The Man, The Speech - Donald Trump Accepts Nomination

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison

The Horn

The speech Donald Chump gave last night in Cleveland was nothing short of nauseating. Not to mention terrifying . The GOP has just chosen the biggest con man in U.S. history as its candidate for President . What has happened to America ? Why are there so many people in this country who are naive, ignorant and gullible enough to believe this criminal liar and fraud will "make America great again ".
Trump , whether consciously or not, looked exactly like Mussolini strutting and smirking smugly and self-satisfiedly . It was like a living nightmare .
His rant was shamelessly manipulative , misleading and at times filed with maudlin sentimentality , when he wailed about the tragic death of a young woman who had just graduated from college and who was murdered by a Mexican immigrant ,implying that all or most Mexicans are like that, and conveniently ignoring the fact that her admittedly tragic death could just as easily have been at the hands of a white American thug . How shamelessly manipulative can you get ?
This was not a Presidential speech ; it was despicable fear and hate mongering of the worst kind .
And rating it on a scale of fairness and accuracy on a scale of one to ten, ten being the highest , I would give it a minus 200 !