The CDC has created new behavior regulations to fight the coronavirus. They now say if everyone would stop breathing for two weeks the coronavirus would come to a rapid end.
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ATLANTA, GA—Citing the effectiveness of sex abstinence in preventing sexually-transmitted infections like HIV, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has strongly advised Americans to abstain from breathing for at least 2 weeks in an effort to quickly curb the spread of the novel coronavirus, which is transmitted via the respiratory route.
“I’m afraid that social distancing and travel bans are not enough,” said CDC Director Robert Redfield, adding that preliminary research on this virus indicates that the best way to not get it is to simply not inhale. “Every time you take in a new breath of air, you are unnecessarily putting yourself in danger because that air may be contaminated by coronavirus. It’s too risky—we simply can’t recommend breathing at this time.”
Redfield is cautiously optimistic that if everyone agrees to a 2-week moratorium on all respiratory activities, this global pandemic will come to a rapid end.
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