• This is a new section being rolled out to attract people interested in exploring the origins of the universe and the earth from a biblical perspective. Debate is encouraged and opposing viewpoints are welcome to post but certain rules must be followed. 1. No abusive tagging - if abusive tags are found - they will be deleted and disabled by the Admin team 2. No calling the biblical accounts a fable - fairy tale ect. This is a Christian site, so members that participate here must be respectful in their disagreement.

The Second biggest evidence of the Flood. Fossils


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ

Obviously, in my estimation.

Story goes, that every creature which lived on the land, and every bird, except for Noah and his family and all the species on the ark, perished in the Flood.

All those dead creatures.

So there ought to be lots and lots of fossils!

And there are!


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Obviously, in my estimation.

Story goes, that every creature which lived on the land, and every bird, except for Noah and his family and all the species on the ark, perished in the Flood.

All those dead creatures.

So there ought to be lots and lots of fossils!

And there are!

There's also tons of oil from all the plant life.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
There's also tons of oil from all the plant life.
Yes, there is!

Just imagine the scenario. The Earth, populated by a whole bunch of animals and creatures, including man (although nothing like the billions of men we have today). Then literally one day, they all die. That's literally the story. What happened to all the remains?

Number one perhaps, as you suggest, is, there ought to be a ton of degraded tissue somewhere. Once the waters receded, there were no scavenging animals around to eat all the remains. And plus we know from the geological record that a good part (if not all) of all the continents is sedimentary rock, which was clearly formed in a layered fashion (thus sedimentary). So a lot of the remains were simply buried under all that newly formed rock. What happened to all those corpses? To all that carrion? It had to have gone somewhere (if the Flood really happened! if the Flood account is true!)!

The tissue's carbon based, spoiler alert.

It degrades and degrades and degrades, and in certain places, under layers of sedimentary (meaning, under sediment) rock, there are literally places where the rock is saturated with a very carbonic substance, oil, aka hydrocarbons.

There's tons of it, all around the Earth.

The remains of that massive day of death exist today, in the form of number one (just in physical weight) petroleum and coal and natural gas, and then number two, in fossils.

Yes. Banana.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Anyone ever search for this?

Why did crocodiles survive the extinction event which killed the dinosaurs?

Most interesting thing?

Basically crocodiles (or 'crocodilians', crocodile-like creatures), are dinosaurs. I don't mean crocodiles (and alligators) are "modern dinosaurs", I mean crocodiles, today, are actual, real dinosaurs; today.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Anyone ever search for this?

Why did crocodiles survive the extinction event which killed the dinosaurs?

Most interesting thing?

Basically crocodiles (or 'crocodilians', crocodile-like creatures), are dinosaurs. I don't mean crocodiles (and alligators) are "modern dinosaurs", I mean crocodiles, today, are actual, real dinosaurs; today.
The Bible does not say what happened to the creatures which did not meet entrance requirements for the ark. Therefore they either survived or they did not survive. Crocodiles we do not know if they were on the ark, or if they were among the creatures who didn't meet the standards for some reason, and survived anyway.

Or, the reason that of all the dinosaurs, only crocodiles and alligators survived was because they did meet the requirements, and all the other dinosaurs for some reason didn't, such as for instance, if all the rest of them lived in the water rather than splitting time between water and the land, like crocs do.

Right Divider

Body part
The Bible does not say what happened to the creatures which did not meet entrance requirements for the ark. Therefore they either survived or they did not survive. Crocodiles we do not know if they were on the ark, or if they were among the creatures who didn't meet the standards for some reason, and survived anyway.
You are arguing against the Bible.

Gen 7:18-24 (AKJV/PCE)
(7:18) And the waters prevailed, and were increased greatly upon the earth; and the ark went upon the face of the waters. (7:19) And the waters prevailed exceedingly upon the earth; and all the high hills, that [were] under the whole heaven, were covered. (7:20) Fifteen cubits upward did the waters prevail; and the mountains were covered. (7:21) And all flesh died that moved upon the earth, both of fowl, and of cattle, and of beast, and of every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth, and every man: (7:22) All in whose nostrils [was] the breath of life, of all that [was] in the dry [land], died. (7:23) And every living substance was destroyed which was upon the face of the ground, both man, and cattle, and the creeping things, and the fowl of the heaven; and they were destroyed from the earth: and Noah only remained [alive], and they that [were] with him in the ark. (7:24) And the waters prevailed upon the earth an hundred and fifty days.

It clearly says that ALL died in the flood.



How much more clearly can God explain it?


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
You are arguing against the Bible.

