The Patriot and the Traitor Roles In the 2016 Election


New member
The Patriot and the Traitor Roles In the 2016 Election

"In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and
hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it
costs nothing to be a patriot." Mark Twain

“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot
survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for
he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst
those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the
alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor
appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he
wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies
deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works
secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he
infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is
less to fear.” Marcus Tullius Cicero

The 2016 presidential election is the most divisive and contentious one
since the election of Lincoln in 1860, when the opposition to Lincoln was
divided - with John C. Breckinridge, Southern Democrat, John Bell,
Constitutional Federalist, and Stephen A. Douglas, Northern Democrat,
dividing the vote. The result was the 1861-65 War.

Could it be that one reason why the 2016 election is divisive is because some are taking on the role of the traitor and some are acting in the role of the patriot, which are directly and totally opposite roles?


The Patriot and the Traitor Roles In the 2016 Election...

Could it be that one reason why the 2016 election is divisive is because some are taking on the role of the traitor and some are acting in the role of the patriot, which are directly and totally opposite roles?

Of course you're implying that your candidate Donald Trump is some kind of "patriot".

Make your case.


New member
Role: "the position or purpose that someone or something has in a situation, organization, society, or relationship: What is his role in this project?"

And the roles of patriot versus traitor are played by many people in the 2016 election. This all may be subtle, and those who find it too subtle want to reduce the role players down to two people - and repeat the usual quarreling from that.


New member

"Michael Savage Interviews Donald Trump on April 1, 2011"

What is a patriot? "a person who vigorously supports their country and is prepared to defend it against enemies or detractors, synonyms: nationalist, loyalist."

Oath of an American enlisted man: "I, (state name of enlistee), do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic..."

The traitor, as the opposite of the patriot, is for a collectivist society and a totalitarian world government, which denies the rights of our Bill of Rights.


The Patriot and the Traitor Roles In the 2016 Election

I prefer that my political "patriots" not consider Vladimir Putin as a "role model!"


New member
Whether an individual decides to follow the patriot or traitor role would seem to depend on where he gets his information and ideas from.

It would seem that those who get their information and ideas from network television would follow the traitor role.

There are talk show hosts now on FM and AM radio, such as Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity who teach, in part, the patriot role.

But the present day leaders of the patriot movement, who, grew out of the patriot movement on short wave 20 or more years ago, are on the Internet. Michael Savage is a radio talk show host and a patriot leader who is on radio and the Internet, like Rush Limbaugh. The short wave patriots of about 1995 to 2005, such as Jeff Baker, Bill Cooper, Mark Koernke, Steve Quayle, Larry Nichols and a young Alex Jones, also wrote books and made VHF videos.

Yet the present day nationalist, patriot or populist movement appears to have members who would not use the Internet for their information and ideas - and their topics for discussion, which is now called "the narrative." Do many or most of the bikers and truckers who are part of this new patriot movement use the Internet a great deal? What about people older than the Baby Boomers who are acting like patriots?

An expert in public opinion polling who is also a social psychologist and not into political correctness is needed to study this large and diverse patriot movement.

And - there are now patriots and traitors out in the metaphoric arena whose names come up regularly. George Soros is one who has allowed his name to be widely known as a traitor leader. He and other members of the ruling elite have been trying to create a conflict with Russia and Putin. Zbigniew Brzezinski has also let his name become publically associated with the drive to have a war with Putin and Russia.

Then there is wikileaks and Julian Assange, an Australian computer programmer, and journalist, who is out on this stage of battle between the patriot and the traitor. Assange, like a hero of fiction in a spy story, is holed up in the Ecuadorian Embassy of London, from which fights for the patriots by releasing E Mail messages which the enemy traitor side do not want released. E Mails contain data by which they can be identified and verified as being authentic.

The traitor side has itself upgraded by calling public attention to a few patriot leaders, such as Matt Drudge, Alex Jones and the Breitbart News Network. Matt Drudge began to become a patriot leader back in the time of the Bill Clinton administrations. His Drudge Report began in 1996 as a weekly subscriber-based email report. The Drudge Report was the first news source to break the Monica Lewinsky scandal to the public, after Newsweek decided not to publish the story.

Note that we have had four presidents who have supported the ruling elite's plan for a totalitarian world government since George H.W. Bush took office in 1989. The short wave patriot movement began during the administration of George H.W. Bush and especially at the time of the first Bill Clinton administration. Ruby Ridge, 1992, happened under George H.W. Bush, who gave a speech on the New World Order. The Massacre at Waco, 1993, resulted in an increase of interest in the small patriot movement. Then, during the early days of the reign of George W. Bush, 911 gave added momentum to the patriots but two of them were silenced at this time. Bill Cooper was killed and Mark Koernke was sent to prison.


The Liberal palette is traitorous to America as a country. There is no respect to the Constitution if it does not serve them, and they threaten America by means of external bias.

It's ridiculous that it isn't stated as much as it should. When this country was first founded, Obama would have been found guilty of treason for demanding gun control; Clinton, for pushing free trade across foreign lands.

And now you have Hillary, who has been nothing but a dubious, shady woman her entire career in politics.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Trump, patriot: His main theme has always been to Make America Great Again. Once upon a time we manufactured our own goods, supplied our own energy, had a booming economy... ....our military was poised to defeat the mighty Soviet Union. Today we have none of those things. Trump wants them back and so do real Americans.

Hillary, traitor: She sold her office for money, sold her influence to our enemies, she lied to the FBI and to all Americans. She is the most corrupt, criminal, unethical liar ever to see the presidency.
