The Parables of the Lost


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In Luke 15, Jesus spoke about the parables of the lost sheep, lost coin and lost son. These parables have long been the subject of many sermons dwelling on the type of being lost. The lost coin reflects the condition of those who do not know they are lost; the lost sheep reflects the condition of those who know they have strayed from the shepherd and the sheep fold but do not know the way back to the fold; the lost son reflects those who know both their condition and the way back home. These 3 types of lost describe the lost condition of the peoples of the world, prior to their being found. In the parables, all 3 types of lost were found.

There is one thing in the parables that needs pointing out: the initial condition before the sheep, coin and son got lost. Before the sheep got lost, it was with its shepherd; before the coin was lost, it was with its owner; before the son went lost, he was with his father. Therefore, the parables spell out the condition that people are born NOT lost. Born in sin and hence born lost, as others teach? Not quite. Instead, we start out in life NOT lost. And to be NOT lost is to be in Christ, the only name under heaven given to men for salvation (Acts 4:12). Yes, people are born in Christ! And that's good news.

Sadly, we live lives reflecting the lives of the lost. Yet, we have all the reason to rejoice: as in the parables all 3 were found, so with us all. We were all found. And we are back again to our Shepherd, Owner and Father. Hence, the call for all men everywhere to repent (Acts 17:30). Repentance is a change of mind for that which is good, instead of doing evil, we change our minds and do good. In other words, we have to overcome evil with good (Rom 12:21).

Christ assures overcomers will NOT be blotted out from the book of life and will be seated with Him in His throne, even as He also overcame and sat down with the Father in His throne (Rev 3:5, 21). All not blotted out from the book of life will be ushered to the heavenly portals (Rev 21:27). All blotted out will have their portion in the lake of fire (Rev 21:27). Which portion would you rather have?