The Current Year Since Creation, and When the Sabbath and Jubilee Years Are


In the current time of August 3, 2018 AD in the Gregorian calendar, we are in Av 22, 5991 YB and it will be 5992 YB in Tishrei 10 of the current year in 2018 AD, based on the lunar months and days of Jewish Calendar that God intended man to base our months on, new moon to new moon, yet to avoid confusion with other calendars with their own counted years, this year is designated differently from the Anno Mundi designation of “AM”, since YB represents the actual true year since the beginning, where “YB” means “Year since the Beginning” in English, where approximately 5,992 years have passed since the beginning of creation, where this number can be calculated with precision counting the known genealogies from Adam to Terah, which is around 1,878 years, then the known timelines from Terah to King Jehoiakim, which is around 1,495 years to around 600 BC, which was also around the start of the Babylonian captivity, and then from King Jehoiakim to the anointing of Christ around 26 AD, which is around 627 years, which sums to exactly 4,000 years, and since almost 1,992 years have passed since the anointing of Christ in the Year 4000 YB, then in Tishrei 10 of this current year in 2018 AD will be the Year 5992 YB. It is believed and officially said we are in the Year 5778 AM, but this is not the true year since creation.

To read the fully study in determining the year since creation, go here .
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That seems far too complex to follow, and just under 6000 years from creation seems too small a number... about a thousand years short.

Let's look at it another way:

It's been 2018 years since 0 AD (which was roughly 4 years after Christ's birth according to a guy who's name I can't remember at the moment). (Also, Regulus and Jupiter (both of which signify royalty) line up twice within one year of each other, the first being in 3 BC, the next in 2 BC, and we know the Star of Bethlehem first appeared at Christ's birth and then several months later when Christ was a toddler, from the account of the Magi.)

The Flood happened around 3290 BC (if the Hydroplate Theory is correct, and it most likely is, at least for the most part).

3290 + 2018 = 5308 years since the Flood of Noah.

The Flood happened about 1656 years after creation (according to the Masoretic texts).

5308 + 1656 = 6964.

6964 years since creation.


That seems far too complex to follow, and just under 6000 years from creation seems too small a number... about a thousand years short.

Let's look at it another way:

It's been 2018 years since 0 AD (which was roughly 4 years after Christ's birth according to a guy who's name I can't remember at the moment). (Also, Regulus and Jupiter (both of which signify royalty) line up twice within one year of each other, the first being in 3 BC, the next in 2 BC, and we know the Star of Bethlehem first appeared at Christ's birth and then several months later when Christ was a toddler, from the account of the Magi.)

The Flood happened around 3290 BC (if the Hydroplate Theory is correct, and it most likely is, at least for the most part).

3290 + 2018 = 5308 years since the Flood of Noah.

The Flood happened about 1656 years after creation (according to the Masoretic texts).

5308 + 1656 = 6964.

6964 years since creation.

You are approaching this incorrectly. Do the math yourself...

Adam to Terrah, 1878 years. 3975 BC. (and flood happened in the year 1656 AM)
Terrah to King Jehoiakim, around his capture by Baylonian king, 1495 years (although the timelines recorded in scriptures add up to 1609 years, but some rulerships were coregent, so it is less time). 600 BC.
King Jehoiakim to anointing of Christ, 627 years. 26 AD.
Anointing of Christ to now, 1992 years. 2018 AD.

5992 years total.

I listed each known ancestor, each rulership, each timeline, leading from Adam, to now. The study is thorough and exact. I suggest you read it in depth before doubting it before giving it a chance to see that the numbers add up precisely.


New member
Timeline for the Flood
Using the Bible, well-documented historical events, and some math, we find that the Flood began approximately 4,359 years ago in the year 1656 AM or 2348 BC.

That article was written in 2012, so adding 6 years means that the flood happened 4,365 years ago in 2348 BCE.
4,365 + 1,656 = 6021


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You are approaching this incorrectly. Do the math yourself...

Adam to Terrah, 1878 years. 3975 BC. (and flood happened in the year 1656 AM)
Terrah to King Jehoiakim, around his capture by Baylonian king, 1495 years (although the timelines recorded in scriptures add up to 1609 years, but some rulerships were coregent, so it is less time). 600 BC.
King Jehoiakim to anointing of Christ, 627 years. 26 AD.
Anointing of Christ to now, 1992 years. 2018 AD.

5992 years total.

I listed each known ancestor, each rulership, each timeline, leading from Adam, to now. The study is thorough and exact. I suggest you read it in depth before doubting it before giving it a chance to see that the numbers add up precisely.
Timeline for the Flood
Using the Bible, well-documented historical events, and some math, we find that the Flood began approximately 4,359 years ago in the year 1656 AM or 2348 BC.

That article was written in 2012, so adding 6 years means that the flood happened 4,365 years ago in 2348 BCE.
4,365 + 1,656 = 6021
When did the flood happen?


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The flood happened in Year 1656 AM, which is 2319 BC. And the Year 1 AM would be 3975 BC.

That wasn't a question. That's the title of the article, which you clearly didn't read.