The Proposed Constitution of America
This is the show from Monday, January 13th, 2020
Bob Enyart and co-host Doug McBurney propose a new Constitution for America. It's based on the Bible. And it appears below.
Today's Resource: God's Principles of Government
Join Bob Enyart as he explores God's Principles of Government. From Against Democracy where we look at the biblical principles related to the idea of majority rule, to a Representative Republic and its similarities with democracy, to a real Alternative to Democracy, to what a Bible-based Constitution actually looks like, after this series, the Scriptures' principles of governance will permeate your thinking like never before! Or your money back. (Really.)
The Proposed Constitution of America
[© 2000, 2005, 2010, 2015, 2020 Rationale: Biblical, Political. Later in January these B and P hyperlinks will link to a Biblical Apologetic and to a Political Defense of this constitution.]
A constitutional monarchy [B P] governs America. This government shall perform only its B P], protecting the God-given rights [B P] of every person within its jurisdiction, providing the public infrastructure [P] needed to exercise and uphold those rights [B P], and as achievable, protecting others.
The Monarchy [B P]: As ruler and defender of America, the King is the supreme judge in the land. The armed forces serve at his command [B P], as do all subdivisions of government. The King will uphold this Constitution [B P] and protect America’s sovereignty.
The Judiciary [B P]: Judges serve by the will of the King to enforce America’s Constitution, Criminal Code [B P] and her Code of Use. The Monarch appoints up to ten men as judges, who each appoint up to ten men as judges beneath them, and so on [B P] corresponding to America’s population until approximately every one hundred households has a judge presiding over their neighborhood. Each Judge of One Hundred appoints two judges under him each over fifty households. Each Judge of Fifty appoints judges under them each over ten households. Judges serve voluntarily and for no payment [B P]. Unlike convicts, a judge may appeal a case, and especially one that significantly affects other jurisdictions, to a higher court [B P]. Judges may be tried for Judicial Negligence [B P]. B P].
Armed Forces [B P]: The King commands the military in order to protect America, her persons, land, and resources, from threats foreign, domestic, and natural; and also, at his discretion to defend her allies [P]. Military officials serve at his will. America staffs her military entirely with non-conscripted personnel [BP] and only with adult males for combat and battlefield support [B P].
Regional Authorities [B P]: The Monarch appoints officials over regions, states, counties, and municipalities. To these subordinates he delegates authority as appropriate only to appoint and manage subordinates; to thwart, investigate and apprehend suspected criminals; to protect people and property in time of natural disaster and catastrophe, and from rioting by up to lethal force; to manage infrastructure; and to designate real estate zoning according to America’s Code of Use.
Infrastructure [B P]: The Monarch has authority over transportation and communication infrastructure, and public parks and water supplies. America provides free access [B P] to all surface public transportation infrastructure including roads and bridges, waterways and harbors; and may use private entities to build and maintain such [B P]. Without usage charges, the King regulates the use of America's airspace and of earth orbits for American spacecraft [B P]. He may license water resources [B P] and the management of parks and wilderness lands [B P] to private entities, and he regulates the use of radio frequencies [B P]. For government needs and infrastructure only, America may purchase real property from unwilling sellers at quintuple its value [B P].
America’s Code of Use [B P]: The King shall enforce America’s Code of Use incorporated herein exclusively regarding Real Estate Zoning and Use of Infrastructure.
America’s Criminal Code [B P]: The Monarch shall obey and enforce America's Criminal Code incorporated herein. America will attempt to extradite if necessary and prosecute the citizen or foreigner who has been credibly accused of violating this Code by harming an American or, by the King’s discretion, of harming a foreigner.
Rights of Subjects [B P]: Each person, including visiting foreigners, has God-given rights that this Government exists to protect, the right to Life and Liberty; to Worship; to Free Speech; to Purchase and Use Property; to Purchase, Own, and Carry Individual Defensive Weapons including Firearms; to Protect the Innocent; to Corporally Punish his Children; to Due Process of Law; and to Fail.
