the Princess Elizabeth Portrait vs USA



It seems possible all of American Religion could be broken on the Elizabeth Portrait pictured. The background has the Old Testament. While she holds the New Testament with a bookmark. She would be not even 18. In 1546, Princess Elizabeth has written a lengthy commentary on the 1st chapter of John Calvin's Institutes of Christian Religion. She would be excommunicated in the early years of her reign for being a Calvinist. By claiming that the Queen is Reformed religion while maintaining the Anglican Religion seems pomp and circumstance to those who admit Queen Victoria also went to the Presbyterians in Scotland while maintaining the state-run middleground via media Anglicanism? Augustus Toplady would be a Reformed Anglican of 1776. Reformed Anglicans leads to Scotland where Roman Catholic Anglicans lead to Rome. She would support the religious wars of France, attempt engagement with Anjou of France Huguenots, defeat the Dutch , and aid John Knox in Scotland. The Reformed Religion is a trail that should and does follow in this picture.
1776 is Presbyterian-Congregational still available widely in 1861 , Maryland My Maryland is a type of tribute to Elizabeth I, so is Sic Semper Tyrannis. My Country TIs of Thee would point to Pilgrims chased off by the successor James I. Current rules considering the current Monarch to be Protestant would trace back to Elizabeth I and the types of Salic Law that Henry VIII was wrestling with. John Bull is attributed mainly as the Subject of "God Save the Queen" originally. Charles I would have English Presbyterians follow closely the Separatist Puritan Congregationalist in the Cambridge Platform. THe Presbyterian structure would win out in the 1801 Plan of Union. The Second Great Awakening into the 1830's its rarely says, no longer would tie AMerica to EUROPE, as with the Reformed, Lutheran, or Roman Catholic traditions, isn't African American attendance here near the 1% marker universally, forms the Methodists and Baptists in the Second Great Awakening.
The Gutenberg printing press, the sack of Constantinople, the Renaissance, 30% literacy, factors leading toward indulgences, prelacy of the High Church.
When Eugene Carson Blake attended with his Covenanter flag for the races of America at Martin Luther King Jr's March on Washington, and JFK Irishmen lead the New England Puritan's Mayflower, may signal the end of a single civil religious freedom or identity for nearly all Americans to begin with.