The Fourth Seal of Rev ch 6.

Lazy afternoon

The fourth seal of 6 is the cleaning out of all from the empire of Babylon, who are not compliant with the demands of the new order.

Rev 6:8 And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.

This is because it is the only way to save the kingdom from its enemies.

but it goes too far. 13.

Rev 13:5 And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months.
Rev 13:6 And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven.
Rev 13:7 And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.
Rev 13:8 And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.
Rev 13:9 If any man have an ear, let him hear.
Rev 13:10 He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints.

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Lazy afternoon

Added scripture to OP.

Are many people prepared for this?

Most think they will be gone up by then.

They are in for a rude shock.



The fourth seal of 6 is the cleaning out of all from the empire of Babylon, who are not compliant with the demands of the new order.
This is because it is the only way to save the kingdom from its enemies.
Rev 13:7 And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.

(Commentary in Parenthesis: NO - Sacrifices to Molech on behalf of Four Separatist Inheritors* of the Gospel's Program is a work, God does not perform, but allows conditionally, "One Hour or One King of the Lord's Body = 3 Days of Darkness", Acts 17:2-10 ... ... ... ... "One Hour or One King" of the Lord's Body, God allows "Genetic Dan and Aaron/Gilead/Suckling Child to be Sacrificed to Molech by Fire for Repentance, Judges 6:16-21 ... ... ... ... (Subtract, "Gilead/Aaron and Dan" from Deu. 34:1-3 and you obtain Judges 20:1-2 = Four Separatist Inheritors* of the Gospel's Program, you don't have a legal right until the "Three Days of Darkness" if any for Mercy by offering to Molech ... ... ... ... There was Captain of the Guard that asked about "Sacrifices to Molech for Repentance", Matthew 8:5-12, Jesus told him very clearly that I will not accept anything in that capacity outside the "Three Days of Darkness", this is the level of which we are at now, approaching the end of the Antichrist's Lifespan ... ... ... ... The Gospel also indicates that God can immediately kill all human life outside the "City of Philadelphia/USA", because that is the only place the price has been paid for, to carry out the Gospel's Program for 5 months, the rest of life having no purpose, Acts 28:16-18 ... ... ... ... God appears to have taken "Sacrifices to Molech for Repentance" away from them, because they did not understand that the continuous mass murder of the Apostle Paul was not acceptable ... ... ... ... we have a nightly walk tomorrow night to City Hall in the City of Philadelphia, you do not necessarily have a legal right to a "Three Days of Darkness for Repentance", but that cannot be answered until we pass the "point of no return" at this level, and that means 5/4/2016 - 5/7/2016, following the pattern of the Antichrist's Lifespan ... ... ... ... (most likely when invalidated, when the Antichrist, "Two Witnesses" are killed, all human life outside what's paid for already will also die, God will have no reason to keep them alive at all, rather than, challenge his own word about the Gospel's Mercy, or God could delay his response until the end of this cycle and then kill both the Antichrist and all life outside the payment area ... have your pleasure causing the Antichrist, suffering, pain and death, now as I've indicated) Love and Blessings - You need to use enough force for something like what happened in 2004 or 2011, you came very close recently, tomorrow is good to do this again, if you don't want to right now, as I'm easy to find and will offer very little or no resistance at all)
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New member
The fourth seal of 6 is the cleaning out of all from the empire of Babylon, who are not compliant with the demands of the new order.

Rev 6:8 And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.

This is because it is the only way to save the kingdom from its enemies.

but it goes too far. 13.

Rev 13:5 And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months.
Rev 13:6 And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven.
Rev 13:7 And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.
Rev 13:8 And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.
Rev 13:9 If any man have an ear, let him hear.
Rev 13:10 He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints.


The seals have to do with the judgment of God on the children of Israel, known as the great tribulation, Jacob's trouble, and the Diaspora.
At the end of the opening of the seals, the children of Israel are no longer exiled from the land of promise.
The children of Israel are gathered back to the land of promise during the trumpets, after the great tribulation.
The beast is an empire that shows during the trumpets and opposes the restoration of the Temple in Jerusalem (Revelation 11).
The bowls are the wrath of God on the nations for their treatment of the children of Israel during the Diaspora.
The first Resurrection (sometimes called the Rapture by those that don't know any better) happens between the trumpets and the bowls (Revelation 14).


This is because it is the only way to save the kingdom from its enemies.

but it goes too far.

(Commentary in Parenthesis: God appears to say, that he will reveal the "Body of Molech" (Writing on the Wall in Context) or the 19.5 Hyperdimension before the "Three Days of Darkness" are completed when, India is Sacrificed by Fire, because its such a large cluster of life attributed to Genetic Dan, Ester 1:1-4/2 Kings 19:34-37. ... ... ... ... God also appears to say, he will reveal the "Seven Altars of Molech" (matching Seven Churches of Revelation, in various places), for the Sacrifice of Genetic Dan and Aaron, before the 150 Day division, 2 Chronicles 15:8/2 Kings 23:10-11 (Tobiah or Topheth, as reference to Aaron the Suckling Child) ... ... ... ... Blindness/Darkness in which the Nations among Judah are redeemed by Sacrifices to Molech (Sacrifices to God, through Blood Offerings for the Holy Spirit of Genetic Dan/Aaron), Zechariah 12:4-8. India, first to reveal the Body of Molech (Sign of Antipas/Antiparticle in multiplaces), then other countries of Genetic Dan's population if there is no change, than that is all you have, or you must continue for more mercy. Love and Blessings)

Lazy afternoon

have you identified the riders of the other three horses?


