The Election is Rigged, Just Like Trump Says

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison

Elections Expert: “We Now Have 4 Million Ineligible and Dead Voters on American Voter Rolls” (VIDEO)

Elections expert J. Christian Adams told FOX and Friends on Tuesday morning there are 4 million dead people on US voter rolls.

Adams, who was the Voting Section Attorney at the US Department of Justice, filed six suits in the past year against Philadelphia and Broward County, Florida where the voter rolls are corrupted.

Adams said he had one case in Texas where the person died in 1944.

Far left groups continually sue to keep the voter rolls the way they are. The Obama administration has no desire to clean up these voter rolls.

J. Christian Adams: "Dead people are voting and it’s something this administration does not want to do anything about. They must like it. They must like who they are voting for… Now we have four million, four million Steve, ineligible and dead voters on American voter rolls according to the Pew Charitable Trust."



New member
Even if a dead person's voter registration is not cancelled, it's still a felony to vote for them. It doesn't mean that they're actually voting. Can you find any evidence of that happening?


New member
The media calls him crazy for saying the system is rigged, but as usual, he's right.

No. And he's not crazy, either. He knows he's probably going to lose, and he's pre-rationalizing his loss, undermining democracy at the same time. Ask yourself:

1. How he can know the process is rigged weeks ahead of the vote.

2. Why he doesn't come up with any real specifics.

3. How the Democrats manage to rig a vote where most of the states are controlled by Republicans.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Even if a dead person's voter registration is not cancelled, it's still a felony to vote for them......
No shizzle, Sherlock.

........It doesn't mean that they're actually voting. Can you find any evidence of that happening?

Are you serious? What Planet have you been on. I can't post 20 million news stories. Here's a favorite, from Obama's election:


New member
No shizzle, Sherlock.

Are you serious? What Planet have you been on. I can't post 20 million news stories. Here's a favorite, from Obama's election:

Neither of those articles discuss actual cases of fraudulent votes being cast. And the later case actually demonstrates how seriously the integrity of elections is taken.

Also, ACORN? Seriously? What year is it?


like marbles on glass
Trump Supporters Have Been Primed For His Bogus Voter Fraud Claims For Years
Donald Trump didn’t build the voter fraud myth. Republicans helped make that happen.

This shouldn’t really surprise anyone. Trump has been talking about voter fraud for months ― typically warning rural, mostly white crowds that electoral malfeasance in urban districts, where lots of people of color live, will tilt the election to Clinton. Now, we have evidence that Trump’s supporters are taking those warnings seriously.

A recent poll found that 72 percent of Trump supporters think “a lot” or “some” voter fraud happens in their state. And The Boston Globe’s Tracy Jan and Matt Viser recently interviewed a number of Trump enthusiasts convinced that Clinton’s allies will try to steal the election. Several said they planned to heed Trump’s call to serve as election monitors. One man, a 61-year-old carpenter from Ohio, explained that he’d be paying particular attention to “Mexicans. Syrians. People who can’t speak American.”
“I’m going to go right up behind them,” the carpenter said. “I’ll do everything legally. I want to see if they are accountable. I’m not going to do anything illegal. I’m going to make them a little bit nervous.”

Even in a presidential campaign as surreal as this one, Trump’s claims about voter fraud stand out. It hasn’t only been Obama commenting on Trump’s “whining.” Some Republicans have sought to downplay or dismiss Trump’s claims that the entire electoral system ― which in many key swing states is controlled by Republicans ― is a giant conspiracy that will be to blame when he loses.


like marbles on glass
No. And he's not crazy, either. He knows he's probably going to lose, and he's pre-rationalizing his loss, undermining democracy at the same time. Ask yourself:

1. How he can know the process is rigged weeks ahead of the vote.

2. Why he doesn't come up with any real specifics.

3. How the Democrats manage to rig a vote where most of the states are controlled by Republicans.

He's been working the vote-rigging meme for quite a while now, his ego will need an excuse for why he lost. Because it couldn't, you know, have anything to do with him.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
He's been working the vote-rigging meme for quite a while now.......
And fraudulent voting has been happening for years. You're just too much of a fool to know it ortoo much of a liar to admit it, or both.

Even George Will, who HATES Trump, said as much:

...........Washington Post columnist George Will, who has been one of GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump’s biggest detractors throughout the 2016 presidential election cycle on the right, admitted Trump has a point when he says the election process in the United States was “rigged.”

Will argued Trump should make the point about rigged elections “more clearly” and pointed evidence he said that proves the process was “rigged.”

“[W]hen Mr. Trump talks about it being rigged, he sweeps all his grievances into one big puddle,” Will said. “He talks about the media. He talked about the primaries. He talked about the polls, talked about the Republican National Committee. I think when most Americans hear that an election is rigged, they think of government action to rig the election. And there Mr. Trump has a point if he would make it more clearly. It is hard to think of an innocent reason why Democrats spend so much time, energy, and money, scarce resources, resisting attempts to purge the voter rolls, that is to remove people who are dead or have otherwise left the jurisdiction. It’s hard to think of an innocent reason why they fight so tremendously against voter I.D. laws. They say, well, that burdens the, exercise of a fundamental right. The Supreme Court said that travel is a fundamental right. No one thinks that showing an I.D. at the airport burdens that fundamental right.”

“We know — we don’t surmise,” he continued. “We know that the 2010, ’12, and ’14 elections were rigged by the most intrusive and potentially punitive institution of the federal government, the IRS,” he continued. “You can read all about it in Kim Strassel’s book ‘The Intimidation Game.’ She’s familiar to all Wall Street Journal readers and Fox viewers. So this is not a surmise. And I have talked to lawyers in a position to know, they say it’s still going on — that the IRS is still intolerably delaying the granting of tax exempt status to conservative advocacy groups to skew the persuasion of this campaign.”



You're such an imbecile, I can't see how your brain generates enough bandwidth to even keep you alive

I've seen the corruption that goes on at the polls here in WA State in a Governor's race over a decade ago where democrat Christine Gregoire stole the election from republican Dino Rossi. But then we're talking about a completely different Republican Party back then, one that didn't nominate a sexual deviant and socialist as their Presidential candidate. I've seen what kind of people back Donald Trump; there is no guarantee that they too won't attempt some voter fraud themselves.

That being said: What would you do if you were a poll monitor and saw what you thought was illegal activity going on?

Eagles Wings

New member
I carried my babies to term and love them more than my own life.

All those CHRISTIAN AND CATHOLIC women who got THE MAJORITY of the abortions out there made their own choices. Where were you? Howling at the moon?
Whether these women are truly Christian is hard to say, Anna, and yet Christians must never be so self-righteous as to imagine that abortion is not a temptation for them.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
I've reported one of your posts already today.

I've met so many Catholics like you.

Your behavior is a disgrace.

Really. I am pro life, Anna is supporting murdering babies, and I am the disgrace? YOU are the disgrace. Report me all you want like a good little Nazi. Your opinion is worth less than the toilet paper it stains.

I carried my babies to term and love them more than my own life..............

So your babies are safe, you're just cool with all the OTHER babies being slaughtered. Well, that's mighty white of you.