The Lord Jesus Will Eventually Christianize The World.


Active member
JAG Writes:
The good news is that the Lord Jesus has already legally defeated Evil.

He has already legally defeated Evil in The Courts of Heaven and the net
results of His victory is that His Christian Church is now in the gradual
incremental process of making disciples of all the nations.

The Lord Jesus said that He would build His Christian Church and that the
Gates Of Evil will not prevail against His Christian Church.


So we Christians build our Christian Eschatology NOT on the current newspapers
but rather we build our view of the future based on the clear teachings of the Bible
the Word Of God.


So now all we Christians have to do is fight the good fight and keep the faith. Then
we will hear out Lord Jesus say to us "Well done thou good and faithful servant."

The Lord Jesus is now King Of Kings and Lord of Lords. He said at the end of
Matthew's gospel chapter 28 that all authority both in Heaven and here on Earth
has been given to me -- and He said THEREFORE go and make disciples of all the
nations teaching them to obey all that I have commanded you.

Its is utterly impossible for Evil to defeat the Plan of the Sovereign God.

The Lord Jesus, "having disarmed the powers and authorities, He has made a public
spectacle of them, triumphing over them by The Cross."
Col. 2:15

"I was victorious and sat down with My Father on His throne."__ The Lord Jesus
Revelation 3:21

I would very much like for all the atheists and agnostics to "come and be with us"
as we His Christian Church are now in the process of making disciples of all the

Become a Christian today -- pray this simple prayer sincerely from your heart:

"Dear Lord Jesus, I know that I am a sinner, and I ask for Your forgiveness. I believe
You died for my sins and rose from the dead. I turn from my sins and invite You to
come into my heart and life. I want to trust and follow You as my Lord and Savior.
In Your Name. Amen."

Best Regards.




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So we Christians build our Christian Eschatology NOT on the current newspapers
But, what do you mean by that? Does anyone actually do whatever it is you call "building Christian eschatology on the current newspapers"? If so, who? Could you give some concrete examples, and try to describe exactly whatever you'd say would be involved in that? I've heard people use that sort of phrase countless times over the years while they ridicule eschatology they seem to not like. Though, I've never actually heard any of them explain what (if anything) they mean by it. Really, isn't it usually just kind of a coded way of getting it out there that you are someone that thinks Nero Ahenobarbus is the beast of Revelation 13?


Active member
But, what do you mean by that? Does anyone actually do whatever it is you call "building Christian eschatology on the current newspapers"? If so, who? Could you give some concrete examples, and try to describe exactly whatever you'd say would be involved in that? I've heard people use that sort of phrase countless times over the years while they ridicule eschatology they seem to not like. Though, I've never actually heard any of them explain what (if anything) they mean by it. Really, isn't it usually just kind of a coded way of getting it out there that you are someone that thinks Nero Ahenobarbus is the beast of Revelation 13?
The Premillennialists like to point to the current evil in the world as
reported in the newspapers, to prove that the world is not getting
better but is getting more and more evil.

I am a Postmillennialist and we correctly believe that the Christianization of the
world is going to take many many millenniums yet ahead.

In my view much of the book of Revelation was fulfilled in the firdst century.




There has been a large number of people mentioned in the newspapers
that the Premills and the Dispy's have foolishly identified as the future
The Antichrist. There is no such thing as a future The Antichrist.



Well-known member
JAG Writes:
The good news is that the Lord Jesus has already legally defeated Evil.
I agree.
He has already legally defeated Evil in The Courts of Heaven and the net
results of His victory is that His Christian Church is now in the gradual
incremental process of making disciples of all the nations.
I agree. I wish you would read my post about Psalm 82 a second look. It is in Psalm 82 that I think an important trial took place. Created beings were sentence and a statement at the very end is just another affirmation that why you have written is true.
That last statement: "Arise, O God, judge the earth; for you shalt inherit all nations."

