The Election of Jesus by Alexander LaBrecque

Robert Pate

Well-known member
This is part of an article that was written by Alexander LaBrecque in the early 80's. Alexander, much like Robert Brensmead, was the publisher of his own theological magazine called "Evangelica". Evangelica, much like Brinsmeads publication "Verdict" also had a worldwide distribution that was directed to seminaries, professors, and pastors. Both publications promoted the "Historical Gospel" of Jesus Christ as the ONLY means of ones salvation.

The Election of Jesus by Alexander LaBrecque.

As we have seen, "Son of God" is an Old Testament synonym for "the elect", applied to both Israel and the Davidic King. Other Old Testament expressions for God's elect include "his servant" "his anointed" "Son of man" "his holy people" and "Abrahams seed" Isaiah 41:8,9. Isaiah 42:1, Psalm 89:19,20, Daniel 7:13,14,27, Deuteronomy 7:6.

The New Testament applies all of these expressions to Jesus of Nazareth in proclaiming that God's purpose in electing Israel has now been fulfilled in him. He is the son of David, the son of Abraham, Matthew 1:1, the Chosen one of God, Luke 9:23. Each time the New testament designates Jesus as "the Christ" "the Son of God" "the Son of man" "the Holy One" "the Servant". It is affirming that he is uniquely God's elect, As James Daane well said, "The election of Jesus is...theological shorthand for the truth that Jesus is the Christ - the central affirmation of the New Testament, the core of the early church's proclamation" (The Freedom of God, p 118).

From the Gospel accounts and the sermons in Acts, it is clear that God's election of Jesus was the content of the apostles' message and the issue for which he was slain' Revealing the miraculous conception in Mary's womb an angel had announced to her.

"He will be great, and will be called the Son of the most high; and the Lord will give to him the throne of his Father David, and he will reign over the house of Jacob for ever, and his kingdom there will be no end. Luke 1:32, 33.

Throughout his ministry God affirmed Jesus' election. As the Spirit descended upon Jesus after his baptism a voice for heaven declared, "This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased," words latter echoed at his transfiguration Matthew 3:16, 17. also Matthew 17:1, 5. They appear to be a conflation of two Old Testament passages concerning God's elect: Isaiah 42:1 ("Behold my servant, ... my chosen, in whom my soul delights; I have put my Spirit upon him...") and Psalm 2 ("You are my Son, today I have begotten you"). The first refers to Israel as God's elect, the second to his chosen Messiah. So marked by the Spirit of God was Jesus' ministry that Matthew even quotes Isaiah 42 as decisively fulfilled in him, Matthew 12:17-21.. and in his account of the transfiguration Luke, to insure that his readers not miss the point, records God's declaration as, "This is my Son, my chosen one" Luke 9:23.

(To be continued)