The Clinton Contamination - New York Times

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison

NOTE: Neither Dowd nor the NY Times are even close to being friends of the GOP

The Clinton Contamination

Maureen Dowd JULY 9, 2016


"..........In a mere 11 days, arrogant, selfish actions by the Clintons contaminated three of the purest brands in Washington — Barack Obama, James Comey and Loretta Lynch — and jeopardized the futures of Hillary’s most loyal aides.

It’s quaint, looking back at her appointment as secretary of state, how Obama tried to get Hillary without the shadiness. (Which is what we all want, of course.)

The president and his aides attempted to keep a rein on Clinton’s State Department — refusing to let her bring in her hit man, Sidney Blumenthal.

But in the end, Hillary’s goo got on Obama anyhow. On Tuesday, after Comey managed to make both Democrats and Republicans angry by indicting Clinton politically but not legally, Barry and Hillary flew to Charlotte, N.C., for their first joint campaign appearance.

Obama was left in the awkward position of vouching for Hillary’s “steady judgment” to run an angry, violent, jittery nation on the very day that his F.B.I. director lambasted her errant judgment on circumventing the State Department email system, making it clear that she had been lying to the American public for the last 16 months........."


Not to worry - on the day that the FBI Report was released, Trump being Trump was engaged in yet another self-inflicted controversy in the media, deflecting attention away from Clinton!

There is really no need for the Democrats to campaign for Clinton - "Circus Trump" will do it all for them!

"Demonizing" Hillary is the only card left for our conservative "friends" to play.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
^ It will be a joy when I see you eat those words.


Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison

NOTE: Neither Dowd nor the NY Times are even close to being friends of the GOP

The Clinton Contamination

Maureen Dowd JULY 9, 2016


"..........In a mere 11 days, arrogant, selfish actions by the Clintons contaminated three of the purest brands in Washington — Barack Obama, James Comey and Loretta Lynch — and jeopardized the futures of Hillary’s most loyal aides.

It’s quaint, looking back at her appointment as secretary of state, how Obama tried to get Hillary without the shadiness. (Which is what we all want, of course.)

The president and his aides attempted to keep a rein on Clinton’s State Department — refusing to let her bring in her hit man, Sidney Blumenthal.

But in the end, Hillary’s goo got on Obama anyhow. On Tuesday, after Comey managed to make both Democrats and Republicans angry by indicting Clinton politically but not legally, Barry and Hillary flew to Charlotte, N.C., for their first joint campaign appearance.

Obama was left in the awkward position of vouching for Hillary’s “steady judgment” to run an angry, violent, jittery nation on the very day that his F.B.I. director lambasted her errant judgment on circumventing the State Department email system, making it clear that she had been lying to the American public for the last 16 months........."

Dowd has been on Fox the last couple of days blasting Hillary. Pretty amazing.