This is a like reason I couldn't get myself to be enthusiastic over Trump, more a matter of being adamantly anti-Hillary. We know what she is. But, when all is said and done, we don't know what Mr. Trump is. He has no record that isn't a moving target, has never governed. And an intelligent person pays attention to data, to patterns, history.
Political campaigns are truly a matter of, when their lips are moving, they're lying, promise everybody the moon, at no cost. People will not elect anybody who would campaign on hard, practical truths, and, in this, the people are to blame. If you'll only vote for somebody who tells you what you want to hear, you've trained them to do this. So, we don't know, or at least I don't know, if Mr. Trump's campaign was even serious, whether he will, in the main, just cave in to the Washington machine, whether even his campaign will turn into, "Just kidding." It got another narcissist elected.
Obama's first campaign hoodwinked most everybody. He was really, really good, in my case, too good, too slick: you could tell it was a sham, a fabrication, a sales job, using sales techniques, chants and tickling ears, bigtime. I told people this in 2008, some getting angry, as they wouldn't believe me, that he was just a slickster, a liar, a car salesman. It remains to be seen what Mr. Trump really is, whether he "drains the swamp," "locks her up," "builds the wall," negates bad trades deals, keeps Muslims out, on and on. At least he appears to have a genuine connection to people sterile Obama did not have.
It always remains that you can't know anybody by their lip service, but, "Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them." We'll see, but the pattern of lip service campaigns that are now the established tradition of ear tickling? This doesn't encourage me. At the same time, we need to give Mr. Trump every deference, opportunity and a little patience, and wish him God speed, give him the benefit of the doubt. The one thing I’ve found encouraging is that he was never a creature of special interests, used his own money, and he has all the right enemies, people we know are sleazeballs and more loyal to the U.N. than the people of the U.S. and our Constitution.
But again, we’ll see. Speaking of reality checks, the 15% maximum tax, with the government hemorrhaging debt at the same time, to simply keep operating, somebody needs to explain that alchemy!