ECT "The Gospel" A Short Story

Cross Reference

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". . . all souls are mine". Exe.18:4.

In the beginning:

God came unto the 'world' [alienated souls by sin] who eventually couldn't recognize Him, causing Him to repent. More narrowly the next time around, He came unto His own nation of souls, born of Jacob [Israel], and they, for the same reasons steeped in futile thinking, would not receive Him.

In the beginning God came [from without] unto the fallen 'world' [Cain] and that 'world' would have none of Him. God then came unto the fallen 'nation' [Israel, established for His Glory] and they rebeled against Him. He then came unto one man, purposely made subject to the same reasoning; Jesus, who remained faithful; overcame the obstacles to establish for God, a new creation. Jesus, being the "second Adam" and the "center piece" of it all, had this to say: "If you believe in God, believe also in Me". "If you are born again, I will give you power to become as I am".

The End . . . although, it might be continued . . . Stay tuned.

Ref: John 1:10-13; John 14:1 KJV
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