You and I know from the book of Genesis that the seed of woman was to come to overcome sin and death in this world.
Ps 82 just adds more detail to what he inherits for his being our Savior on the cross and the risen God.
He already has the right to judge [forgive sins or not]. He has provided the Way for our salvation. He inherits an earthy throne from which he rules the nations for 1,000 years.
Even so he is not done.

The Lord Jesus said that He would build His Christian Church and that the
Gates Of Evil will not prevail against His Christian Church.
In KJV I read Gates of Hell, but that is where the evil lost souls await the finale. I happen to think that mortal believers will face trials along with mortal lost people before all comes to an end. But my prayer is that he will provide a way for our protection.

So we Christians build our Christian Eschatology NOT on the current newspapers
but rather we build our view of the future based on the clear teachings of the Bible
the Word Of God.

I agree ... but the nuances may differ between people who look at the role of the church as to what to do and not do. I happen to trust that we [having the Holy Spirit] are the salt in the world and we need the armor of God to thrive while alive on earth.
So now all we Christians have to do is fight the good fight and keep the faith. Then
we will hear out Lord Jesus say to us "Well done thou good and faithful servant."
I agree.
The Lord Jesus is now King Of Kings and Lord of Lords. He said at the end of
Matthew's gospel chapter 28 that all authority both in Heaven and here on Earth
has been given to me -- and He said THEREFORE go and make disciples of all the
nations teaching them to obey all that I have commanded you.
I so agree ... and that was even when he bore human flesh as the Messiah/Son of God/son of man. God continuously imparted His Spirit into Jesus. John 3:34-35
For he [Jesus] who God hath sent speaketh the words of God: for God giveth not the Spirit by measure unto him [IOW Jesus, our Savior, had direct contact with the Spirit of God continually as needed]. The Father loveth the Son, and hath given all things into his hand.

I figure this is one reason Jesus took time to pray to the Father God. If he felt he needed encouragement etc., he would pray to the Father for some special request. God, I'm sure, did not ignore the needs of our Savior.
Its is utterly impossible for Evil to defeat the Plan of the Sovereign God.

The Lord Jesus, "having disarmed the powers and authorities, He has made a public
spectacle of them, triumphing over them by The Cross."
Col. 2:15
I so agree. Yet, I feel from our human perspective we sometimes wonder for we await the glorification of our bodies and for the time when death and hell are no more and the earth is made new.
"I was victorious and sat down with My Father on His throne."__ The Lord Jesus
Revelation 3:21

I would very much like for all the atheists and agnostics to "come and be with us"
as we His Christian Church are now in the process of making disciples of all the

Become a Christian today -- pray this simple prayer sincerely from your heart:

"Dear Lord Jesus, I know that I am a sinner, and I ask for Your forgiveness. I believe
You died for my sins and rose from the dead. I turn from my sins and invite You to
come into my heart and life. I want to trust and follow You as my Lord and Savior.
In Your Name. Amen."

Best Regards.


That is the hope of God and our Messiah that all would be saved ... but I do believe their are lost souls awaiting in hell for the ushering in of the eternal kingdom of our Lord.

Have a nice day JAG.
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The Premillennialists like to point to the current evil in the world as
reported in the newspapers, to prove that the world is not getting
better but is getting more and more evil.
To what are you referring by your phrase, "the world"? And, what do you mean by saying that whatever it is you're referring to by your phrase, "the world", is "getting better"?

Please quote some examples of people whom you call "Premillennialists" doing whatever it is you call "pointing the current evil in the world as reported in the newspapers, to prove that the world is not getting better but is getting more and more evil".

I am a Postmillennialist and we correctly believe that the Christianization of the
world is going to take many many millenniums yet ahead.
To what are you referring by your phrase, "the world"? Of what is your "Christianization of the world" supposed to consist?


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the Christianization of the
world is going to take many many millenniums yet ahead.
According to you -- despite the fact that God, in Revelation 20, declares Satan will be bound for a period of 1,000 years -- Satan will really be bound for "many many" 1,000-year periods?

Doesn't your Christ-denigrating, "optimistic", post(multi)millennial ideology kind of just boil down to, "Mankind's gonna be A-OK without Jesus crashing the scene, so long as Satan won't be hanging around to mess things up"?

When does your 1,000-year period that lasts for a period of many many 1,000-year periods begin?

Do you think it would be reasonable to refer to a 2,000+-year period by the phrase, "millennium", or "1,000-year period"?


Active member
To what are you referring by your phrase, "the world"? And, what do you mean by saying that whatever it is you're referring to by your phrase, "the world", is "getting better"?

Please quote some examples of people whom you call "Premillennialists" doing whatever it is you call "pointing the current evil in the world as reported in the newspapers, to prove that the world is not getting better but is getting more and more evil".

To what are you referring by your phrase, "the world"? Of what is your "Christianization of the world" supposed to consist?
World as in for God so loved the world -- THAT world.

Premillennialists and Dispy;s are in the public record as identifying their future The Antichrist
as being such as Hitler, the various Roman Popes, zip codes, etc
I will see if I can't locate an article, I wrote on this for you to look over.





Active member
To what are you referring by your phrase, "the world"? And, what do you mean by saying that whatever it is you're referring to by your phrase, "the world", is "getting better"?

Please quote some examples of people whom you call "Premillennialists" doing whatever it is you call "pointing the current evil in the world as reported in the newspapers, to prove that the world is not getting better but is getting more and more evil".

To what are you referring by your phrase, "the world"? Of what is your "Christianization of the world" supposed to consist?
JAG Writes:
There Is No Such Thing As A Future The Antichrist.
October 5, 2021

(1) Intelligent extraterrestrials have visited Earth. (2) There will be a future The Antichrist. (1) and (2) are in the same category. Both are bald assertions without a shred of credible evidence in support. Its impossible to produce even one (1) Bible verse that says there will be a future The Antichrist. There were/are antichrists (little a, plural) in the world, but there is no such thing as an evil political world ruler, in our future, to be known as The Antichrist ~ try to find a Bible verse that says that.

So where did the notion of a future evil world political ruler come from? It came from unrestrained human imaginations and speculations. By the way, various people who have predicted a future antichrist, are on record in the public square, identifying The Antichrist as being: Napoleon Bonaparte, Adolf Hitler, Henry Kissinger, Mikhail Gorbachev, Saddam Hussein, Pope John Paul ll, and Yasser Arafat ~ to name just a few of their many proven-wrong prophecies. Further identifications of The Antichrist by these folks have been microchips, bar codes, and zip codes.

Here at the link below is the entire article I posted here on October 5,2021

Best Regards



Questions: Does the fact that they have been wrong every time they have publicly identified The Antichrist stop them from continuing to make more public identifications? No. And does their long history of being proven wrong cause their students to stop taking them seriously? No. It is difficult to break free from addiction to end times sensational exciting scary fear fiction ~ believing it, stimulates the blood, and stirs up the imagination and large numbers of humans are drawn to that kind of excitement.


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To what are you referring by your phrase, "the world"?
And, what do you mean by saying that whatever it is you're referring to by your phrase, "the world", is "getting better"?
Please quote some examples of people whom you call "Premillennialists" doing whatever it is you call "pointing the current evil in the world as reported in the newspapers, to prove that the world is not getting better but is getting more and more evil".
To what are you referring by your phrase, "the world"?
Of what is your "Christianization of the world" supposed to consist?


