The left desperately wants Trump out of office

Eric h

Well-known member
What a joke. Trump's lawyers were never allowed to present the evidence in a court of law. A corrupt judiciary made sure of that. The evidence is overwhelming on the side of this election being one of massive fraud committed by the Democrats. More votes than voters? Fraud. Not allowing opposition party poll watchers? Fraud. Setting up ballot boxes for mail in ballots with no observers to see who is dropping off ballots? Fraud. Entire vote bins disappearing for days? Fraud. Semi trailers full of filled out ballots trucked into Pennsylvania from New York and then the trailers disappearing? Fraud. Trump vote counts dropping in the middle of vote tabulation? Vote counts are additive only. Fraud. Surges of 100,000+ straight votes for Biden? Fraud. Statistical impossibility. States violating their own election laws and constitutions? Fraud.

That's just a short list of all the fraud that went on.
If you have real evidence of this, then you should have been on his legal team. If the lawyers had real evidence of this fraud, they would be winning their case. Donald is just a bad loser. He does not seem to understand democracy, no matter how many votes he had, Biden had more. Simple.


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If you have real evidence of this, then you should have been on his legal team. If the lawyers had real evidence of this fraud, they would be winning their case. Donald is just a bad loser. He does not seem to understand democracy, no matter how many votes he had, Biden had more. Simple.

Did you forget to read sentences 2 and 3 from Free's post? Here they are again:

Trump's lawyers were never allowed to present the evidence in a court of law. A corrupt judiciary made sure of that.

Eric h

Well-known member
Did you forget to read sentences 2 and 3 from Free's post? Here they are again:
ffreeloader said:
Trump's lawyers were never allowed to present the evidence in a court of law. A corrupt judiciary made sure of that.
Of course I read it.

With such a public issue, the courts would need to be open and clear as to why they would not hear the case. Since when do lawyers walk away when they have solid evidence?

Eric h

Well-known member


like marbles on glass
I am not a lawyer, but I wonder how Mr Goldstein had the nerve to show up in court without any evidence. Would he still get paid?
I don't know how the system works, but I imagine the average lawyer isn't short on nerve. : )

My favorite case though, was the one where the Trump lawyer, after complaining GOP observers were barred from observing the ballot count, when the judge asked how many GOP observers were in the room he said "a non-zero number."
"At the city's federal courthouse on Thursday evening, attorneys for Trump asked a judge to issue an emergency order to stop the count, alleging that all Republican observers had been barred.​
"Under sharp questioning from Judge Paul S. Diamond, however, they conceded that Trump in fact had 'a nonzero number of people in the room,' leaving Diamond audibly exasperated.​
"'I'm sorry, then what's your problem?' asked Diamond, who was appointed to the federal bench by President George W. Bush. Denying Trump's request, Diamond struck a deal for 60 observers from each party to be allowed inside.​
"At one point on Friday afternoon, 12 Republican observers and five Democrats were watching the count, according to a ballot counter who was working."​

After that "nonzero" answer, Diamond pressed the Trump campaign lawyer to be more explicit - and he suggestively invoked their standing with the bar: "I'm asking you as a member of the bar of this court: Are people representing the plaintiffs in the room?" The lawyer responded more directly: "Yes."

Gary K

New member
From Philadelphia:


You've pulled this scam before. Take a partial quote and give the idea that partial quote is the entirety of the event. You're doing the same thing once again. Naughty, Naughty.