The Truth About Using Any Form of Contraceptive To Prevent Pregnancy


There are many forms of contraception, from condoms, to birth control pills, to surgeries that sterilize men and women, to even just the plain old "pull out" trick when a man orgasms. Yet what do all these things stem from? From the desire to only want the pleasure of sex, while disposing the blessing of God to be fruitful and multiply. When God brought the woman to man, they became married, hence why this verse declares Adam and "his wife",
The man said, "This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called 'woman,' for she was taken out of man." That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh. Adam and his wife were both naked, and they felt no shame. (Genesis 2:23 [NIV])
And what had God declared to them?
God blessed them and said to them, "Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground." (Genesis 1:28 [NIV])
He blessed them, to be fruitful and to multiply, through their sexual relationship, within their marriage, thus conveying that the very purpose of their marriage was to allow for a sexual relationship that would thus yield them the blessing of offspring. Even in the Psalms we read that children are a blessing,
Children are a heritage from the LORD, offspring a reward from him. (Psalms 127:3 [NIV])
Even so, the purpose of marriage is indeed to be able to have sex, and sex does indeed give pleasure, which is why even Paul says,
But if they cannot control themselves, they should marry, for it is better to marry than to burn with passion. (1 Corinthians 7:9 [NIV])
Yet every sexual act done with your spouse ought to be done without preventing conception, as it is brushing off a blessing that God has given, and it is also something that is a sin in accordance with the Law of Moses,
And Onan knowing that the seed will not be his -- that it came to pass whenever he entered to his brother's wife, he discharged upon the ground, to not give seed to his brother. And it appeared wicked before God that he did this; and he put to death also this one. (Genesis 38:9-10 [ABP])
The wickedness of Onan was not that he wouldn't give offspring to his sister-in-law, because although the Law of Moses does state that a brother-in-law is bound by duty to take the wife of a deceased brother, it is not, however, a law that is punishable by death, if the brother-in-law refuses to take the sister-in-law as wife, it is only a duty that he do so, as we see here,
And if brethren should dwell in the same place, and one of them should die, and there might not be seed to him, the wife of the one having died shall not be outside the husband's family not near. The brother of her husband shall enter to her, and he shall take her to himself as wife, and he shall live with her. [6] And it will be, that the male child, who ever she should give birth to, shall be ordained from the name of the one coming to an end, and his name shall not be wiped away from out of Israel. [7] But if the man does not want to take the wife of his brother; then the woman shall ascend unto the gate to the council of elders, and shall say, the brother of my husband does not want to raise up the name of his brother in Israel -- the brother of my husband does not want to. [8] And the council of elders of that city shall call him, and they shall speak to him. And standing, should he say, I am not willing to take her; [9] then the wife of his brother coming forward to him, before the council of elders, then shall untie his sandal, the one from his foot, and shall spit into his face; and responding she shall say, Thus shall they do to the man who shall not build the house of his brother. [10] And his name shall be called in Israel, House of the Untied Sandal. (Deuteronomy 25:5 [ABP])
So therefore, the putting to death of Onan was not because he did not fulfill his duty to his deceased brother's sister-in-law, as the Law of Moses does not punish to death any brother that refuses to do this duty, but because he spilled his semen on the ground, meaning that he was preventing conception. The prevention of conception, even the mere spilling of sperm on the ground or anywhere that is not inside a man's wife, is wicked before God, and is thus a sin that is punishable by death to God. Therefore, any man that wastes his semen, or does not discharge inside his wife when he orgasms, or also prevents conception in any way, is indeed sinning against God, a sin that is punishable by death.


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And Onan knowing that the seed will not be his -- that it came to pass whenever he entered to his brother's wife, he discharged upon the ground, to not give seed to his brother. And it appeared wicked before God that he did this; and he put to death also this one. (Genesis 38:9-10 [ABP]

The wickedness of Onan was not that he wouldn't give offspring to his sister-in-law,
Yes it was.

because although the Law of Moses does state that a brother-in-law is bound by duty to take the wife of a deceased brother, it is not, however, a law that is punishable by death, if the brother-in-law refuses to take the sister-in-law as wife, it is only a duty that he do so, as we see here,

So therefore, the putting to death of Onan was not because he did not fulfill his duty to his deceased brother's sister-in-law, as the Law of Moses does not punish to death any brother that refuses to do this duty, but because he spilled his semen on the ground, meaning that he was preventing conception. The prevention of conception, even the mere spilling of sperm on the ground or anywhere that is not inside a man's wife, is wicked before God, and is thus a sin that is punishable by death to God. Therefore, any man that wastes his semen, or does not discharge inside his wife when he orgasms, or also prevents conception in any way, is indeed sinning against God, a sin that is punishable by death.
You blithering idiot!
GOD killed lots of folks for things that did not have a death sentence in the law.
And GOD also let some folks live for doing things that did have a death sentence in the law.
So whether GOD killed Onan or not is not dependent on a death sentence per the law.
Good grief, will you just read ALL of scripture before you come on here looking so foolish?

We know very well that the practice of "spilling seed" was known of and used among Israel as per the story of Onan.
And yet there is no guilty verdict for doing such a thing in scripture.
GOD was displeased with Onan because he did not fulfill his duty by giving his brother a seed (offspring) hindering his inheritance.


Yes it was.

You blithering idiot!
GOD killed lots of folks for things that did not have a death sentence in the law.
And GOD also let some folks live for doing things that did have a death sentence in the law.
So whether GOD killed Onan or not is not dependent on a death sentence per the law.
Good grief, will you just read ALL of scripture before you come on here looking so foolish?

