The Resurrection of Christ

Bradley D

Well-known member
Another proof of the resurrection.

“Even though they were crucified, stoned, stabbed, dragged, skinned and burned, every last apostle of Jesus proclaimed his resurrection until his dying breath, refusing to recant under pressure from the authorities. Therefore, their testimony is trustworthy and the resurrection is true.”


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Another proof of the resurrection.

“Even though they were crucified, stoned, stabbed, dragged, skinned and burned, every last apostle of Jesus proclaimed his resurrection until his dying breath, refusing to recant under pressure from the authorities. Therefore, their testimony is trustworthy and the resurrection is true.”
Yes indeed.

It's also important I think to note how many lawyers and judges have weighed in throughout the centuries about the legal case for Christ's Resurrection being nonfiction historical fact. Lawyers are accustomed to determining facts and separating them or sifting them from fiction. In reading Josh McDowell's Evidence that Demands a Verdict Vol. I, in chapter ten, there are many verbatim quotes of such analytic thinkers.

Sure. They're all Christians. So they're all biased, the atheist might say. But this avoids their reasoning for believing in Christ, which is why McDowell quotes them in his book. He has accumulated many thoughts and comments from a great many different intelligent people (the bibliography for chapter ten is about 80 sources long), and all these Christians demonstrate that their thinking on the matter of the Resurrection is clear and unbiased. The lawyers and judges he quotes, weigh in on the case as lawyers and judges, not as Christians who are desperately trying to justify their faith.

It's just more evidence that an honest inquisitor must treat if they ponder the manner of Christ or of His Resurrection.