
New member
The evidence shows the temple was not there. Bob Cornuke is one of the biggest money making cons there is leaching off of gullible Christians.
There are at least a dozen references in the Old Testament which indicate that the Temple was in the City of David. Only the liberal theologens reject the Bible.
Of course, there are a lot of "archeologists" that want to keep the money flowing in, so they stick with the prevailing notion that the Temple was on the Haram al Sherif (aka: Roman Fort Antonia).


Well-known member
There are at least a dozen references in the Old Testament which indicate that the Temple was in the City of David. Only the liberal theologens reject the Bible.
Of course, there are a lot of "archeologists" that want to keep the money flowing in, so they stick with the prevailing notion that the Temple was on the Haram al Sherif (aka: Roman Fort Antonia).

You need to do more research:



New member

I've studied extensively and posted the info on this forum.
The old-school entrenched liberal "archeologists" stand to
lose a lot of $$$ and "prestige" from going against the
"establishment" (not to mention the esteemed "rabbis").

Why did God obliterate all traces of the Temple?
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Well-known member


New member
You need to do more research:

Here Sherlock, I've done previous research right here on TOL:
Biblical Clues to Temple Location in the City of David
PS: This is not some amateur "Ron Wyatt" research from the 1970s.

PPS: The "Dome of the Rock" is an 8 sided(octagon) structure, which is neither Roman, Islamic or Jewish in architecture.
Inside is a very rough 100'X100' rock outcropping. Only a moron would think that was a place for the Holy of Holies (60'X60') or a "threshing floor".


Well-known member
Here Sherlock, I've done previous research right here on TOL:
Biblical Clues to Temple Location in the City of David
PS: This is not some amateur "Ron Wyatt" research from the 1970s.

PPS: The "Dome of the Rock" is an 8 sided(octagon) structure, which is neither Roman, Islamic or Jewish in architecture.
Inside is a very rough 100'X100' rock outcropping. Only a moron would think that was a place for the Holy of Holies (60'X60') or a "threshing floor".

You need to do more research:



New member
You need to do more research:

Here is yet another post I made on the Temple location (it yielded 14 pages in response):

PS: Haram al Sherif has no natural water supply. The Romans built aqueducts from Bethlehem to supply the "mount"(Fortress Antonia).
On the otherhand, God chose the City of David to build His Temple, as it has a natural siphon spring (Gihon Spring) to supply fresh "living" water.
Any simpleton should be able to figure out where the Temple location was. Unfortunately even the so-called "educated experts" lack the ability.


Well-known member
Here is yet another post I made on the Temple location (it yielded 14 pages in response):

PS: Haram al Sherif has no natural water supply. The Romans built aqueducts from Bethlehem to supply the "mount"(Fortress Antonia).
On the otherhand, God chose the City of David to build His Temple, as it has a natural siphon spring (Gihon Spring) to supply fresh "living" water.
Any simpleton should be able to figure out where the Temple location was. Unfortunately even the so-called "educated experts" lack the ability.

You need to do more research:



New member

The guy in the video is a real simpleton. If he had a clue, he would know that there are (and have been) many Jewish archeologists in Israel that know that the Temple stood in the City of David. This is not a "Christian conspiracy" :rotfl: as Derek Walker suggests.
The Haram al Sherif was the Antonia Fortress, and housed 10,000 Romans. It occupied the "high ground" in Jerusalem and overlooked the Temple, which was just south. They were SEPARATED, as the Jews did not intermingle with the Gentiles.


Well-known member
The guy in the video is a real simpleton. If he had a clue, he would know that there are (and have been) many Jewish archeologists in Israel that know that the Temple stood in the City of David. This is not a "Christian conspiracy" :rotfl: as Derek Walker suggests.
The Haram al Sherif was the Antonia Fortress, and housed 10,000 Romans. It occupied the "high ground" in Jerusalem and overlooked the Temple, which was just south. They were SEPARATED, as the Jews did not intermingle with the Gentiles.

He deals with that issue, you need to watch all of it:



New member
He deals with that issue, you need to watch all of it:
An hour and a half of bloviation? The guy simply hasn't done his homework. He doesn't even know that there are MANY who have discovered the Temple was in the City of David. The Israelis didn't even discover where the City of David was located until around the year 2,000 AD! The Jews were banished from Jerusalem by the Romans and absent from the city for 1,000 years!! When they started to return, there were only 15,000 poor Muslim and Christian inhabitants. Sorry, but the returning Jews simply "had no clue" and just accepted the area where the Christians had built an octagon shaped church atop the mound as the "Temple" location.
Truly, Jews are a stubborn, stiffnecked people and cling to "tradition".


