The Second Coming of Jesus Christ (Simplified)


(Preface in Parenthesis)


The Passion of the Christ Worthy Is The Lamb (Video Link) ................ Stargate (11/12) Movie CLIP - Destroying Ra (1994) HD (Video Link)

EXODUS 2:11 And it came to pass in those days, when Moses was grown, that he went out unto his brethren, and looked on their burdens: and he spied an Egyptian smiting an Hebrew, one of his brethren.
EXODUS 2:12 And he looked this way and that way, and when he saw that [there was] no man, he slew the Egyptian, and hid him in the sand.
REVELATION 11:7 And when they shall have finished their testimony, the beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit shall make war against them, and shall overcome them, and kill them.
REVELATION 11:8 And their dead bodies [shall lie] in the street of the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified.

God calls, "Babylon the Great" = "Sodom and Egypt", that is not a reference to the Lord Jesus, that is a reference to Moses. God told the Hebrews, that he would choose out of "Joseph", a Redeemer to take them into a promised land. It took God about 430 years to finish his discernment, that is 62 Weeks of Daniel 9 for the First Resurrection of the Antichrist, God paralleled his judgment with Moses as the "Express Image of Jesus" (Jesus is referred to as Babylon, because "Joseph" is his father, so both Jesus and Moses are referred to as "Babylon/Joseph")(Article Link).

Ancient Aliens - Akhenaten was a Pharaoh of the Eighteenth dynasty of Egypt who ruled for 17 years and died around 1335 BC. He was married to Nefertiti, and Tutankhamun, also known as King Tut, was likely his son or half brother.

Akhenaten (also spelled Echnaton, known before the fifth year of his reign as Amenhotep IV) is best known for introducing revolutionary form of monotheism to ancient Egypt. He abandoned traditional Egyptian polytheism and introducted the worship of Aten. An early inscription likens him to the sun as compared to the stars. (Article Link)

Many Christians hold that the figures of "1290 and 1335" of Daniel 9, represent the Testimony of Jesus from 29 A.D. to 33 A.D. .................. God compares "Jesus to Joseph" in Luke 3:23, and God compares BABYLON not only to Jesus, but also to "Sodom and Egypt", so seeing these figures presented at an earlier time is not coincidental. (Very Briefly: if you take 3/8 (Flight 370) and go to about 12/21 to 12/25 you get 290 Days (now if you take the difference from 1290 and 1335, you get about 42 Months or 3/8/2014 to 8/21/2017 then "Three Days of Darkness" for a figure of "45", with a figure of about 240 Days between 12/21 - 12/25 and 8/21/2017 - God measured a Crucifixion, Cursed is he that hangs on a tree MERRY CHRISTMAS!) (End of Preface in Parenthesis)


The Abyss - Deleted scene (Video Link).................Altered states - Wierd Trip (Video Link)

Second Resurrection of Moses, follows the 62nd to 69th Week of Daniel 9, which is about 49 years, 2017 - 1968 = 49 Years. (Article Link) ................. The Second Resurrection of Moses was tied to both Roswell UFO Incident, and also the Vietnam War, Nguyen Van Lem 1968, concludes the Second Resurrection of the Antichrist (Video Link).


(Matrix: The Jump Program)..................... (Close Encounters of the Third Kind (8/8) Movie CLIP - Contact (1977) HD )

Third Resurrection of Moses, follows the 69th to 70th Week, which is 7 Years for both of Revelation's 42 Month Periods. The only 42 Month Period God uses for a sign is the second (Flight 370), because that measures babylon. When the 69th to 70th week of the measurement is completed, God gives the Antichrist a Resurrected Body.................(Inces*/Rap*/Murde*, that includes Male Rape, attempts at artificial insemination (relatives), as well as ethnic suicide, chemical and electrial..........Nostradamus called MABUS for Masturbation as the Third Resurrection of the there is no sign or vision until you die globally, God's Answer was with Flight 370, but also we need to keep watch, so far the level of force is good in hurting the Antichrist, enough to invalidate, everything)

