You may be a super moderator, but I think that is completely out of line.
Yeah.... Having the left's favorite smear tactic used against them just isn't fair. Why? Because it's actually true.
If something's wrong- don't do it. Pointing at your enemy and saying "they do it!" doesn't make it right.
And sorry, I am not "left".
You may be a super moderator, but I think that is completely out of line.
LOL. You don't even recognize satire.
You're a flat out leftist. You support all the Democrat's ideas of governing, their concepts of giving away "free" stuff, gun control, their attacks on someone who is governing far more conservative than leftist, etc.... You support their economic ideas, which are distinctly socialist in nature. I can't think of a single conservative idea that you support as I've never seen you support one. You mock conservative ideas.
no. the above is false.
Show the proof. Show your posts supporting conservative ideas. It should be very easy for you to do if you've been supporting them. Show your posts that are critical of the Democrat's economics. Show that you have not supported all of their attacks on Trump. Show your quotes from conservative sources.
I'm predicting right now that you will not post any of the evidence I have requested you present.
It's like the media's polling before the 2016 election. They said it was Hillary in a landslide. Turns out it was just another attempt to get people to give up on voting for him. It's a common political tactic. I have very little doubt this election runs along a similar vein.
Um, I haven't said anything one way or the other about the Democrat's economic policy on this forum. Do I have to attack the Democrats to prove myself? And which Democrats- they aren't all the same. How many scalps are required? I am concerned with economics- but not American economics. And if you think I have supported " all of their attacks on Trump" - well, you prove it. I'm not even aware of what "all" those attacks are.
I don't live in the US.
You are playing the modern stupid (yes, stupid) American Identity Politics game. If somebody doesn't agree with you on one issue, then they are The Enemy, and clearly disagree with you on everything.
For the record:
I tend to be middle of the road on most issues. I am generally conservative economically, i.e. government should stay out of people's business as much as possible- but I think there has to be a balance between that and safety nets. The most obvious one is universal health care, which is sorely lacking in the US. Did I mention that the US needs to get its budget under control!?
I think abortion is bad- but not the same as murder. I think that Obama was a lousy president- and so is Trump. The only English language paper I subscribe to (online) in the Wall Street Journal. I can't be easily pigeonholed into your black and white categories- or Red and Blue categories, I suppose.
You will probably crow now that your "prediction" has come true- that I didn't dig through my posts for hours to find evidence that will satisfy you. I'm very sorry about this, but even if such evidence exists, I am not going to spend the time to search for it. Maybe if Senator Joseph McCarthy was asking I'd have no choice, but for Mr. ffreeloader- sorry.
You owe me an apology for your wild accusations. My prediction: you won't ever ever apologize for anything.
I followed the polls very closely in 2016. Months out from the election, Hellary had a clear lead, but as the election drew near, the polls tightened. I woke up on election day not sure who would win, because the polls were too close within the margin of error to make a prediction. As it was, the national polls had Killary in the lead, and in fact she did win the popular vote by nearly 3 million, but the state-by-state polling was more uncertain, and in fact Hitlery did lose the Electoral College vote. So the polls were fairly accurate.
The week of the vote there were polls showing Hillary leading by double digits.
She and the DNC believed their own press and it cost her the election. She still hasn't come to terms with her mistakes either.
I don't care what's "enough for you". I don't owe you anythingYour assertion is not enough for me. It has to be backed by evidence.
The evidence indicates otherwise.I have no problem apologizing. My ego is not that enormous.
So you think abortion is bad, but it's not murder? How can that be?