Well-known member
An hour and a half of bloviation? The guy simply hasn't done his homework. He doesn't even know that there are MANY who have discovered the Temple was in the City of David. The Israelis didn't even discover where the City of David was located until around the year 2,000 AD! The Jews were banished from Jerusalem by the Romans and absent from the city for 1,000 years!! When they started to return, there were only 15,000 poor Muslim and Christian inhabitants. Sorry, but the returning Jews simply "had no clue" and just accepted the area where the Christians had built an octagon shaped church atop the mound as the "Temple" location.
Truly, Jews are a stubborn, stiffnecked people and cling to "tradition".

You need to do more research (by watching all of it) (there are speed settings):



New member
"He will be great, and will be called the Son of the Highest; and the Lord God will give Him the throne of His father David." (Luke 1:32)

David's throne was in the City of David south of the Haram al-Sharif.


New member
You need to do more research (by watching all of it) (there are speed settings):
There are so many thing he says that are quite WRONG. It would take extensive rebuttal to cover the multitude of his errors.
He said, “Take your son, your only son Isaac, whom you love, and go to the Land of Moriah, and offer him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains of [Moriah] which I shall tell you.” - Genesis 22:2

One of the Mounts of Moriah is called the Mount of Olives. North is a large cemetery, Olive groves are south of that; below that is a Palestinian quarter called Silwan. Mount Moria/Mount of Olives is the location of the Roman crucifixions (ie: Silwan).
Looking straight west from the former crucifixion area, across the Kidron Valley, 600 feet, you will find the location of Solomon's and Herod's Temple. Priests could have stood inside the Temple and observed the crucifixions occurring across the Kidron Valley. The Sacrifice of Isaac was on the mount EAST the Kidron Valley where the Roman crucifixions were to later take place which is present day Silwan. If I had a photo, I would post it.

The confusion presented by your video shows he doesn't understand his geography; which demonstrates that he really isn't qualified to address the topic.
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Well-known member
There are so many thing he says that are quite WRONG. It would take extensive rebuttal to cover the multitude of his errors.
He said, “Take your son, your only son Isaac, whom you love, and go to the Land of Moriah, and offer him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains of [Moriah] which I shall tell you.” - Genesis 22:2

One of the Mounts of Moriah is called the Mount of Olives. North is a large cemetery, Olive groves are south of that; below that is a Palestinian quarter called Silwan. Mount Moria/Mount of Olives is the location of the Roman crucifixions (ie: Silwan).
Looking straight west from the former crucifixion area, across the Kidron Valley, 600 feet, you will find the location of Solomon's and Herod's Temple. Priests could have stood inside the Temple and observed the crucifixions occurring across the Kidron Valley. The Sacrifice of Isaac was on the mount EAST of Jerusalem where the Roman crucifixions were to take place; in present day Silwan.
That is but one example of the confusion presented by your video; he doesn't understand his geography.

Please re-edit your grammar as it is not clear whether you are saying the above or claiming Derek said it? Either way that is wrong.


Well-known member
Of course, there are a lot of "archeologists" that want to keep the money flowing in, so they stick with the prevailing notion that the Temple was on the Haram al Sherif (aka: Roman Fort Antonia).

Considering that there archaeological excavations don't take place there- what do they gain? What money?


New member
Sounds good. Can you name a few?

"Dr. Eilat Mazar’s excavation at the Ophel in Jerusalem was one of the most high-profile investigations in the field of Biblical archaeology. The area between the City of David and the Temple Mount has been known as the Ophel (meaning “a high place to climb to”) since the First Temple period. In the Bible, King Jotham “did much building on the wall of the Ophel” (11 Chronicles 27:3) in the mid-8th century B.C.E., and the site’s history stretches back well before this constructon. In her book Discovering the Solomonic Wall in Jerusalem, Mazar recounts the storied excavation history of the site, which sits at the heart of ancient Jerusalem. Ophel investigators include Captain Charles Warren, Dame Kathleen Kenyon and (Eilat Mazar’s grandfather) Benjamin Mazar, yet none of these esteemed predecessors uncovered a cache as striking as the one found by Eilat Mazar during the 2013 field season."