The Sabbath Commandment. Is it Jewish? Are you Jewish?



The Ten Commandments are Jewish. The Sabbath Commandment is Jewish.

Are you Jewish? Do you observe the Sabbath?

Can a person, you if you are not Jewish, observe the Sabbath? Do you have to become Jewish first? Do you need to be Jewish to observe or keep, to obey, God's commands? If you are not Jewish then are His commands not for you?

Whether or not you are Jewish, can you observe the Ten Commandments, including the Sabbath Commandment? The Sabbath Commandment may involve becoming Jewish, so would you observe it if you are not? Do you choose to observe the Sabbath Commandment?

The Sabbath is a day of rest. In it we rest from our labors during the week, our work during the first six days of the week. So what does the Sabbath entail? Do you observe at home or stay at home or go to synagogue?




New member
This is interesting. It’s like me asking because I am not a US citizen but live in America, does that mean I don’t have to follow the Law of the Land or in order for me to obey the law of the land I must first become a US citizen?

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