she comes under the authority of a husband, due to the curse against Eve when she transgressed, "your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you". As such, when Rebekah first saw Isaac, who she was going to marry, she "veiled" herself, which is the tzniut. However, if a wife does not want to wear a head covering, then she must shave her head and remain shaven, because in addition to the head covering, a wife with a shaven head is another symbol of marriage, hence "...if you see any captive woman, you may take her as a wife. You shall shave her head...". If a wife does neither of these, then she is in disobedience to the commands of God, and not only her, but also those who approve.