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So where did the notion of a future evil world political ruler come from? It came from unrestrained human imaginations and speculations.
So, then, your Bible-despising fantasy that the emperor Nero is the beast of Revelation 13 "came from unrestrained human imaginations and speculations", and not from the Bible. Got it.
There Is No Such Thing As A Future The Antichrist.
What do you have against English grammar? Your ungrammatical phrase, "A Future The Antichrist", makes you sound as though dealing with English may be something of a struggle for you.
Questions: Does the fact that they have been wrong every time they have publicly identified The Antichrist stop them from continuing to make more public identifications?
Does the fact that you write "they" and "them", and yet are either unable or unwilling to cite the name(s) of any person(s) for those pronouns of yours to stand for, stop rationally-thinking people from taking your semiliterate raving seriously?
And does their long history of being proven wrong cause their students to stop taking them seriously?
You have yet to prove you are even referring to any person(s) by your pronouns "their", "they", and "them".
It is difficult to break free from addiction to end times sensational exciting scary fear fiction ~ believing it,
No one believes fiction. Fiction is not amenable to being believed. No one has ever believed, for example, the novel, Peter Pan.
stimulates the blood, and stirs up the imagination and large numbers of humans are drawn to that kind of excitement.
You're the only smart, calm, cool and collected human who has ever lived, right? How can you tolerate even going out in public, being around all those blood-stimulated, excitement-drawn humans?


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By the way, various people who have predicted a future antichrist, are on record in the public square, identifying The Antichrist as being: Napoleon Bonaparte, Adolf Hitler, Henry Kissinger, Mikhail Gorbachev, Saddam Hussein, Pope John Paul ll, and Yasser Arafat ~ to name just a few of their many proven-wrong prophecies. Further identifications of The Antichrist by these folks have been microchips, bar codes, and zip codes.
"Various people", eh? Name names. Give citations and quotations of the words of these "various people". Cite where you learned of these "various people". Is that too much to ask of you, since, after all, you say these "various people...are on record in the public square"?

Oh, but then...
large numbers of humans
...don't really seem to be your thing, so I can imagine it would be difficult for you to access "the public square".


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World as in for God so loved the world -- THAT world.
But, does not the world God so loved consist in part of unsaved sinners who have died and gone to hell?
The Premillennialists like to point to the current evil in the world as
reported in the newspapers, to prove that the world is not getting
better but is getting more and more evil.
So, according to you, is the part of the world consisting of unsaved sinners in hell "getting better"?
I am a Postmillennialist and we correctly believe that the Christianization of the
world is going to take many many millenniums yet ahead.
What do you mean by "the Christianization of" the part of the world consisting of unsaved sinners who have died and gone to hell?


Active member
So, then, your Bible-despising fantasy that the emperor Nero is the beast of Revelation 13 "came from unrestrained human imaginations and speculations", and not from the Bible. Got it.

What do you have against English grammar? Your ungrammatical phrase, "A Future The Antichrist", makes you sound as though dealing with English may be something of a struggle for you.

Does the fact that you write "they" and "them", and yet are either unable or unwilling to cite the name(s) of any person(s) for those pronouns of yours to stand for, stop rationally-thinking people from taking your semiliterate raving seriously?

You have yet to prove you are even referring to any person(s) by your pronouns "their", "they", and "them".

No one believes fiction. Fiction is not amenable to being believed. No one has ever believed, for example, the novel, Peter Pan.

You're the only smart, calm, cool and collected human who has ever lived, right? How can you tolerate even going out in public, being around all those blood-stimulated, excitement-drawn humans?
i have no more interest in talking to you. All you want to do is "pick and pick and pick"
go find somebody else that is interested in playing that game.
I am putting you on Ignore permanently.




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i have no more interest in talking to you. All you want to do is "pick and pick and pick"
go find somebody else that is interested in playing that game.
I am putting you on Ignore permanently.


I wasn't even mean or rude to you, you illiterate, self-righteous poser. Your "eschatology" is garbage. Now, you've just admitted that even you realize you have no hope of defending it.


Well-known member
i have no more interest in talking to you. All you want to do is "pick and pick and pick"
go find somebody else that is interested in playing that game.
I am putting you on Ignore permanently.


I've had the same experience with him and a couple of others ... no discussing or even ignoring ... just negative yackety yackety.


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I've had the same experience with him and a couple of others ... no discussing or even ignoring ... just negative yackety yackety.
@JAG's hostility toward me arises from his inability and failure to answer the questions I have asked him about his ravings. Your situation is similar to his: your chagrin over your inability and failure to answer the questions I've asked you about your heretical ravings fuels the tantrum you're clearly still throwing. You should get over yourself for once, and quit being so negative.😀