The Convicting Power of the Holy Spirit

Robert Pate

Well-known member
Paul wrote, "The Gospel is the power of God unto salvation" Romans 1:16

The Gospel and the Holy Spirit are inseparable. Whenever the Gospel is preached the Holy Spirit is there to convict people of their need for Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit has several different names.

Jesus referred to him as...

The Comforter, John 14:26.
The Holy Ghost, John 14:26
The Spirit of Truth, John 15:26.

His purpose is to... "And when he is come, (the Holy Spirit) he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness and of judgment. Of sin, because they do not believe on me. Of righteousness, because I go to my Father and you see me no more. Of judgment because the prince of this world is judged" John 16:8-11.

"He will testify of me" (Jesus) John 15:26

"He shall glorify me (Jesus) for he shall receive of mine (the Gospel) and shall show it unto you" John 16:14.

"He will guide you into all truth, for he shall not speak of himself (nor will one that is indwelt by the Holy Spirit) but whatsoever he hears, that shall he speak and he will show you things to come" John 16:13.

On the day of Pentecost when the Gospel came into the world in the power of the Holy Spirit, thousands were convicted of their need for Jesus Christ. They heard the Gospel, they believed the Gospel and they were converted to Christianity, Acts 2:41 also Acts 4:4. The Gospel had given birth to the New Testament church. While being motivated by the Holy Spirit Paul and some of the apostles spent over 20 years of their lives and traveled more than 10,000 miles preaching the Gospel to the heathen Gentiles. As the result of their effort millions have become Christians.

Evidence of the Holy Spirit.

Those that are indwelt with the Holy Spirit, do and say things that others do not do and say.

1. They believe the Bible to be the word of God.
2. They believe that Jesus is their savior and is the savior of the whole world.
3. They believe that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is their only means of salvation.
4. They believe that Jesus is God.
5. They believe that they are sinners, saved sinners.
6. They have entered into his rest.
7. They live righteous lives for the sake of Christ and his Gospel.

Anything contrary to the above is not of the Holy Spirit, nor is it according to the word of God.


Well-known member
Paul wrote, "The Gospel is the power of God unto salvation" Romans 1:16

The Gospel and the Holy Spirit are inseparable. Whenever the Gospel is preached the Holy Spirit is there to convict people of their need for Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit has several different names.

Jesus referred to him as...

The Comforter, John 14:26.
The Holy Ghost, John 14:26
The Spirit of Truth, John 15:26.

His purpose is to... "And when he is come, (the Holy Spirit) he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness and of judgment. Of sin, because they do not believe on me. Of righteousness, because I go to my Father and you see me no more. Of judgment because the prince of this world is judged" John 16:8-11.

"He will testify of me" (Jesus) John 15:26

"He shall glorify me (Jesus) for he shall receive of mine (the Gospel) and shall show it unto you" John 16:14.

"He will guide you into all truth, for he shall not speak of himself (nor will one that is indwelt by the Holy Spirit) but whatsoever he hears, that shall he speak and he will show you things to come" John 16:13.

On the day of Pentecost when the Gospel came into the world in the power of the Holy Spirit, thousands were convicted of their need for Jesus Christ. They heard the Gospel, they believed the Gospel and they were converted to Christianity, Acts 2:41 also Acts 4:4. The Gospel had given birth to the New Testament church. While being motivated by the Holy Spirit Paul and some of the apostles spent over 20 years of their lives and traveled more than 10,000 miles preaching the Gospel to the heathen Gentiles. As the result of their effort millions have become Christians.

Evidence of the Holy Spirit.

Those that are indwelt with the Holy Spirit, do and say things that others do not do and say.

1. They believe the Bible to be the word of God.
2. They believe that Jesus is their savior and is the savior of the whole world.
3. They believe that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is their only means of salvation.
4. They believe that Jesus is God.
5. They believe that they are sinners, saved sinners.
6. They have entered into his rest.
7. They live righteous lives for the sake of Christ and his Gospel.

Anything contrary to the above is not of the Holy Spirit, nor is it according to the word of God.

Then why you reject the Gospel?


'Easy believers' have no right to use the word 'convicting'.

To be convicted is to be found in error. After that conviction comes correction- this does not happen with 'easy believists', who rather think that there was nothing much wrong with them in the first pace other than a pesky curse that they prayed away.

And then they go around judging other people- in which they ultimately come out to be a whole lot more like the Pharisees than the Apostles. One is better off to just put a sock in it instead :rolleyes:


...They believe that they are sinners, saved sinners.

False teachers here
believe that they are sinless (2 Pe 2:1). :dizzy:



Robert Pate

Well-known member
'Easy believers' have no right to use the word 'convicting'.

To be convicted is to be found in error. After that conviction comes correction- this does not happen with 'easy believists', who rather think that there was nothing much wrong with them in the first pace other than a pesky curse that they prayed away.

And then they go around judging other people- in which they ultimately come out to be a whole lot more like the Pharisees than the Apostles. One is better off to just put a sock in it instead :rolleyes:

You don't understand how the convicting power of the Holy Spirit works in the life of a Christian, probably because you are not one.

1 John 3:20-24.