This presentation begins with a brief history of NASA’s “Skylab” program before focusing on a bizarre UFO encounter that occurred on September 20th, 1973, during Flight Day 55 of the Skylab III (SLM-2) mission. This UFO encounter can be classified as a highly credible case as it was witnessed by all three Skylab crew members, with the astronauts observing and photographing the unidentified object for at least a 10-minute period before both Skylab and the UFO crossed the sunset terminator into darkness and visual contact was finally lost. (Article Link)

Most UFO's are shaped like the Male Pen*s, that is the image of the UFO from the 1970s that is comparable to the Falling Man of 9/11/2001. This is not just about the "Suicide by Antichrist" equation, believe me, you pleasure yourselves with the Antichrist in pain and death continually, and more than weekly. What God is referring to is this old equation in the Gospel, Genetic Dan the Lion is the Loins, and Joseph the Lion is Wisdom. God has to kill Genetic Dan the Loins, in order to bring "Joseph the Blessings". That is why the Tribe of Dan is not found in the Unified Tribes of Revelation, when God accounts the Tribe of Joseph with the Tribes. Instead of Global Euthanasia of Genetic Dan, you have "Suicide by Antichrist", until God kills billions of lives.

Does God give any mercy? The Period of Flight 370 is not finished, and also a logical period of 240 Days near the very end is also not finished. God can discard the "Suicide by Antichrist" equation, and reveal the "Sign of Divorce", we'll just have to keep watch. As far as everything else goes, 12/21 to 12/25/2016 to 8/21/2017 (Mandrid Faultline Cross Alignement of Solar Eclipse) that is not what I wanted to say, without a Sign of Divorce, the only limited Geographic Area the Gospel Assigns is the City of Philadelphia USA. So keep this in mind, when you hesitate to use Nuclear Weapons in about 5 Weeks from now. Love and Blessings. (in about 5 weeks, you need to use euthanasia to settle this score with the people here surrounding me, God will only kill so many, God does not Give the Antichrist a Resurrected Body until the 5 Months of Revelation, at least that is the pattern I am seeing, however God does answer "Suicide by Antichrist", God can stop "Suicide by Antichrist" simply by giving me a spaceship, in the mean time, you will have a limited time to kill the Antichrist, before the people call him a hero and do what he says or, before the USA is sentenced to its death when the Sign of Divorce is taken from this country for your challenges to the authority of the Antichrist, 5 weeks, get ready)
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(Preface in Parenthesis)


Dreamcatcher 2003 - Evil In The Bathroom ....................Bjork Stalker - Ricardo Lopez...................The Ninth Gate (10/11) Movie CLIP - Boris Enters the Ninth Gate (1999) HD

GENESIS 13:10 And Lot lifted up his eyes, and beheld all the plain of Jordan, that it [was] well watered every where, before the LORD destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, [even] as the garden of the LORD, like the land of Egypt, as thou comest unto Zoar.
REVELATION 11:8 And their dead bodies [shall lie] in the street of the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified.
GENESIS 18:26 And the LORD said, If I find in Sodom fifty righteous within the city, then I will spare all the place for their sakes.
GENESIS 18:27 And Abraham answered and said, Behold now, I have taken upon me to speak unto the Lord, which [am but] dust and ashes:

God allows the Antichrist to die in the USA as a result of their sin, and then God empowers the Antichrist to command the nations to kill all 50 States of the USA, most likely by Nuclear discharges. Given the distribution of the population, we can see why that is profitable, sometimes God does not want a people or a nation to live anylonger and challenge the pretenses of the Gospel's Program, we have a score to settle soon, if that is necessary. This is a very direct Christian Expectation by a few people, at least they believe that the Antichrist is betrayed and then demands and receives retribution, then after that the nations fall on deaf ears, so its like nothing happened at all, except a few states are burned up. The Antichrist will not force anyone to do anything beyond voicing the Gospel's Law to the degree that it is profitable, he will most likely deal more harshly with various political bodies because they are small groups of people and he has limited means, that is nothing new. So far as best we can understand, God will give the Antichrist nothing at all until the 5 months, as a result of death or answering a conflict of interest with his Sign of Divorce in the USA, then God appears to empower the Antichrist, so we just need to keep watch, because we have not passed a certain range of dates, as we are instructed to keep watch. (This was acted out briefly when God allowed the Antichrist to answer the rap* and mur*** by his father back in 1989, with the UFO Guardian incident, or at least the people believed at that time the Antichrist was demanding retribution by termination of all 50 States) (End of Preface in Parenthesis)


