The Terms "Socialism, Marxism And Communism "Are Now Meaningless .

The Horn

Let's face it : the terms socialism,Marxism and communism have been used so loosely for so long by conservatives they have lost all meaning . They are now nothing but frightening-sounding buzz words used to frighten naive, gullible and ignorant Americans .
I have yet to meet a conservative in recent years who actually knows what these words mean . They have become interchangeable even thought they are not the same thing . For one thing, socialism is not the same thing as communism, nor does socialism automatically lead toward creating a totalitarian communist dictatorship in any country .
Karl Marx was a 19th century German economist and philosopher who was disturbed by the way rich industrialists exploited their employees . He noticed how a tiny handful of wealthy industrialists had control over the lives of so many people in Europe . The majority of people in Europe were poor and lived lives of dreary helplessness and poverty because of a tiny handful of greedy and ruthless individualists .
So he came up with the idea of creating a world where everyone would be treated fairly and people would not be mired in poverty because of corporate greed , and he called this communism . Of occurs,e his ideas, while well meant, did not work in theory , and when communists took Russia over in 1917, many year after his death, they created a totalitarian dictatorship where all private enterprise was forbidden and the state controlled all industries and controlled wages and distribution of goods etc , and where religion was suppressed brutally .
This was a terrible economic system ; it created general poverty and the amount and quality of good available was meagre and poor , and all dissent was ruthlessly suppressed .
The same happened many year later in China when Mao Zedong took the country over . Millions and millions of innocent people were killed by the governments of both huge nations .
Communism was a huge disaster and a dismal failure, and it ended about 30 years ago in Russia . China still calls itself communist , but it has adopted a capitalist economy , and it still represses religion brutally . There is religious freedom now in Russia , but it is still a totalitarian dictatorship run by the ruthless and brutal tyrant Vladimir Putin . China is also a totalitarian dictatorship .
But conservatives in America today mistakenly equate the socially liberal policies of the Democratic party with socialism and communism , even though there is nothing even remotely communist about this party and never has been . They also equate the existence of a social safety net in America, something which is absolutely essential for nay civilized nation, with socialism, and they stupidly believe that this "socialism" will somehow lead toward America being turned into another Soviet Union by the Democrats , which is just plain ludicrous .
Any liberal politician in the Democratic party is automatically labeled a socialist, Marxist and communist . And the conservative media keeps repeating the ludicrous notion that the Democrats intend to impose Soviet steal communism on America , especially Bernie Sanders.
Sanders is not a communist. He is Social Democrat - which means that he favors the same kind of benign capitalism mixed with government control which has created so much prosperity in the countries of Europe, such as Germany, Austria, Switzerland, the Netherlands, and in Scandinavia .
These countries have capitalist economies , but they handle capitalism is a way which prevents big corporations from exploiting the public and their employees .
This means that everyone as good medical care , college is affordable or even free , no one dies from lack of medical care (about 50,000 people in America die from this every year , no one goes bankrupt because of major illness etc . Many,many people in America do .
What is so horrible about this kind of government ? Nothing . Do they suppress religious freedom ? No. People are still free to be Christians or whatever religion . Do people live in misery and squalor ? Hardly .
Is losing job a disaster which makes people homeless as it often doe sin America? No.
America could learn a lot from Europe . No, these European countries are not paradise on earth and they have their problems, but on the whole , people there are much better off than the mass of Americans and live much more secure lives .
Communism is dead, but totalitarianism still exists . America isn't headed toward "socialism, Marxism and communism ". It's headed toward the exact opposite of these things . Corporate fascism .
We basically are no longer a democracy or a republic any more, and we don't have real capitalism any more We are now a kleptocracy , a plutocracy and an oligarchy .
We have corporate welfare . The big corporations basically control the government now.
And Trump is a corporate raider who is using the presidency to enrich himself at the expense of the American people . Trump and his administration and the Republican party are basically trying to destroy our already inadequate safety net , and using the term "self-reliance" as an excuse to do this .
The Trump administration is trying to deny millions of Americans medical care and rob them of social security and medicare, all so the rich can get even richer . How can people "pull themselves up by their bootstraps " if they don't even have boots ?
SO the terms "socialism, Marxism and communism " are nothing but scary buzz words used to distract from our oligarchic rulers who are robbing the majority of Americans blind .
Another distraction is the bogus claim that the Democrats are "anti-christian ": and want to "persecute " Christians . It's all smoke and mirrors .


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Socialism is theft.

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ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
socialism, marxism and communism have been tried and have led to the deliberate murders and deaths by negligence of perhaps 25 million from stalin and perhaps 45 million under mao

some historians put those figures even higher

that's 70 million + dead souls directly attributable to an evil ideology


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
that's 70 million + dead souls directly attributable to an evil ideology

Yeah, but those guys were amateurs. Horn has the final solution.

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New member
This means that everyone [h]as good medical care , college is affordable or even free , no one dies from lack of medical care [...] no one goes bankrupt because of major illness etc .

If you want more of something, subsidize it; if you want less of something, tax it.
~Ronald Reagan

Your argument is that medical care and a college education is good, so the government should subsidize it.

What is so horrible about this kind of government ?
The thing that is so horrible about a socialist kind of government is that it actually subsidizes poverty and taxes financial success.
This means that there will be more poverty and less financial success.
That is horrible.

The Horn

Socialism and Marxism have never killed anyone . All the mass slaughter was caused by one thing - ruthless, power-hungry totalitarian dictators such as Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Castro, and Pol Pot - all of whom called themselves communists .
Religious totalitarian dictators have also killed who know show many people . Totalitarianism is totalitarianism no matter what the dictators call themselves .


New member
Socialism and Marxism have never killed anyone . All the mass slaughter was caused by one thing - ruthless, power-hungry totalitarian dictators such as Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Castro, and Pol Pot - all of whom called themselves communists .

Totalitarianism is a political concept where the state recognizes no limits to its authority and strives to control every aspect of public and private life wherever feasible.​

Totalitarianism is the goal of Marxism, Socialism, and Communism.
A dictatorship is the natural consequence of having so much power invested in the state and removed from the people.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Socialism and Marxism have never killed anyone . All the mass slaughter was caused by one thing - ruthless, power-hungry totalitarian dictators such as Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Castro, and Pol Pot - all of whom called themselves communists .
Religious totalitarian dictators have also killed who know show many people . Totalitarianism is totalitarianism no matter what the dictators call themselves .
Yeah, but those guys were amateurs. Horn has the final solution.

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Sent from my SM-A520F using Tapatalk

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
...Karl Marx was a 19th century German economist and philosopher who was disturbed by the way rich industrialists exploited their employees . He noticed how a tiny handful of wealthy industrialists had control over the lives of so many people in Europe . The majority of people in Europe were poor and lived lives of dreary helplessness and poverty because of a tiny handful of greedy and ruthless individualists .

start at 1:25

listen and learn:



New member
An actually pretty good explanation of what's going on:

There may be some rough language in it.


All the scare-mongering about socialism, etc. is a result of the rise of Fascism on the Right.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
An actually pretty good explanation of what's going on:

Actually, no

a cross of chris matthews, bill maher, and 90% thirteen year old boy with ADD and unlimited access to red bull

You owe me thirteen minutes of my life back