The Necessity of God's law in the New Covenant



Today is Revi'i Ziv 10 Omer 25: It is Day

Do you imagine the New Covenant to not include or be about God's law? I urge you to reconsider if you do.

If you read Jeremiah you will discover mention of a new covenant that does involve God's law.

What covenant was made obsolete and what does it mean that it has been made obsolete?




Does God's law in the New Covenant include or involve punishment for breaking it?
What do we do about teaching Torah?
What is God's Law the Law of Moses the Mosaic Law from Mount Sinai?
What is God's law in the New Covenant?
In other words, is it different?
Since the New Covenant is not like the Old.


New member
Do you imagine the New Covenant to not include or be about God's law? I urge you to reconsider if you do.
If you read Jeremiah you will discover mention of a new covenant that does involve God's law.
What covenant was made obsolete and what does it mean that it has been made obsolete?
Jeremiah 31 is a PROPHECY. It will be fulfilled when Messiah returns to save the remnant of Israel from annihilation.
Exodus 19:5-6 is also an unfulfilled PROPHECY:
And ye shall be unto me a kingdom of priests, and an holy nation.
These are the words which thou shalt speak unto the children of Israel
. vs.6
There are a multitude of PROPHECIES that are yet to be fulfilled.