The Seven Shepherds - prophecy currently being fulfilled (Micah 5)


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Micah 5

And he will be our peace

when the Assyrians invade our land

and march through our fortresses.

We will raise against them seven shepherds,

even eight commanders,



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Micah 5:5
5 And this one shall be the peace, when the Assyrian shall come into our land: and when he shall tread in our palaces, then shall we raise against him seven shepherds
(1Enoch 20) and eight nasiki of Adam.

H5257 נסיך nciyk (nes-eek') n-m.
1. (properly) something poured out, i.e. a libation.
2. (also) a molten image.
3. (by implication) a prince (as anointed).
[from H5258]
KJV: drink offering, duke, prince(-ipal).

A nasik is a duke or prince who "pours out a libation" or drink offering, that is, in supernal terms, a preacher or teacher, (of righteousness), and in this case they are Kohanim even before there were supposedly priests: for they are the eight Preachers or Teachers of Righteousness from Enosh to Noah. We read in Gen 4:26 that unto Seth there was born a son, and he called his name Enosh: and in his days that one, Enosh, commenced to herald or preach in the name of Yah. Enosh is therefore the first Preacher or Teacher of Righteousness, a Nasik-Prince. Moreover we read in 2Pet 2:5 that Noah was the eighth Preacher of Righteousness, and thus, from Enosh to Noah are indeed eight nasiki-princes of Adam which are Preachers or Teachers of Righteousness:

2 Peter 2:5 W/H
5 και αρχαιου κοσμου ουκ εφεισατο αλλα ογδοον νωε δικαιοσυνης κηρυκα εφυλαξεν κατακλυσμον κοσμω ασεβων επαξας
5 And the ancient world [he] spared not, but preserved Noah, the eighth Righteousness Herald, bringing the cataclysmic-flood upon the world of the ungodly:

Nasiki-Preachers of Righteousness
1) Enosh - Gen 4:26 YLT, Gen 5:6
2) Kainan - Gen 5:9
3) Mahalaleel - Gen 5:12
4) Yared - Gen 5:15
5) Enoch - Gen 5:18
6) Methuselah - Gen 5:21
7) Lamech - Gen 5:25
8) Noah - Gen 5:28-29, 2Pet 2:5

These are the origin of the typology of the seven Nasiki-Princes in Micah 5:5, which are Kohanim of the Melki-Tzedek Elohim Priesthood, while the fulfillment is found in the New Covenant wherein there are eight Preachers or Teachers of Righteousness, (including Paul). The seven Shepherds may be found in 1Enoch 20, and are portrayed in the Apocalypse-Revelation of Meshiah the Son of Elohim: seven messengers, seven stars, seven lamps before the throne, seven eyes or fountains upon the one Stone, (Meshiah is the one Stone, the plummet Stone of Zechariah), the seven Shepherds are thus the seven Spirits before the throne of the Most High and the Lamb.