The Entire Deep State DC Institutional Apparatus Knew President Trump Was Not Under I


New member
Not under investigation

The entire Deep State apparatchik knew President trump was not under investigation.

Heck, the leadership of the FBI and DOJ that James Comey often cites in his memos, leaks and explanations also knew President Trump was not under investigation; and all of the Washington Post, New York Times, WSJ and CNN stories were written based on these same “sources“.* Sources who knew President Trump was never under investigation.

Other than one obtuse statement from what was apparently a frustrated Senator Chuck Grassley, the entire DC system kept a lid on the truth that President Trump was not ever under investigation.

In addition to his committee chairmanship, and direct position on the ‘gang-of-eight’ Representative Devin Nunes was even part of the Trump transition team.* And James Comey stated he told Nunes that President Trump was not under investigation.

Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and Minority leader Chuck Schumer were also personally told by James Comey that President Trump was not under investigation.

Speaker of the House Paul Ryan and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell were personally told by Comey that President Trump was not under investigation.

Representative Adam Schiff and Senator Mark Warner were personally told by FBI Director James Comey that President Trump was never under investigation.

How many interviews did Pelosi, Schumer, Ryan, McConnell, Schiff and Warner give where they allowed the media’s “Trump Under Investigation Narrative” to remain unchallenged?

Why would republicans Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell, Richard Burr, and to a lesser extent Devin Nunes, never directly challenge the media narrative in their interviews?

Think about the scope of all of it.

Do you still cling to the invisible thread that the UniParty doesn’t exist?

Do you still somehow reconcile the professionally self-serving “Deep State” is merely a myth?

Think about it.

He wears a bullet proof vest for you.

Posted by Sundance of conservative treehouse


New member
Please tell us what you mean.

There is no evidence for a flat earth. There are mounds of evidence for a deep state uniparty.


The Entire Deep State DC Institutional Apparatus Knew President Trump Was Not Under I

With "The Donald" tweeting up a storm in the middle of the night, the Democrats have no need to invent a state that is "deep," "shallow" or otherwise!

Trump supporters are desperately searching for "scapegoats" to explain why a White House with majorities in both the House and Senate, can't get its act together.

The reasons are obvious, but like their leader, conservatives would rather invent excuses than deal with reality!


New member
The Entire Deep State DC Institutional Apparatus Knew President Trump Was Not Under I

With "The Donald" tweeting up a storm in the middle of the night, the Democrats have no need to invent a state that is "deep," "shallow" or otherwise!

Trump supporters are desperately searching for "scapegoats" to explain why a White House with majorities in both the House and Senate, can't get its act together.

The reasons are obvious, but like their leader, conservatives would rather invent excuses than deal with reality!
Was it Donald's tweetstorm that caused the Russian collusion hysteria?


Well-known member
The Entire Deep State DC Institutional Apparatus Knew President Trump Was Not Under I

With "The Donald" tweeting up a storm in the middle of the night, the Democrats have no need to invent a state that is "deep," "shallow" or otherwise!

Trump supporters are desperately searching for "scapegoats" to explain why a White House with majorities in both the House and Senate, can't get its act together.

The reasons are obvious, but like their leader, conservatives would rather invent excuses than deal with reality!

Ha....the dims not showing up for the inauguration didn't give you a clue of what was to come? They are open about their resistance. It's demanded by all the sore losers who would rather have had crooked Hillary in the WH. I wouldn't be dissing Trump supporters if I were you....the loser lefties are still rioting in the streets and you folks just pretend like it's all in our imagination. We really aren't as blind as you all would hope. :chuckle:


New member
This selective listening game you guys are playing is getting tedious.

As Nixon's blind supporters proved even after he was booted out of Office, a National disgrace to this very day - there is really no point in attempting to reason with such.

It is what It is...


Not under investigation

The entire Deep State apparatchik knew President trump was not under investigation.

Heck, the leadership of the FBI and DOJ that James Comey often cites in his memos, leaks and explanations also knew President Trump was not under investigation; and all of the Washington Post, New York Times, WSJ and CNN stories were written based on these same “sources“.* Sources who knew President Trump was never under investigation...

Here is a question that needs to be addressed and answered:

If a law enforcement official is asked by an individual if he is conducting a criminal investigation on him or her, does the law enforcement official have to tell that individual if there is?

Donald Trump is constantly playing the "I wasn't being investigated" card, but that doesn't mean that the FBI wasn't looking into Trump and his inner circles close ties to Russia.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
The fact remains that 17 American intelligence agencies agree that the Russians made a concerted effort to influence the 2016 Election to favour one candidate - Donald Trump!

were those the same intelligence agencies that believed Saddam had wmd's?


Ha....the dims not showing up for the inauguration didn't give you a clue of what was to come? They are open about their resistance. It's demanded by all the sore losers who would rather have had crooked Hillary in the WH. I wouldn't be dissing Trump supporters if I were you....the loser lefties are still rioting in the streets and you folks just pretend like it's all in our imagination. We really aren't as blind as you all would hope. :chuckle:
Every day, Trump and supporters provide the world with irrefutable proof that they are incapable of governing!

It is difficult to succeed in the real world when your policies are based on "alternate" facts!