The Gospel as Our Only Means of Salvation

Robert Pate

Well-known member
Jesus saves and he saves completely.

I could have said, "Jesus is the only means of our salvation" and I still would have been correct. But the Gospel defines how Jesus saves us. Catholics believe that God could have sent the Holy Spirit into the world and changed sinners so that they could become pleasing to God. No flesh and blood Jesus would be necessary. Calvinist believe that God could have just predestinated everyone to salvation before the foundation of the world, but for some reason he chose "Some Certain Persons" only. Again no flesh and blood Jesus would be necessary.

This is why John wrote, "And every Spirit that confesses that Jesus has NOT come in the flesh is not of God: and is the Spirit of antichrist, wherefore you heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world" 1 John 4:3.

Beware of any doctrine or religion that suggest that you can be saved some other way than by a real flesh and blood Christ. Not by the Holy Spirit. Not by a declaration from God (predestination). Only by a real flesh and blood physical Christ.

Jesus comes into the world as God's new Adam and our new humanity, 2 Corinthians 5:17. He embraces our humanity and becomes one with us, but not one of us. He is not only God with us, he is God for us. By his righteous, sinless life, he offers to God the father a life of perfect obedience to his Holy Law. He does this in our name and on our behalf, just like we did it ourselves. It was this life that was lived for our justification, Romans 3:26, Romans 5:18. When God accepted Jesus into heaven we were accepted in him, Ephesians 2:6. Because of the righteousness of Jesus we are now complete in Christ, Colossians 2:10.

That was not enough. Something had to be done about our sins and the sins of the whole world, John wrote, "And he is a propitiation for our sins: and not ours only but for the sins of the whole world" 1 John 2:2. In Jesus Christ the law has been fulfilled and sin has been atoned for. As God's new Adam and our new humanity salvation has been provided for everyone, Hebrews 2:9. The work of Christ is a finished work. We cannot add anything to it, nor can we take anything away from it. All that we can do is accept it and believe it.


New member
That is one way to see things but is it the only interpretation? Why or why not? Is it the most accurate? Does it include the whole picture or only a few pieces of the puzzle? Is all of it to be taken literally or is some of it metaphorical?


Active member
That is one way to see things but is it the only interpretation? Why or why not? Is it the most accurate? Does it include the whole picture or only a few pieces of the puzzle? Is all of it to be taken literally or is some of it metaphorical?

The only interpretation that is correct is Mr. Pates interpretation. It doesnt have to be biblical, it doesnt have to make sense, it can contradict itself from one post to the next, it can be easily refuted by many people, many times and none of that matters. You will find out soon enough that if you dont agree with Robert The Pope of Pateism Pate, you are spiritually blinded, dont have the Holy Spirit and are headed to hell.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
That is one way to see things but is it the only interpretation? Why or why not? Is it the most accurate? Does it include the whole picture or only a few pieces of the puzzle? Is all of it to be taken literally or is some of it metaphorical?

The Bible that I believe to be God's word to fallen man, sufficiently reveals the way of salvation. It includes the whole picture, clearly.

What you decide to do with it is your responsibility. If you read the article and understand it, you are without an excuse.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
The only interpretation that is correct is Mr. Pates interpretation. It doesnt have to be biblical, it doesnt have to make sense, it can contradict itself from one post to the next, it can be easily refuted by many people, many times and none of that matters. You will find out soon enough that if you dont agree with Robert The Pope of Pateism Pate, you are spiritually blinded, dont have the Holy Spirit and are headed to hell.

You have no scripture to refute me. All that you have is hot air.


New member
The Bible that I believe to be God's word to fallen man, sufficiently reveals the way of salvation. It includes the whole picture, clearly.

What you decide to do with it is your responsibility. If you read the article and understand it, you are without an excuse.

It seems that one would have to agree that they are worthless in order to subscribe to the interpretation. Do you believe that you are worthless? Do you think your children or mother or father are worthless too?

Robert Pate

Well-known member
It seems that one would have to agree that they are worthless in order to subscribe to the interpretation. Do you believe that you are worthless? Do you think your children or mother or father are worthless too?

Without Christ you are fuel for the fire.


New member
Without Christ you are fuel for the fire.

You are correct but this Christ is not literally a man. It is symbolism for the infinite and eternal part of us. He who has seen me has seen the Father is true because the soul is one with infinity and eternity.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
You are correct but this Christ is not literally a man. It is symbolism for the infinite and eternal part of us. He who has seen me has seen the Father is true because the soul is one with infinity and eternity.

He was a man. He was all that man could be and all that God could be in one person. He was the God man.

What he is now is the glorified Christ, Revelation 1:11-20.

When he appears we will appear with him, Colossians 3:4.


New member
He was a man. He was all that man could be and all that God could be in one person. He was the God man.

What he is now is the glorified Christ, Revelation 1:11-20.

When he appears we will appear with him, Colossians 3:4.

Right. I am not saying Jesus Christ was not a real person. I am saying he points to something bigger and is representative of our own inner divinity. The literal interpretation has some merits and I am not trying to take anything away from it. I do think, however, it's too important to ignore the similarities of Jesus and the experience of awakening to the divinity of the soul. Being born pure of a virgin, the miraculousness, the rejection and burial, yet it still lives.

The virgin birth points to the universal, unconditional, untainted, uniform presence of what is infinite and eternal. There is not one spot it doesn't cover. This includes inside us. We are one with God. The miracle of being healed from an unconscious lack of self-worth. The trampling over and burial of our own divinity which is the cornerstone that we the builders have rejected. Yet it still lives just like Christ in the gospels. We've been missing the point: we are one with God because of the divinity in our souls. We are one with infinity and eternity.

Robert Pate

Well-known member

So what happens to those who have never heard the gospel of Jesus, are they lost?

Of course not.

Those that come to Christ all seem to have one thing in common. They all have repentant hearts and sorrow for their sins.

Many of those that have never heard the Gospel would come to Christ if they heard the Gospel.

Only God can judge the heart.