The Latest Defense, as the excuses crumble...


like marbles on glass
Next week, the House Intelligence Committee will hold its first open hearings as part of the impeachment inquiry.On Wednesday, November 13, 2019, we will hear from William Taylor and George Kent.On Friday, November 15, 2019, we will hear from Marie Yovanovitch.





The latest Lindsay Graham defence is to refuse to read the same transcripts that he demanded should have been released last week - apparently "wilful ignorance" is being elevated to an artform whereby insulating oneself from bad news absolves Trump surrogates like Graham from having to recognize that it exists!

Gary K

New member
Here's some very interesting commentary on the FISA abuse scandal.

Joe diGenova and Victoria Toensing appeared on Fox News to discuss issues surrounding the ongoing investigations of Inspector General Michael Horowitz and U.S. Attorney John Durham. Mr. diGenova and Ms. Toensing bring the tick-tock hammer to the audience.
According to Ms. Toensing the upcoming IG report is going to be “very bad for people in the Obama administration.” Toensing went on to say, according to her sources, “it’s going to be worse than you can imagine.”
Mr. diGenova went on to say: “it’s going to be devastating” … “it’s going to ruin careers” etc. Mr diGenova has a great deal of confidence in AG Barr, Horowitz and Durham.


Gary K

New member
Here is a very interesting admission by the DOJ. They, for two years, attributed one agents 302 notes on the Flynn interview to the other agent, and vice versa. This is very strange doings.

WHISKEY TANGO FOXTROT – Prosecutor Brandon Van Grack sends a letter to Flynn’s defense team today containing a stunning, almost impossible to comprehend, admission of a mistake central to the claims of the prosecution. In March 2018 the FBI presented notes taken by agents Pientka and Strzok, now they say they made a ‘mistake’.

For almost two years the DOJ misidentified, misattributed, and never corrected that the authors of the Flynn interview notes were actually reversed. All of the notes attributed to FBI Agent Peter Strzok actually were taken by FBI Agent Joseph Pientka, and vice-versa:
What kind of f**kery is this? The DOJ never confirmed the authorship of the FBI notes that are central to the FD-302, upon which the entire prosecution claim of Flynn lying to investigators is based? …Seriously?

The entire FBI case against Flynn; meaning the central element that he lied to FBI investigators (he didn’t); is predicated on the FD-302 interview reports generated by the two FBI agents; later discovered to have been edited, shaped and approved by Andrew McCabe…. And for almost two years the entire outline of their documented evidence has been misattributed?

There is a lot more to this article and the rest of it can be found here.

The Barbarian

Last month, The New York Times reported that high-level Ukrainian officials were aware by the first week in August that the assistance had been frozen, contradicting Trump’s claim that they were in the dark on the situation.

However, it appears the GOP may be shifting its messaging on the potential quid pro quo in order to bolster their defense of Trump.

On Friday, The Washington Post reported that Senate Republicans are gearing up to acknowledge that Trump used the aid as leverage and that while it was not legal, it is not an impeachable act.

Last week, Army Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, the National Security Council’s top Ukraine expert, testified before congressional investigators, and is thought to have provided firsthand information about Trump’s call.

According to Vindman’s prepared remarks obtained by HuffPost, he “was concerned by the call” and “did not think it was proper to demand that a foreign government investigate a U.S. citizen.” He decided to report the discussion, he said, because he felt Trump’s actions could “undermine U.S. national security.”

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
As Trump is in charge of foreign policy then he was only doing his duty if he used leverage in order to clean up and expose the corruption in Ukraine. No one forced Hunter Biden to associate himself with a corrupt Ukraine energy company when his father was Vice-President and in charge of the United State's policy toward Ukraine.

But the Democrats think that for some reason Joe Biden should get a pass and shouldn't have been investigated because he decided to run for President in 2020. That is no reason why anyone should get a pass because there is good reason to believe that Hunter's hiring was not on the up and up.

Then Joe exposed what was really going on when he demanded that the prosecutor who was investigating that energy company be fired or else he would withhold a billion dollars of aid which had been promised to Ukraine.

Can you spell:
