The JFK files are released

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
If you followed me you would already know there will be nothing in them. NOTHING. This reminds me of the History Channel show Hunting Hitler. He died in his bunker in 1945. Yet the FBI has sightings and tips for decades in South America. It is the same thing. Oswald did it, and he acted alone. This is what the facts support. Here is an example of them not understanding, but lying.

Magic Bullet deception.jpg

That isn't how they sat in the limo. Here is Kevin Constner trying to convince you JFK is a liberal martyr.


Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
As more and more is released and read, it looks like they are trying to find a way to pin it on someone to hide their incompetence. They knew Oswald told the KGB he will kill JFK.