Gen 7:18-24 (AKJV/PCE)
(7:18) And the waters prevailed, and were increased greatly upon the earth; and the ark went upon the face of the waters. (7:19) And the waters prevailed exceedingly upon the earth; and all the high hills, that [were] under the whole heaven, were covered. (7:20) Fifteen cubits upward did the waters prevail; and the mountains were covered. (7:21) And all flesh died that moved upon the earth, both of fowl, and of cattle, and of beast, and of every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth, and every man: (7:22) All in whose nostrils [was] the breath of life, of all that [was] in the dry [land], died. (7:23) And every living substance was destroyed which was upon the face of the ground, both man, and cattle, and the creeping things, and the fowl of the heaven; and they were destroyed from the earth: and Noah only remained [alive], and they that [were] with him in the ark. (7:24) And the waters prevailed upon the earth an hundred and fifty days.

It clearly says that ALL died in the flood.



How much more clearly can God explain it?
So what of fishes and whales and things that lived in water and didn't live on the land? Did the dinosaurs inhabit (perhaps shallow) water, rather than splitting time between land and water like crocodiles (a type of dinosaur)?

Right Divider

Body part
So what of fishes and whales and things that lived in water and didn't live on the land?
The Bible speaks about the animals that breath through their nostrils. But we do also know that many sea creatures are fossilized.
Did the dinosaurs inhabit (perhaps shallow) water, rather than splitting time between land and water like crocodiles (a type of dinosaur)?
Some were land animals and some were not.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
The Bible speaks about the animals that breath through their nostrils. But we do also know that many sea creatures are fossilized.

Some were land animals and some were not.
How do you know which ones were land animals and which ones were not, without appealing to the authority of geologists and paleontologists? (I'm genuinely curious.)


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Only God knows for sure. When we look at dead things buried in sediments (i.e., fossils), it's pretty hard to be sure.
I agree. We do know that paleontologists have concluded that the gigantic herbivores probably did live in the water, standing up with only their heads above the surface. I take from that that it's possible that other dinosaurs also lived in the water, even though they too breathed air (they did not have gills). Could be that T. Rex lived in the water.
Although, that does not stop evolutionists from speculating wildly.
Nor me! lol.

Right Divider

Body part
I agree. We do know that paleontologists have concluded that the gigantic herbivores probably did live in the water, standing up with only their heads above the surface. I take from that that it's possible that other dinosaurs also lived in the water, even though they too breathed air (they did not have gills). Could be that T. Rex lived in the water.
The point is not where they lived, but how the lived.
Nor me! lol.


If one reads The Epic of Gilgamesh you will find not only the Flood story, almost verbatim, you will also find a section almost identical to Ecclesiastes. These were very popular stories of this time and the chroniclers of the OT used this popular work in the Bible as a foundation to engage the people and then relate a story of spiritual significance. The Flood of Noah is not literal. To see it as literal is to completely miss the point of this teaching.

The Flood is a Flood of Revelation received by Noah. Rain of 40 days and nights means that Noah received a Revelation from God for 40 years. The Ark is the Ark of a Covenant Noah made with God that those who entered into this Ark, the Teachings of Noah from God, were protected from the ravages of self and passion, the material world, that will destroy you spiritually, just like a real flood destroys the body.

The earth and humanity would never have recovered in such a short time from a flood of such proportions as imagined with the Flood of Noah. It is a spiritual story demonstrating that those who enter a Covenant with God and live by His precepts are protected, it is as if they entered a great boat that could protect them even if the entire planet was flooded.

As a literal story the Flood of Noah makes no sense, is contrary to science and common sense and is utterly impossible to then further imagine that humanity today is the result of the inbreeding of 8 Middle Eastern people who then gave rise to Aboriginals, Pygmies, Scandinavians, Zulu, Chinese, Polynesians, etc, etc.

There would have been a need to hold nearly 4,000,000 animals many of which would have been predatory animals. The food requirements for these animals would have filled many Arks alone. The moment upon release that a predatory animal ate another animal that animal line then became extinct. Kangaroos and platypus released in Turkey are unlikely to have walked back to the Australian land mass.

The Flood of Noah is an important spiritual story and when taught as a literal story it loses all meaning and inoculate people against religion.


There's also tons of oil from all the plant life.
Crude oil, or fossil fuel comes from algae and zooplankton which were the dominant lifeforms hundreds of millions of years past. Under massive heat and pressure the organic matter, in the absence of oxygen, is converted into a waxy substance called, kerogen. When more heat and pressure is applied the kerogen transforms into hydrocarbons and this we extract as oil or natural gasses.

As for coal, pretty much all coal was deposited at about the same time. No coal was deposited by the Flood of Noah.

Now depending on who is recounting the story of the Flood it is generally placed at about 1600 years after Adam and thus about 4400 years ago. Coal and oil take millions of years to form, not a few thousand.

God and Jesus are not dependant on people believing a literal tale of a great flood and a huge wooden boat. The Bible is a spiritual lesson, not a history lesson. A wooden boat that would have rotted away at one end while they were trying to finish the other end over such a long construction period. Not to mention that the weight of such a wooden boat has been shown to be impossible to support its own massive weight. It would have crushed itself. Just have a look at the engineering that went into the fake Ark in Williamstown, Kentucky to see how impossible it is to build a wooden boat of such dimensions.

Also, 1 elephant needs 300 lb of vegetation a day x 150 days = 45,000 lb of food x 2 elephants = 90,000. There are now only 3 distinct species of elephant, but they are so distinct and live so far apart that it is impossible for speciation to have taken place in the blink of 4,500 years. So Noah would have had to collect 6 elephants x 300 lb x 150 days = 270,000 lb of vegetation. That works out at about 135 US tons of food, just for elephants.

The story of Noah and the Flood is symbolic. When taken literally it causes continued great harm to Christianity.


I don't see Genesis 1 as literal because it's not literal. It contradicts proven science, logic and reason to accept it as literal. It misses the entire point of the Scripture if taken as literal.

I love the same God and Jesus as you do, but I'm not bound by the errors of previous interpretations.


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I don't see Genesis 1 as literal

So I was right.

How could I, who have never seen you before on this forum or met you in my life, have known that that was what you believed?

It's because those who reject Genesis as literal have to reject everything else in scripture as literal, because Genesis is the foundation for the entire Bible!

because it's not literal.


It contradicts proven science,

What it contradicts is the fairy tale that is promoted as science called "molecules-to-man" evolution.

There is nothing illogical about Genesis 1.

and reason

There is nothing unreasonable about Genesis 1.

to accept it as literal.

Again: When you reject Genesis 1 as being literal, it removes the foundation from the rest of the Bible to make any sense.

It misses the entire point of the Scripture if taken as literal.

Rather, you have it backwards.

When you take Genesis 1 as literal, everything else in the Bible makes sense.

The reason you think "it misses the point of Scripture" is because you DON'T take as literal. In other words, your paradigm of beliefs is wrong because you reject Genesis 1.

I love the same God and Jesus as you do, but I'm not bound by the errors of previous interpretations.

There aren't any "errors of previous interpretations" to begin with.

Right Divider

Body part
Crude oil, or fossil fuel comes from algae and zooplankton which were the dominant lifeforms hundreds of millions of years past.
Pure evolutionist speculation.
Under massive heat and pressure the organic matter, in the absence of oxygen, is converted into a waxy substance called, kerogen. When more heat and pressure is applied the kerogen transforms into hydrocarbons and this we extract as oil or natural gasses.
Like the conditions that would have been caused by a massive world-wide flood and NOT something that the gradualism geology model supports.
As for coal, pretty much all coal was deposited at about the same time.
Yes, during the events associated with a world-wide flood.
No coal was deposited by the Flood of Noah.
Now depending on who is recounting the story of the Flood it is generally placed at about 1600 years after Adam and thus about 4400 years ago. Coal and oil take millions of years to form, not a few thousand.
Millions of years is a myth with no real scientific support.
God and Jesus are not dependant on people believing a literal tale of a great flood and a huge wooden boat.
God and Jesus told the literal tale of the great flood and a huge wooden boat.
The Bible is a spiritual lesson, not a history lesson.
It's both.
A wooden boat that would have rotted away at one end while they were trying to finish the other end over such a long construction period. Not to mention that the weight of such a wooden boat has been shown to be impossible to support its own massive weight. It would have crushed itself. Just have a look at the engineering that went into the fake Ark in Williamstown, Kentucky to see how impossible it is to build a wooden boat of such dimensions.

Also, 1 elephant needs 300 lb of vegetation a day x 150 days = 45,000 lb of food x 2 elephants = 90,000. There are now only 3 distinct species of elephant, but they are so distinct and live so far apart that it is impossible for speciation to have taken place in the blink of 4,500 years. So Noah would have had to collect 6 elephants x 300 lb x 150 days = 270,000 lb of vegetation. That works out at about 135 US tons of food, just for elephants.
^^^ All silly conjecture. ^^^
The story of Noah and the Flood is symbolic.
Nope, it's was a real set of events.
When taken literally it causes continued great harm to Christianity.
Nope, the exact opposite is true.
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