No person has a right to food, water, clothing, shelter, energy, healthcare, or education [B P]. Excepting for emergency relief, from natural disasters and short-term life-or-death crises, and for government employees only as mission critical, the Government must not give or subsidize such resources to anyone, nor can America compel charitable giving.
Responsibilities of Subjects [B P]: Each person within America’s jurisdiction has the responsibility to obey her Constitution, Criminal Code, and Code of Use.
The Treasury [B P]: The King will declare which currencies America will accept for payment of taxes; he has authority to levy only one tax, an individual increase tax, with a maximum rate of five percent of income [P]; he shall fund his government including all subdivisions and the military from this single national tax; and he shall not employ tax collectors [P]. All persons remit taxes due at least monthly. Those convicted of tax evasion will be flogged, and pay to the government for thievery restitution as required by the Criminal Code [P]. The King may compensate himself annually with one thousand times the income of America’s average taxpayer [P].
The King may invest any Treasury surplus only in ventures which abide by all the principles of America's Criminal Code, and must refund the same percent of his annual salary as any loss of principle. The Monarch shall reduce the income tax to one percent when he estimates that the Treasury surplus can fund the government for seven years [P].
The King may disburse revenue only, as specifically enumerated herein, for the protection of rights and for infrastructure, and never to support any form of welfare [P], socialism [P], communism [P], or public education [P]. He cannot bring the Treasury into indebtedness. [P] Greater spending than provided for by the authorized tax, as perhaps needed in time of war, must be funded by freewill offerings.
The King grants an exemption from paying tax for the year to any person who has engraved or molded the Constitution of America on a structure enduringly open to public view. He extends this tax relief a subsequent and final time to one who, having so published this Constitution, in like manner publishes America’s Criminal Code [P].
Treaties [B P]: America shall not enter into a foreign treaty [B]. While honoring treaties [B] that do not require her to take unjust action [B], the King shall seek release from inherited treaties and foreign governments are hereby exempted [B] from obligations under any treaty with America. The King has authority to conduct foreign affairs by a good neighbor policy [B], recognizing that America possesses the rights of the head of house in an emergent society [B].
Succession Process [B P]: The Monarch’s eldest son shall succeed him [B P].
Upon inauguration of this Constitution, or if the King meets his death and has no successor, America will hold a lottery to select the King [B P]. The Queen, or if none or none able, the deceased King’s eldest daughter, or if none or none able, America’s chief military officer, will oversee the national lottery. The Overseer publicly will draw lots to select one of the States of America, then a county, then a municipality, then a neighborhood, then a block, then a family, then within that family a man of any age [B P], whom the Overseer crowns King.
America will remain without a King for at most seven days until the completion of the lottery. The military, judges and regional authorities will continue to protect America during the interregnum, remaining loyal to their existing superiors and to the Overseer. The military must enforce posthumously a King’s command to prosecute and, if convicted, execute a prince suspected of murdering his father [B P]. B P] and democracy [B P].
B P]: America does not permit amendments to its Constitution nor to its Criminal Code. [B P]
The Monarch alone can amend only America’s Code of Use [B P], which amendments or revocations take effect one year from national public notice. Usage Amendments must be germane to the code and consistent with the principles of this Constitution and America’s Criminal Code. Any amendment or command issued by the King in defiance of this Constitution including one that increases taxes, gives all subjects the responsibility to engage in non-violent civil disobedience, including by withholding taxes, against such offense [B P]. However the King, as the ultimate national judge, likely will prevail in his own court against innocents, his decisions final on Earth even if unjust [B P], unless of course overturned by a foreign power. The King, though required to obey the laws herein, dwells above the jurisdiction of any other court in the land [P]. If the Monarch violates this Constitution through wrongful amendments or otherwise, while no American court has standing to prosecute him, he awaits the Judgment of God [B P].
B P]: America hereby dedicates herself to God the Father, Jesus Christ His Son, and the Holy Spirit [B P]. This Constitution arises from the Holy Bible's principles of governance [B P]; explicitly does not codify Israel's symbolic ordinances [B P]; and will be superseded by Christ at His Return [B P]. May God bless our King. Long live the King [B P]!