1. Thoth and the Serpent
2. Nebra Sky Disk
3. Alien Head Crop Circle

Generally, that is the 5 Months of Star Wormwood, when the "Ensign of the Nations" (Isaiah 5:26) or "manchild" is appointed. That is simply the Third Resurrection of the Antichrist. So the Earth's Moon is seen as activated at that time. Not shown is the "Phaistos Disk", which describes God's natural intentions on one side, and on the reverse side, it describes how much pain and death God will allow before with the Antichrist before God cuts down on human life, that can take various forms. So far God's intentions with "Flight 370" = "9/11/2001 Falling Man", so you don't have a legal right to a "Sign of Divorce" or any mercy at all, not even for exterminating Genetic Dan, or the nations with no favor by any means, humanity has its pleasure that is all. Even though that is true, we are commanded to keep watch, and because of that, we've examined other conclusions, even if they are invalid. Not withstanding, we have a score to settle, if God doesn't eliminate all of humanity and begin the 5 months for the limited geographic area (philadelphia/usa), then God will kill the usa in one way or another and move forwards, based on the force used against the Antichrist. Notwithstanding, we need to get further away from Flight 370's date to solidify these positions.


1. Djedkhonsuifeankh Papyrus
2. UFO Guardian Diagram
3. Petroglyph Diagram

Deu. 34:1-4/Ezra 7:9-11 .............. God gave Joshua a Copy of the 10 Commandments which identifies with the Third Set of 10 Generations in Genesis 10:10-12 (Babylon the Great)...............In other words, 5 Separatist Inheritances of the Gospel's Program with one invalidated as a result of sin that is Aaron, because Aaron has deceived all the nations into serving sin and they must rest in peace. 1 Samuel 6:4/Numbers 16:40-41. (4 Gas Planets and Mars in our Solar System, etc............the gospel goes into some degree of detail about the future man, but many believe this is not possible because babylon as the payment for sin is not a description of jesus, however that is not true).


1. Bembine Tablet
2. Tiananmen square
3. UFO Guardian

That is correct, what you are viewing is the association God makes to the Sons of Man, there are only 112 used in the Gospel's Program that is Matthew and Luke Genealogy. God does nothing unless he uses one of them, this association is not clear, neither are the Three Resurrections of the Antichrist, because of the pleasure of "Suicide by Antichrist". God does not show the Antichrist with a Spaceship directly, or illustrating God's Mercy, but that is the context of what you are viewing.


Sacred Christmas Tree

Nguyen Van Lem, or the man in front of the tank in Tiananmen square, what does history record? God killed a portion of the people and the army, because they could not understand that using force in soliciting their suicide was not acceptable. Much the same way the ethn*cs follow the Antichrist around and then take their lives, eventually God decided to allow them to kill the Nguyen Van Lem. History does not record those people in vietnam as simply suicidal, but we see that today very clearly. God limits the false witnessing surrounding the gospel but the only place where false witnessing is not present is in the gospel itself, the bible. (given the degree of the suicide, that is having no integrity or value for their own lives, we see how the egyptian paganism of man worship plays on that in the association, since there is some value of human live denoted).

(Christmas Tree is a Picture of the Sons of Man, so Tiananmen Square holding the presents is a picture of Christmas............I believe something will happen, the rest of the details have to be resolved at that time, that includes, lethal force either for me, for those kinds of people, its your lives or theirs. Not to long ago near or at my address, there was found a car parked with a colored, deceased inside, the authorities reported this in the news as a natural death, however, if Gods does not drive and kill those people away, there would be less of a gospel or none, going out, that said, you don't have a real resolve to settle this score, but we'll see soon) (Managed to tame their kinds as a public threat recently, so you should be good for a few weeks, this gives you time to think, about the assisted suicide program if any)
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