In Rom 9:8, Paul explains that the Abraham's descendants (NIV offspring) are those who believe the promise and the object of belief is Christ, because Christ was the Seed. The term for that group is 'sperma'. Those born the natural way are 'sarkos.' The 'sperma' can be from any nation and are blessed along with Abraham.
The descendants gain that descendant status by being counted or considered such. The dynamic verb 'logizo' is used in v8, which is also used when Abraham considered that God could rejuvenate his system and Sarah's and when we receive Christ's righteousness. All these instances are 'counted' as such, even though they were in fact not. God "calls the things that are not as though they were." 4:17
I do appreciate your delineation, Interplanner. I’m not sure how this fits with your verbal discernment…
Please consider:
Romans 9:6-9, KJV “Not as though the word of God hath taken none effect. For they are not all Israel, which are of Israel: 7) Neither, because they are the seed of Abraham, are they all children: but, In Isaac shall thy seed be called. 8) That is, They which are the children of the flesh, these are not the children of God: but the children of the promise are counted for the seed. 9) For this is the word of promise, At this time will I come, and Sara shall have a son.”
It’s hard to imagine such discussion without considering all of Abraham’s progeny via Sarah, Hagar, and Keturah (and concubines) after Sarah died (Genesis 25:1, 2, 3, 4). The million-dollar question is: Who was Paul specifically referring to in Romans 9:8 KJV? I use the KJV since it maintains the finer distinction not found in many translations discerning “children” from “seed”.
Paul stated in Galatians 4:22 KJV that Abraham had two sons, Ishmael and Isaac. Interestingly, Paul made no mention of Abraham’s progeny via Keturah. That might sound like a small matter, but Paul was explicitly correct that Moses declared the progeny of Abraham via Keturah were “the children of Keturah” (Genesis 25:4 KJV). In fact, where were those ‘sons’ of Keturah during Abraham’s funeral, right (Genesis 25:9 KJV)? No love lost, there… Abraham was buried by his two sons: Isaac and Ishmael. Consequently, one might readily conclude Abraham’s progeny via Keturah were Abraham’s “seed,” they just weren’t Abraham’s “children.”
In fact, those who instigated Jesus’ crucifixion (John 8:28 KJV, John 8:37 KJV) were “Abraham’s seed” by their own admission (John 8:33 KJV). On the flip side of that coin, those instigators were never in bondage in Egypt, although present with the Israelites in Egypt. Therefore, Jesus’ principal detractors were NOT authentic Israelite Jews (Romans 2:9, 3:9)! And, this is the subtle point Paul was making in Romans 9:6 KJV, Romans 9:7 KJV, and Romans 9:8 KJV. Furthermore, Jesus affirmed those non-Israelites plotting His crucifixion were “Abraham’s seed” in John 8:37 KJV. And, Jesus went further to say those detractors were NOT “Abraham’s children” in John 8:39 KJV keeping in step with Moses in Genesis 25:4 KJV. Even John the Baptist knew who they were in Luke 3:2 KJV, Luke 3:7 KJV, Luke 3:8 KJV, Luke 3:9 KJV.
Those who instigated Jesus’ crucifixion were “Abraham’s seed” (John 8:33 KJV, John 8:37 KJV, Romans 9:7 KJV); they just weren’t ancestrally authentic Israelites (John 8:33 KJV, John 8:37 KJV, Romans 9:6 KJV). Those principal detractors who instigated Jesus’ crucifixion were descendants of Abraham via Judah (great-grandson of Abraham) and ALSO descendants of Abraham via Judah’s Canaanitess wife (1Chronicles 2:3). Judah’s Canaanitess wife was the daughter of the Canaanite, Shuah (Genesis 38:2 KJV). Checking the records closely, Judah’s Canaanite father-in-law Shuah, was the ‘son-child’ of Keturah, wife of Abraham (v. 2 of Genesis 25:1, 2, 3, 4). Judah’s Canaanite father-in-law Shuah was NOT a ‘son-child’ of Abraham (Romans 9:6 KJV, Romans 9:7 KJV; John 8:39 KJV).
This might seem like a relative small matter until one considers Isaiah 65:9 KJV. The bottom line in those days: Was Judah’s Canaanitess wife to be the ancestress to Messiah? Or, was Judah’s progeny via his Israelite Priestess daughter-in-law Tamar to be ancestress to Messiah (Leviticus 21:9 KJV, Genesis 38:24 KJV)? We know Jesus was a descendant of Pharez, eldest twin son of Judah and Tamar (Genesis 38:29 KJV; Matthew 1:1 KJV, Matthew 1:2 KJV, Matthew 1:3 KJV; Luke 3:31, 32, 33). Those who instigated Jesus’ crucifixion were descendants of Judah and his Canaanitess wife, btw. Jesus’ mere existence both ‘legitimized’ Judah’s descendants via his daughter-in-law Tamar, and Jesus’ existence also ‘consummated’ Judah’s relationship with Tamar, sanctioned by Almighty God (Genesis 38:7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 26). God wrote the Law, and ONLY God could change it. Judah’s relationship with Tamar was contrary to Leviticus 18:15 KJV, Leviticus 20:12 KJV, Leviticus 21:7 KJV, Leviticus 21:9 KJV, Leviticus 21:13 KJV, Leviticus 21:14 KJV… So, you might have a broader idea what those detractors meant in John 8:41 KJV.
Romans 9:8 KJV has vastly greater meaning than meets the eye, Interplanner!