The Colorado 2012 Right To Life Amendment
This is the show from Monday November 21st, 2011.
* Today's Press Conference at the Capitol: A coalition today launched Round Three, Colorado's third attempt to protect every unborn child by love and by law. Personhood Colorado, Personhood USA, and Colorado Right To Life announced the wording of Colorado's 2012 Right To Life amendment.
* The 2012 Colorado Right To Life Amendment:
Be it Enacted by the People of the State of Colorado Article II of the Constitution of the State of Colorado is amended by the addition of a new section to read:
Section 32. The right to life.
(1) Purpose. In order to affirm basic human dignity, be it resolved that the right to life in this constitution applies equally to all innocent persons.
(2) Effect. The intentional killing of any innocent person is prohibited.
(a) Only birth control that kills a person shall be affected by this section.
(b) Only in vitro fertilization and assisted reproduction that kills a person shall be affected by this section.
(c) Medical treatment for life threatening physical conditions intended to preserve life shall not be affected by this section.
(d) Spontaneous miscarriages shall not be affected by this section.
(e) No innocent child created through rape or incest shall be killed for the crime of his or her father.
(3) Definitions. As used in this section,
(a) “Person” applies to every human being regardless of the method of creation.
(b) A “human being” is a member of the species homo sapiens at any stage of development.
(c) “Spontaneous miscarriage” is the unintentional termination of a pregnancy.
(d) “Child” includes a human being prior to and during birth.
(e) “Medical treatment for life threatening physical conditions intended to preserve life” includes but is not limited to treatment for cancer, ectopic and molar pregnancy, twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome, and placenta previa.
(4) Self-executing, and severability provision. All provisions of this section are self- executing and are severable.
Today’s Resource: God gave us marriage as a foundational building block for society. Now the new 3-part video, God's Plan for Marriage can help you to build the kind of marriage that God desires you to have. Available now on DVD.
This is the show from Monday November 21st, 2011.
* Today's Press Conference at the Capitol: A coalition today launched Round Three, Colorado's third attempt to protect every unborn child by love and by law. Personhood Colorado, Personhood USA, and Colorado Right To Life announced the wording of Colorado's 2012 Right To Life amendment.
* The 2012 Colorado Right To Life Amendment:
Be it Enacted by the People of the State of Colorado Article II of the Constitution of the State of Colorado is amended by the addition of a new section to read:
Section 32. The right to life.
(1) Purpose. In order to affirm basic human dignity, be it resolved that the right to life in this constitution applies equally to all innocent persons.
(2) Effect. The intentional killing of any innocent person is prohibited.
(a) Only birth control that kills a person shall be affected by this section.
(b) Only in vitro fertilization and assisted reproduction that kills a person shall be affected by this section.
(c) Medical treatment for life threatening physical conditions intended to preserve life shall not be affected by this section.
(d) Spontaneous miscarriages shall not be affected by this section.
(e) No innocent child created through rape or incest shall be killed for the crime of his or her father.
(3) Definitions. As used in this section,
(a) “Person” applies to every human being regardless of the method of creation.
(b) A “human being” is a member of the species homo sapiens at any stage of development.
(c) “Spontaneous miscarriage” is the unintentional termination of a pregnancy.
(d) “Child” includes a human being prior to and during birth.
(e) “Medical treatment for life threatening physical conditions intended to preserve life” includes but is not limited to treatment for cancer, ectopic and molar pregnancy, twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome, and placenta previa.
(4) Self-executing, and severability provision. All provisions of this section are self- executing and are severable.
Today’s Resource: God gave us marriage as a foundational building block for society. Now the new 3-part video, God's Plan for Marriage can help you to build the kind of marriage that God desires you to have. Available now on DVD.