This is the show from Monday, January 13th, 2020

Bob Enyart and co-host Doug McBurney propose a new Constitution for America. It's based on the Bible. And it appears below.
Today's Resource: God's Principles of Government
Join Bob Enyart as he explores God's Principles of Government. From Against Democracy where we look at the biblical principles related to the idea of majority rule, to a Representative Republic and its similarities with democracy, to a real Alternative to Democracy, to what a Bible-based Constitution actually looks like, after this series, the Scriptures' principles of governance will permeate your thinking like never before! Or your money back. (Really.)
The Proposed Constitution of America
[© 2000, 2005, 2010, 2015, 2020 Rationale: Biblical, Political. Later in January these B and P hyperlinks will link to a Biblical Apologetic and to a Political Defense of this constitution.]
A constitutional monarchy [B P] governs America. This government shall perform only its B P], protecting the God-given rights [B P] of every person within its jurisdiction, providing the public infrastructure [P] needed to exercise and uphold those rights [B P], and as achievable, protecting others.
The Monarchy [B P]: As ruler and defender of America, the King is the supreme judge in the land. The armed forces serve at his command [B P], as do all subdivisions of government. The King will uphold this Constitution [B P] and protect America’s sovereignty.
The Judiciary [B P]: Judges serve by the will of the King to enforce America’s Constitution, Criminal Code [B P] and her Code of Use. The Monarch appoints up to ten men as judges, who each appoint up to ten men as judges beneath them, and so on [B P] corresponding to America’s population until approximately every one hundred households has a judge presiding over their neighborhood. Each Judge of One Hundred appoints two judges under him each over fifty households. Each Judge of Fifty appoints judges under them each over ten households. Judges serve voluntarily and for no payment [B P]. Unlike convicts, a judge may appeal a case, and especially one that significantly affects other jurisdictions, to a higher court [B P]. Judges may be tried for Judicial Negligence [B P]. B P].
Armed Forces [B P]: The King commands the military in order to protect America, her persons, land, and resources, from threats foreign, domestic, and natural; and also, at his discretion to defend her allies [P]. Military officials serve at his will. America staffs her military entirely with non-conscripted personnel [BP] and only with adult males for combat and battlefield support [B P].
Regional Authorities [B P]: The Monarch appoints officials over regions, states, counties, and municipalities. To these subordinates he delegates authority as appropriate only to appoint and manage subordinates; to thwart, investigate and apprehend suspected criminals; to protect people and property in time of natural disaster and catastrophe, and from rioting by up to lethal force; to manage infrastructure; and to designate real estate zoning according to America’s Code of Use.
Infrastructure [B P]: The Monarch has authority over transportation and communication infrastructure, and public parks and water supplies. America provides free access [B P] to all surface public transportation infrastructure including roads and bridges, waterways and harbors; and may use private entities to build and maintain such [B P]. Without usage charges, the King regulates the use of America's airspace and of earth orbits for American spacecraft [B P]. He may license water resources [B P] and the management of parks and wilderness lands [B P] to private entities, and he regulates the use of radio frequencies [B P]. For government needs and infrastructure only, America may purchase real property from unwilling sellers at quintuple its value [B P].
America’s Code of Use [B P]: The King shall enforce America’s Code of Use incorporated herein exclusively regarding Real Estate Zoning and Use of Infrastructure.
America’s Criminal Code [B P]: The Monarch shall obey and enforce America's Criminal Code incorporated herein. America will attempt to extradite if necessary and prosecute the citizen or foreigner who has been credibly accused of violating this Code by harming an American or, by the King’s discretion, of harming a foreigner.
Rights of Subjects [B P]: Each person, including visiting foreigners, has God-given rights that this Government exists to protect, the right to Life and Liberty; to Worship; to Free Speech; to Purchase and Use Property; to Purchase, Own, and Carry Individual Defensive Weapons including Firearms; to Protect the Innocent; to Corporally Punish his Children; to Due Process of Law; and to Fail.