Seal 1. The attempt by Babylon to rule the world.

Seal 2. The outbreak of wars and rumors of wars.

Seal 3. The collapse of the economies (for most except the rich)

Seal 4 The savagery of the powerful.(Dragon and Beast)

Seal 5. Reveals that there is one last witness to come.

Seal 6. The destruction of the Dragon empire and then the return of Christ.

Seal 7. The wrath of the vials etc.




Seal 1. The attempt by Babylon to rule the world.

Seal 2. The outbreak of wars and rumors of wars.

Seal 3. The collapse of the economies (for most except the rich)

Seal 4 The savagery of the powerful.(Dragon and Beast)

Seal 5. Reveals that there is one last witness to come.

Seal 6. The destruction of the Dragon empire and then the return of Christ.

Seal 7. The wrath of the vials etc.


(Various forms of dehumanization, and the gospel is portrayed as a method of "Suicide and Male Rape", unifying "Christian Apologetics and Islam" in removing the significance of Jesus's Walk of Faith as the conclusion of the Antichrist, in the "Two Witness" equation ... ... ... ... the focus of the SEALs is not Jesus or the Gospel's Development based on Jesus, so it can fail very easily in the multitude of the Gospel's Language - "Lives Don't Matter Campaigns Promoting Suicide by Cop" is not the conclusion of the Gospel's Program)


The Jumping Jesus Phenomenon

Our psychic universe is expanding even more rapidly than the physical universe. Let us define the measurement of known scientific facts in the year 1 A.D. as "one jesus," using the name of the celebrated philosopher born that year.

Before going any further, let us ask how long it took to arrive at one jesus. One way of estimating is to take the estimated age of homo sapiens, in which case it took 40,000 to 100,000 years.

How long did it take to double this accumulation of knowledge, to achieve two jesuses? It required 1500 years - until 1500 A.D. How long did it take to double again and obtain four jesuses? It required 250 years, and we had four jesuses in our larder by 1750.

The next doubling took 150 years, and by 1900 A.D. humanity had eight jesuses in our information account. The next doubling took 50 years, and by 1950 we had 16 jesuses. The next, ten years, and by 1960 we had 32 jesuses. The next doubling took seven years, and by 1967 we had 64 jesuses. And the next doubling took 6 years; by 1973 we have 128 jesuses.

There is no reason to imagine that the acceleration has stopped. Thus, we almost certainly reached 256 j around 1978-79 and 512 j in 1982.

Jumping Jesus Phenomenon identifies 1982, like Billy Meier (4th of November, 1982 as the "Birth of the Antichrist". Jumping Jesus Phenomenon, is not infallible, but it has a few points worth mentioning:

SEAL 1 = Events that Established Creation (Jesus as High Priest)
SEAL 2 = Events of the Old Testament (Zachariah/Zadok as High Priest)
SEAL 3 = Events of the New Testament (Jesus Crucified)
SEAL 4 = 12210 Days of the Antichrist Lifespan
SEAL 5 = 42 Days of the Antichrist Lifespan
SEAL 6 = 3 Days of the Antichrist Lifespan
SEAL 7 = 150 Days of the Antichrist Lifespan

1 Hour, or 1 Complete Jesus is presented at each of these divisions of the SEALs. SEAL 4 - 7 follows the figures of Daniel and Revelation, because they number Joseph/Babylon, they are essentially numbered, (Billy Meier, counts 12210 Days to 5/4/2016 essentially, however the Gospel's Position begins with the Lifespan of the Antichrist, it must be associated to an individual, because that is how the Gospel is designed, to monitor or account of the Completeness of Jesus). ... ... ... ... The final four SEALS are divided by the Lifespan of the Antichrist is a conclusion the Jumping Jesus Phenomenon supports. ... ... ... ... (Assuming everything is good with God for the "Three Days of Darkness", I will be birthed from the universe itself, and you will witness this as a great not catastrophic explosion in space, or perhaps killing all persons onboard the international space station, then you will eliminate Genetic Dan, exterminate all life in south america, africa, middle east, india, all the darker countries and people in large scale. Ignore the rest, do this based on the country or continent level, you do not have much time euthanize cleanly on a smaller level, without being unclean. Love and Blessings. (This gives you less than 13 full days from now until I am deceased, and then you will also be deceased accordingly, we have nightly walk to City Hall tomorrow and a few errands ... I've asked the police department to have the mass murders, not to interfere, however after that happens to try to identify me, use my photo to see if thats what happened, that is they turned on their own, because they couldn't kill, if that is true or not, you decide).
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