ECT The official AAL interp of the new covenant


Well-known member
The apostles were unified on the new covenant: it was put into effect in Christ, it is the blessing of forgiveness of sins now, and it makes a substantial impact on a person's willingness to live rightly, which the law was powerless to do.

You would normally get this from the last supper accounts, I Cor 11, 2 Cor 3-5, Heb 8, 10, 12. But 2P2P is so confused that Heb 10 needs further explanation.

Jer 31 did set up the new covenant in a vision of a prosperous Israel. But this is not the last prophetic word on that. In Haggai 2, there is the disappointment that the place as reconstructed after the captivity was dismal. There is a similar theme in Malachi 2, that the messenger of the covenant would suddenly show up at the temple and 'fix' the problems of the post-exile temple.

Haggai 2 says that when this is resolved the glory of the 'temple' would be greater than the previous. This is why we are told by Christ that something greater than David and Solomon is here in Him, and why the temple analogy is used about the Christians as a group in Eph 2.

We have to stick with the question of 'after that time' in Jer 31. It's after that exile when everything is ruined. This is where Christ comes in.

This is why Rom 11 on the covenant (from an Isaiah quote) and Heb 8-10 on the new covenant say it is fulfilled in Christ and do not say there is another land fulfillment expected, but instead celebrate the cloud of witnesses and the Jerusalem above, and the day when the NHNE arrives.

And of course the improvement over sin through the Spirit is ours to enjoy now. Forgiven sin really reduces the appeal of sin.

(AAL = the apostles accounts and letters, since another silly idea of the 2P2P's is that there is a huge difference between the new covenant and the NT).


New member
OK. But how does preterism fit into this, and for you, is the church, from ekklesia, the congregation as Tyndale understands, and is there a redeemed Israel (Luke 1: 68-69), which Romans 10: 12 and Galatians 3: 28 imply is unified, and not divided into those from the blood line and those not from the blood line. There are other differences in understanding the doctrines of Christ that those who think they have come out of dispensationalism retain, but do not realize it. The view of the church as the Body of Christ can be one of these.


Well-known member

The Old had not passed away yet, according to Hebrews.

"There is no longer any sacrifice for sin"
It is obsolete.
It will soon disappear. As you know this was the decade of the destruction of Jerusalem, etc, the same as Dan 9 had said would happen.
Those (regulations) only apply until the time of the new order. Chrst is the high preist of the good things that are already here.
10:8 the law required them to be done. PAST TENSE.
V9 he sets aside the first to establish the second.
We have not come to the mountain of the old covenant, but we have come to the new Jerusalem, and the new covenant!
13:9 don't be carried away by strange teachings! Ceremonial foods from the altar. Not done away? Yes the unbelievers were practicing the temple worship but it was not wanted by God!

The new covenant is the ETERNAL covenant that Christ promised to do for mankind before creation (13:20). Sounds like the old covenant was done before it started.

There is no fraud greater than 2P2P and MAD.

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
"There is no longer any sacrifice for sin"
It is obsolete.
It will soon disappear. As you know this was the decade of the destruction of Jerusalem, etc, the same as Dan 9 had said would happen.
Those (regulations) only apply until the time of the new order. Chrst is the high preist of the good things that are already here.
10:8 the law required them to be done. PAST TENSE.
V9 he sets aside the first to establish the second.
We have not come to the mountain of the old covenant, but we have come to the new Jerusalem, and the new covenant!
13:9 don't be carried away by strange teachings! Ceremonial foods from the altar. Not done away? Yes the unbelievers were practicing the temple worship but it was not wanted by God!

The new covenant is the ETERNAL covenant that Christ promised to do for mankind before creation (13:20). Sounds like the old covenant was done before it started.

There is no fraud greater than 2P2P and MAD.


The Old had not passed away yet, according to Hebrews.

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
The new covenant is the ETERNAL covenant that Christ promised to do for mankind before creation (13:20). Sounds like the old covenant was done before it started.

See how he alludes to scriptures, makes up stuff, and proclaims his interpretation as fact?

The facts:

Heb 13
20 Now the God of peace, that brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant,


Well-known member

The Old had not passed away yet, according to Hebrews.

Look, I know you don't like or submit to the AAL, but the case is the opposite over there at Hebrews. There is NOTHING that says it is going now, and all passages say the new is. But you see in your literalism, 'disappearing soon' is like Rev 1's quickly: it prob means X000 years!!! You always "win"!

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
Look, I know you don't like or submit to the AAL, but the case is the opposite over there at Hebrews. There is NOTHING that says it is going now, and all passages say the new is. But you see in your literalism, 'disappearing soon' is like Rev 1's quickly: it prob means X000 years!!! You always "win"!

Ready to vanish means ready to vanish.

Quit making stuff up.


Well-known member
See how he alludes to scriptures, makes up stuff, and proclaims his interpretation as fact?

The facts:

Heb 13
20 Now the God of peace, that brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant,

What is that a 'fact' of other than the new covenant was there first, like the priesthood of Christ was there first before Aaron's.

Here is what is perverse about you, about MAD about 2P2P: you sound like Christ's work and admin is a shadow and the Judaistic operation coming over there is Judea (you say) is the REALITY. Hmmm, what's wrong with that picture?

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
What is that a 'fact' of other than the new covenant was there first, like the priesthood of Christ was there first before Aaron's.

Here is what is perverse about you, about MAD about 2P2P: you sound like Christ's work and admin is a shadow and the Judaistic operation coming over there is Judea (you say) is the REALITY. Hmmm, what's wrong with that picture?

Quit making up stuff


Well-known member
Ready to vanish = vanished?


From where we stand, yes. He didn't know exactly how the destruction of Israel was going to unfold, but anyone (Paul, Josephus, Caiaphas, Gamaliel) familiar with Dan 8 knew that the 'rebellion that desolates' could have breached any time from 6 AD (Judas the Galilean) on.

You are too smart to get familiar with the basics of NT history, though, because there are no cartoons to post.

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
From where we stand, yes. He didn't know exactly how the destruction of Israel was going to unfold, but anyone (Paul, Josephus, Caiaphas, Gamaliel) familiar with Dan 8 knew that the 'rebellion that desolates' could have breached any time from 6 AD (Judas the Galilean) on.

You are too smart to get familiar with the basics of NT history, though, because there are no cartoons to post.

Why hadn't it vanished yet when Hebrews was written?


Well-known member
Why hadn't it vanished yet when Hebrews was written?

Unbelief is a strong force; the zealots and Judaizers who were militant and messianic believed they needed to keep it going. One sect had as its first business, the assassination of all temple staff and replacement with their "pure" ones so that the messianic war against the pagans would succeed.

Please get some NT background before you open your mouth.

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
Unbelief is a strong force; the zealots and Judaizers who were militant and messianic believed they needed to keep it going. One sect had as its first business, the assassination of all temple staff and replacement with their "pure" ones so that the messianic war against the pagans would succeed.

Please get some NT background before you open your mouth.

Why hadn't it vanished yet when Hebrews was written?