No person has a right to food, water, clothing, shelter, energy, healthcare, or education [B P]. Excepting for emergency relief, from natural disasters and short-term life-or-death crises, and for government employees only as mission critical, the Government must not give or subsidize such resources to anyone, nor can America compel charitable giving.
Responsibilities of Subjects [B P]: Each person within America’s jurisdiction has the responsibility to obey her Constitution, Criminal Code, and Code of Use.
The Treasury [B P]: The King will declare which currencies America will accept for payment of taxes; he has authority to levy only one tax, an individual increase tax, with a maximum rate of five percent of income [P]; he shall fund his government including all subdivisions and the military from this single national tax; and he shall not employ tax collectors [P]. All persons remit taxes due at least monthly. Those convicted of tax evasion will be flogged, and pay to the government for thievery restitution as required by the Criminal Code [P]. The King may compensate himself annually with one thousand times the income of America’s average taxpayer [P].
The King may invest any Treasury surplus only in ventures which abide by all the principles of America's Criminal Code, and must refund the same percent of his annual salary as any loss of principle. The Monarch shall reduce the income tax to one percent when he estimates that the Treasury surplus can fund the government for seven years [P].
The King may disburse revenue only, as specifically enumerated herein, for the protection of rights and for infrastructure, and never to support any form of welfare [P], socialism [P], communism [P], or public education [P]. He cannot bring the Treasury into indebtedness. [P] Greater spending than provided for by the authorized tax, as perhaps needed in time of war, must be funded by freewill offerings.
The King grants an exemption from paying tax for the year to any person who has engraved or molded the Constitution of America on a structure enduringly open to public view. He extends this tax relief a subsequent and final time to one who, having so published this Constitution, in like manner publishes America’s Criminal Code [P].
Treaties [B P]: America shall not enter into a foreign treaty [B]. While honoring treaties [B] that do not require her to take unjust action [B], the King shall seek release from inherited treaties and foreign governments are hereby exempted [B] from obligations under any treaty with America. The King has authority to conduct foreign affairs by a good neighbor policy [B], recognizing that America possesses the rights of the head of house in an emergent society [B].
Succession Process [B P]: The Monarch’s eldest son shall succeed him [B P].
Upon inauguration of this Constitution, or if the King meets his death and has no successor, America will hold a lottery to select the King [B P]. The Queen, or if none or none able, the deceased King’s eldest daughter, or if none or none able, America’s chief military officer, will oversee the national lottery. The Overseer publicly will draw lots to select one of the States of America, then a county, then a municipality, then a neighborhood, then a block, then a family, then within that family a man of any age [B P], whom the Overseer crowns King.
America will remain without a King for at most seven days until the completion of the lottery. The military, judges and regional authorities will continue to protect America during the interregnum, remaining loyal to their existing superiors and to the Overseer. The military must enforce posthumously a King’s command to prosecute and, if convicted, execute a prince suspected of murdering his father [B P]. B P] and democracy [B P].
B P]: America does not permit amendments to its Constitution nor to its Criminal Code. [B P]
The Monarch alone can amend only America’s Code of Use [B P], which amendments or revocations take effect one year from national public notice. Usage Amendments must be germane to the code and consistent with the principles of this Constitution and America’s Criminal Code. Any amendment or command issued by the King in defiance of this Constitution including one that increases taxes, gives all subjects the responsibility to engage in non-violent civil disobedience, including by withholding taxes, against such offense [B P]. However the King, as the ultimate national judge, likely will prevail in his own court against innocents, his decisions final on Earth even if unjust [B P], unless of course overturned by a foreign power. The King, though required to obey the laws herein, dwells above the jurisdiction of any other court in the land [P]. If the Monarch violates this Constitution through wrongful amendments or otherwise, while no American court has standing to prosecute him, he awaits the Judgment of God [B P].
B P]: America hereby dedicates herself to God the Father, Jesus Christ His Son, and the Holy Spirit [B P]. This Constitution arises from the Holy Bible's principles of governance [B P]; explicitly does not codify Israel's symbolic ordinances [B P]; and will be superseded by Christ at His Return [B P]. May God bless our King. Long live the King [B P]!