We know very well that the practice of "spilling seed" was known of and used among Israel as per the story of Onan.
And yet there is no guilty verdict for doing such a thing in scripture.
GOD was displeased with Onan because he did not fulfill his duty by giving his brother a seed (offspring) hindering his inheritance.

The Law of Moses does not require the death of a brother-in-law not fulfilling his duty to a dead brother, therefore, the death of Onan was not because he did not fulfill his duty, but because of contraception.


Yes it was.

You blithering idiot!
GOD killed lots of folks for things that did not have a death sentence in the law.
And GOD also let some folks live for doing things that did have a death sentence in the law.
So whether GOD killed Onan or not is not dependent on a death sentence per the law.
Good grief, will you just read ALL of scripture before you come on here looking so foolish?

We know very well that the practice of "spilling seed" was known of and used among Israel as per the story of Onan.
And yet there is no guilty verdict for doing such a thing in scripture.
GOD was displeased with Onan because he did not fulfill his duty by giving his brother a seed (offspring) hindering his inheritance.

And let me guess, I'm a blithering idiot because you probably practice contraception? Hmmmmm.


Yes it was.

You blithering idiot!
GOD killed lots of folks for things that did not have a death sentence in the law.
And GOD also let some folks live for doing things that did have a death sentence in the law.
So whether GOD killed Onan or not is not dependent on a death sentence per the law.
Good grief, will you just read ALL of scripture before you come on here looking so foolish?

We know very well that the practice of "spilling seed" was known of and used among Israel as per the story of Onan.
And yet there is no guilty verdict for doing such a thing in scripture.
GOD was displeased with Onan because he did not fulfill his duty by giving his brother a seed (offspring) hindering his inheritance.

Amen Tambora!!

[MENTION=19651]cgaviria[/MENTION] has also failed to take (Luke 3:33) into account. As "Onan" was supposed to get with "Tamar". And... well... Tamar ended up with the child of Judah.

So... yup... in a sense... Onan was tampering with DNA of a "Divine" purpose.

And that is the real reason his choice at the time led to his demise.

: )
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And let me guess, I'm a blithering idiot because you probably practice contraception? Hmmmmm.
Whether anyone in the world uses contraception has nothing to do with why you are a blithering idiot.
Only a blithering idiot would think it does.


Whether anyone in the world uses contraception has nothing to do with why you are a blithering idiot.
Only a blithering idiot would think it does.

Doesn't really matter what insults you hurl at me in your anger, one day you will stand and be judged by the very law I am quoting. That is all.


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Doesn't really matter what insults you hurl at me in your anger, one day you will stand and be judged by the very law I am quoting. That is all.
You will be if you choose to merit your salvation by your righteousness and obedience.

I rely on the righteousness and obedience of the one.

Romans 5:18-19 KJV
(18) Therefore as by the offence of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation; even so by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life.
(19) For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous.

How many? One, not two - Christ plus you.
Just one.
(((HINT: That one ain't you.)))


You will be if you choose to merit your salvation by your righteousness and obedience.

I rely on the righteousness and obedience of the one.

Romans 5:18-19 KJV
(18) Therefore as by the offence of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation; even so by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life.
(19) For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous.

(((HINT: That one ain't you.)))

No one that has the righteousness that comes from God will then reject commands that are written in his own law. Contraception is indeed a sin, and is contrary to the intention of God for a husband to procreate with his wife.


No one that has the righteousness that comes from God will then reject commands that are written in his own law. Contraception is indeed a sin, and is contrary to the intention of God for a husband to procreate with his wife.
And what would you say of a couple having sex when the wife is 1 or 2 months pregnant?


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No one that has the righteousness that comes from God will then reject commands that are written in his own law. Contraception is indeed a sin, and is contrary to the intention of God for a husband to procreate with his wife.
Would you like to tell us which woman Christ had offspring with to obey the "replenish the earth" with?
You are not also one of the fools that proclaim Jesus married a woman and had kids with her, are ya?


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And what would you say of a couple having sex when the wife is 1 or 2 months pregnant?
As with most of the crap he/she has posted here, he/she has not really thought it through, but is just parroting others cult teachings.


Would you like to tell us which woman Christ had offspring with to obey the "replenish the earth" with?
You are not also one of the fools that proclaim Jesus married a woman and had kids with her, are ya?

Celibacy is superior to marriage in accordance to the teachings of Jesus Christ and the apostles, because marriage itself is passing away and will no longer be, which is why Paul encourages all to remain unmarried as he is. However, to those who do marry, they must keep the marriage bed holy. Contraception is not keeping the marriage bed holy, as that is a sinful act in accordance to the law.


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No one that has the righteousness that comes from God will then reject commands that are written in his own law. Contraception is indeed a sin, and is contrary to the intention of God for a husband to procreate with his wife.
Still relying on two instead of one, I see.
Not a surprise, coming from your cult.

If you are relying on any of your own righteousness and obedience, you are relying on the wrong one.

Romans 5:18-19 KJV
(18) Therefore as by the offence of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation; even so by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life.
For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous.


New member
There are many forms of contraception, from condoms, to birth control pills, to surgeries that sterilize men and women, to even just the plain old "pull out" trick when a man orgasms. Yet what do all these things stem from? From the desire to only want the pleasure of sex, while disposing the blessing of God to be fruitful and multiply.

Sex in marriage is not just for procreation, sex is a binding agent between a woman and a man, i.e it's just plain fun.